Dominic Tremere (human, male)
- Dead in his bed, rapidly decomposed and putrified
- Wealthy dealer in antiquities with many enemies
Crime scene
- Alarm spell dispelled without triggering
- Open window
- Two glyphs of warding on the window triggered (dispel magic and hold person)
- Small bloodstain on the floor by the window
Persons of interest
Dominic Tremere (human, male)
- Rich young man, clone of the victim (same great soul—great new body!)
- Runs an aggressive business selling antiquities
- Lives in an ostentatious manor in a rich, hilly part of town
R. Martine Andrews (robot?, “female”)
- Butler of Dominic Tremere
- Appears sentient, but without emotion
- Acquired by Tremere from an ancient Selvan temple 34 years ago.
Contessa Alyssa Morvain (dragonborn, female)
- Tremere claims she is the one who stole his necklace
- She seemed shocked that her action caused his death
Pulchritudinous Euryale (human?, female)
- Business associate who somehow knew Tremere had a particular magic book, which she attempted to acquire from him. He refused.
- She is also the one from whom he originally acquired his periapt of health necklace.