PowerGame 2K1 - Alex vs. Curt

DM: Jon
Time: 22 Dec 2001, 9:00 pm
Location: Curtis's apartment
Map: Curtis

Round Curtis (29 initiative) Alex (20 initiative)
1 Casts Time Stop (2 rounds):
1: Enabled Monks Belt, Move 65' to near opponent's platform, Extended Blade Barrier 3.3' from bottom of platform (but failed Alex's SR).
2: Extended Blade Barrier 6.6' from bottom of platform (but failed Alex's SR), Move to top of opponent's block. Deeper Darkness on platform. Casts Ethereal Jaunt, moves to 40' platform.
Become Ethereal, go up 30'.
2 Casts Daylight. Casts Monster Summoning 9. Monster appears next to Alex. Move 25' up, cast Haste from scroll, becomes material.
3 Casts Invisibility, Moves 60' toward Alex. Move to above 4, cast Magic Vestment, Protection from Chaos.
4 Wasted Miracle spell on Fly. Go Material. Move 90' toward Alex. Casts True Seeing. Slapped up by Curtis for 18(reduced to 13). Feebly attempts to perform a full-round attack action. Moves 5' away.
5 Casts Divine Power. Casts Divine Favor. Moves 5' toward Alex. Casts True Strike. Performs full-round attack. Hits for 18. Attempts to move diagonally across arena, but Curtis strikes with attack of opportunity for head removal.

DM note: Maybe that Miracle wasn't such a waste after all...

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