[03e02] The Almost-Kings
- Sil and Bronce decided to destroy Gurin’s corpse. Sil cut off his head, then burned the body in the fireplace.
- The party proceeded to Kham Kuldohr Academy, and tracked down Professor Gardenblossom. He is extremely old and crotchety. They told him about the clock, and he retrieved his old paper about it from his office.
- He drew a lot of animated illusions with the crayons on his crandolier. They learned the clock would explode catastrophically if the mystical core were damaged or unwoven.
- Gardenblossom reconnected the clock to the mystical core. The party learned the clock stopped at 12 o’clock exactly—either midnight or noon. Midnight, the apex of night, might be an anchor time for powerful magics—either triggered or otherwise at their most potent.
- The party had lunch while waiting for Mungus Wrathborn. During that time, Leopold told them the story of Mungus and Gurin and the almost-kings: Mungus won the duel over Brie’s heart, but was accused of cheating and was expelled from Clan Aldrimor.
- Mungus showed up and gave them the letter from Gurin begging Mungus to visit him. Mungus said that Gurin’s family would be shamed—and at least expelled from Aldrimor—if the truth came out.
- Mungus uttered some words about how maybe the Clans would be dissolved some day. Mungus’s daughter Larsa asked him to be quiet, but Vondal pressed for more details. He was persuasive, so Larsa admitted that some sympathizers are sheltering Zanic at the Brandywhistle tavern in the Flintlock district (same district where the Wrathborns live).