DM: Jon
Time: 22 Dec 2001, 9:00 pm
Location: Curtis's apartment
Map: Curtis
Round | Curtis (29 initiative) | Alex (20 initiative) |
1 |
Casts Time Stop (2 rounds):
1: Enabled Monks Belt, Move 65' to near opponent's platform, Extended Blade Barrier 3.3' from bottom of platform (but failed Alex's SR). 2: Extended Blade Barrier 6.6' from bottom of platform (but failed Alex's SR), Move to top of opponent's block. Deeper Darkness on platform. Casts Ethereal Jaunt, moves to 40' platform. |
Become Ethereal, go up 30'. |
2 | Casts Daylight. Casts Monster Summoning 9. Monster appears next to Alex. | Move 25' up, cast Haste from scroll, becomes material. |
3 | Casts Invisibility, Moves 60' toward Alex. | Move to above 4, cast Magic Vestment, Protection from Chaos. |
4 | Wasted Miracle spell on Fly. Go Material. Move 90' toward Alex. | Casts True Seeing. Slapped up by Curtis for 18(reduced to 13). Feebly attempts to perform a full-round attack action. Moves 5' away. |
5 | Casts Divine Power. Casts Divine Favor. Moves 5' toward Alex. | Casts True Strike. Performs full-round attack. Hits for 18. Attempts to move diagonally across arena, but Curtis strikes with attack of opportunity for head removal. |
DM note: Maybe that Miracle wasn't such a waste after all...