[07e02] The Auction Begins

- Went to spooky manor.
- Went through foyer to parlor. Met Priscilla Stormcloud.
- Argued about geas wording:
- I will do no harm for 24 hours, unless my existence is in danger.
- I will negotiate in good faith and will not steal or damage property.
- Invictus: I pledge to guarantee your safe passage to a location of your choice within my power before the geas expires.
- Everyone (including Timor and Priscilla) swears the geas.
- Stormcloud explained that she had a potion that could turn you into a god. But she cannot drink it for reasons.
- Michael:
- Does she know which item is the one she needs to study?
- If so, what are the rest of us doing here? If not, what’s her plan?
- Dominic Tremere was the first to enter private negotiations.
- Vondal asked Timor if he could use the library. Timor escorts him there, to the west wing, past a hallway of urns labeled with people’s names and slights they committed (presumably against him).
- Meanwhile, Freki asks Tybalt how he appeared out of thin air, at the transport circle. Tybalt answered that he teleported in while invisible. He explained that he bonded his soul to another in exchange for certain powers. Then they both checked the perimeter like dual Jack Bauers.
- Cal checked out the zombie kitchen. He found a larder, a wine rack, a freezer, and a bunch of ovens and grills. He met a ghast chef.
- Tremere emerged seeming very displeased with the session. Alex Orbach was next to go in.
- Callie challenged the pirate to a rum-drinking contest. She used sleight of hand to pretend to drink more than she really could. But at the end, the pirate cast a magic spell to sober up, and she was still tipsy. Then the pirate started blathering about his magic ship and had a great number of stories about how he got it.
- Orbach returned. Bram the Blithe was next to go in.
- Dominic Tremere said to Invictus that they need to talk. It was heavy with subtext. They went off to talk.