[06e04] Retracing Kavaki's Steps

  1. Callie healed Kavaki. Cal rescued Freki from the stream before he drowned. Vondal made sure Sabrina was OK, and gave her a cookie.
  2. The party talked to Kavaki. At first, she did not want to say anything, saying that her story was too strange and unbelievable. But the SPI convinced her to tell them anyway, with Vondal explaining that it was their job to believe what most people find unbelievable.
  1. Bec checked the area where Kavaki had come from, and found a series of concentric circles with energy directed inward. She theorized that Sabrina had somehow unwittingly transported Kavaki here using her power.
  2. Kavaki’s flux tattoos started acting up. Even though Callie healed her, she seemed like she was slipping away somehow. Vondal tried to channel wild magic at a tattoo—it resonated and he felt like he was in perfect harmony with the surge of wild energy as the orange tattoo jumped from her onto his body.
  3. Kavaki was angry, but also seemed slightly more grounded. She sat up a little. The other tattoos were all still wiggly, shimmering and unstable, though. Sabrina believed that Kavaki needed to get the tattoos off her body in order to survive. Normally though, a person can only sustain one tattoo at a time—keeping more at once requires immense strength of will. But Kavaki’s will had been weakened by her ordeal.
  4. Kavaki did not want to lose her tattoos, but Cal had a conversation with her in the tongue of giants, affirming that those responsible must be brought back into the Ordning—giant culture’s concept of a unified justice and order to the giantkind and the universe as a whole. Cal swore an oath to help Kavaki do this, and Kavaki agreed to lend the SPI her tattoos, as Cal directed.
  5. After some discussion, the SPI agents agreed to each shoulder the burden of a tattoo. Sabrina declined to have one, and no one asked Mengiris or other Malosi.
  6. The seven tattoos are: green (biofeedback, DR 4/- for 7 min.); blue (defy gravity, 1 hour, self only); yellow (time hop, 5 rounds forward, Will DC 15 negates); orange (hustle); red (hammer, 4 touches at 3d8 each); violet (vigor, 20 temporary HP); and black (truevenom, Fort DC 15). Tattoos recharge after one hour.
  7. The tattoos also imbue some personalized metaphysical power upon each character. Players (out of game decision) can activate these powers once per session, as needed. The powers are merely guidelines—anything that fits the character is appropriate here.
  1. Sabrina channeled immense psychic energy to transplant the tattoos as directed by Cal. Everyone’s heads went fully fuzzy; when the psychic fuzz cleared, a dragonborn named Ghensh Faass was present, bearing one of the tattoos. This was completely expected and normal to everyone present—he had always been there. (It seems the flux tattoos are somehow linked to unstable reality, much like the Flux as a whole.) And there was never any black tattoo—there are only six.
  2. In response to this metaphysical outburst, the Malosi tribe chieftain Talos appeared. He challenged the SPI’s presence in “his domain.” Talos appeared as a well-muscled centaur with much bling (magical and otherwise), a spiked chain easily accessible on his flank, and a missing joint on one finger. He was arrogant and superior, but perceptive, disdainfully referring to Freki as a “lycan.” Cal’s sword drew his interest, and he requested(!) to handle it more closely. Cal sensed his avarice and refused; Talos backed down and allowed the SPI to leave without a fight in pursuit of the flux weapon.
  3. Kavaki agreed to lead them through the jungle in the direction she went before. They headed south for some days, but noticed nothing immediately relevant to their investigation during the journey. On the third evening, Kavaki told them they had gone farther south than she was at the time she was bludgeoned and left for dead.
  4. The party made camp to discuss what to do next.
  1. The next morning, a raven hopped on Freki’s face, and pecked him awake. “Hello! I am Munin,” it told Freki’s mind.