hometown | Frozen Wastes |
race | halfling (stout) |
gender | male |
class | barbarian (totem warrior), rogue (undead exterminator) |
background | outlander |
alignment | lawful neutral |
ideal | discovery |
bond | family |
flaw | racist to undead |
A stout halfling outlander with “nowhere else to go” who seems uncomfortable in the city. Hates undead even more than most.
Tapestry of Fate
Healthy skepticism (Perception). You notice something subtly out of place, which everyone else is taking for granted.
Whip of Rescue +1 (Reach, Finesse)
- additional +5 foot reach
- special ability: rescue: grab a target from anywhere in reach and move them to anywhere else within reach.
- bonus action: rescue one willing target.
- action: rescue up to your Dex mod willing targets.
- grapple attempt: “rescue” an unwilling target.
Rogue Archetype: Undead Exterminator
Cal is an Undead Exterminator.
Build notes/progression
- Lvl 4 Gained Sentinel Feat:
- When you hit a creature with an opportunity atk then creature’s speed is 0 for rest of turn
- Creatures within 5ft provoke opportunity atk even with disengage before leaving my reach
- Creatures attacking others within 5ft of me invoke a melee weapon atk reaction
- Lvl 5 Uncanny Dodge, Sneak 3d6
- Lvl 6 Expertise
- Lvl 7 Evasion, Sneak 4d6
- Lvl 8 Ability +2 or Feat
- Lvl 9 Archetype, Sneak 5d6
- Lvl 10 Ability +2 or Feat
- Lvl 11 Reliable Talent, Sneak 6d6
- Lvl 12 Ability +2 or Feat
- Lvl 13 Archetype, Sneak 7d6
- Lvl 14 Blindsense
- Lvl 15 Slippery Mind, Sneak 8d6
- Lvl 16 Ability +2 or Feat
- Lvl 17 Archetype, Sneak 9d6