2003 |
- US Hegemony, middle-east conflict
2005 |
- Assassination of Bush (blamed on terrorists)
- Cheney takes office
- Afghan, Iraq, Syria & Iran taken over by US
- Patriot act is permanencied due to assassination
2006 |
- India / China / Russo Pact (in response to US power increase)
- The Second Cold War begins
2008 |
- Cheney doesn't run, for health reasons
- Jeb Bush – FL – runs, but is a dramatic failure during the next four years
2012 |
- Democratic control begins
- Russ D. Feingold takes control of the office
- Feingold often opposes freedom-limiting legislation, but can't stand against the legislative branch
- But the people still love him as the "last bastion of hope for this country"
2016 |
- Increasing Cold War pressure allows passing more laws restricting personal freedoms & empowering governmental agencies & corporations
- Cold War situation allows retraction of two-term presidential limit
2020 |
- Feingold's third term
- Huge increase of large corporate power
- Government Efficiency & Reduction Act of 2020: Many government functions handed over to corporate contractors, and many monopolies arise (antitrust issues are largely ignored, in the name of efficiency):
- StratCo is contracted for the military
- Magitech contracted for infrastructure
- AOL Time Warner takes over FCC & media infrastructure duties
- NSF & NIH are eliminated in favor of private corporate grants from companies like Microsoft, IBM, etc. New technologies are patented/copyrighted by the companies that gave out the grants for it.
- The IRS is outsourced as well
2024 |
- Feingold's fourth term; his health is waning
- Disease sweeps Asia
- Natural disasters are becoming much more common, as well as "unnatural" ones
2026 |
- US officially imposes travel embargo to those countries
- Feingold's public support is almost gone because of disasters that he can't seem to prevent
2028 |
- Magitech begin work on Pax Artificium
- Feingold runs again but loses to William Norman (part of the "liberal Republican" party)
2030 |
- Magitech builds Pax Artificium
- StratCo soldiers deployed to protect the city, as it seems unnaturally prone to disasters & attacks
2032 |
- People are sick of the Cold War, and want change
- Reunification & disarmament talks, more progressive stance on foreign policy
- Give power back to the people, by encouraging more pure capitalism/competition instead of monopolies
- Limited term contracts that are open bidding process, with a voting repeal potential
2033 |
- Clinton, Gore, & Jeb Bush are all still alive, but retired
Asia becomes much more fascist, controlled, authoritarian (rather than communist). The countries become more of a confederation, with one single leader—a council head over the Council of Four (the other three being the leaders of Russia, India & China).
Japan is a US ally, but they are so geographically isolated that they have to make concessions to Asia, rendering them impotent. They have maintained their laws requiring no military buildup within their country.