PowerGame 2K1 - Bill vs. NOR

DM: Curtis
Time: 28 Dec 2001, 9:10 pm
Location: Curtis's apartment
Map: NOR #2

Round Bill (23 initiative) NOR (17 initiative)
1 Activate Boots of Speed (Haste, 10 rounds left)
Shapechange (200 minutes)
Assume form of Tarrasque
Declare Bill as his Dodge target
Haste (6 rounds)
Ready Potion of Endurance
Drink Potion of Endurance (4 hours)
2 Tarrasque Rush to NOR's location
Swallow NOR whole, 27 damage to NOR
Flurry of Blows: hit, hit, hit, hit, miss, hit
Not enough damage to matter
Ready Potion of Bull's Strength
3 Stomach deals NOR 36 damage
Cancel Boots of Haste
Drink Potion of Bull's Strength (+2 Str, 6 hours)
Dimension Door, 50 feet towards center
4 Return to normal form
Fly 20 feet up
Finger of Death (but failed SR)
Ready Potion of Fly
Drink Potion of Fly (5 rounds)
Fly closer to Bill, staying 10 feet away
5 Finger of Death, 27 damage to NOR
Move downward to floor
Assume form of Tarrasque
Fly 45 feet up
Drop block of copper on Bill's head
6 Bill offers a draw NOR accepts

Points awarded as follows:
Bill: 1/2 point
NOR: 1/2 point

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