Callie’s Journal
Bec casts Hypnotic Pattern in the general direction of the badness. Most of the creatures looked like they’re just immune to it, but one of them seemed to have to resist it.
One of them summons a lightning bolt down on our heads. Oz jumps out of the way, the bastard, and I take the hit.
Two shadows with whipping tentacles and snapping mouths lash out at Audreth, who is focusing on keeping his aura up and preventing the Flux from destroying us all.
I cast Bless on everyone except Cassandra.
Sorry, catch you later, gurl!Then I use Mass Healing Word on myself, Audreth, and Vondal. We regain 4 HP each.
Spent: 1 3rd level spell, 1 5th level spell
My weaksauce healing is good enough to allow Audreth to stand up. He’s wobbly, but he brandishes his symbol of Pelor and commands the shadow creatures to begone.
Vondal does something unusual (so, usual for him) and a duplicate of me appears. Huh! Also there’s a huge wall of light that blocks the view of these huge shadow creatures. They’re so big, we can still see various limbs and such around the wall, though.
Cassandra holds out her arms and divine light envelops us. Then she heals Audreth too.
I now have advantage on all saves, these gross shadows have disadvantage, and if I get hit, it might blind the attacker.
Oz attacks and then sidles up to us mages like we make good shields or something.
Lorelei moves right up in Megaera’s grill and orders her to die. Then she starts swinging her scythe like a freaking lunatic hero! She does some damage to it, but it’s pretty tough. Her scythe lights up with some other kind of power, but she doesn’t manage to hit the Fury.
Freki fires the hell out of some arrows and a Hail of Thorns rains down. Then he whips off his cloak and manages to toss it over Audreth, who seems to…fade. Nice shots!
The Demogorgon casts Dispel Magic to eliminate the wall of light, but fails. Another one of the creatures tries to dispel it, but no dice. Finally, another one takes a mighty leap OVER the wall and WAY too close to my personal bubble.
One of the tentacles whips out and hits Cassandra. Oz reacts by stabbing the tentacle, since it’s right there and all.
The Demogorgon whirls its eyeballs at Oz and Oz looks confused. Maybe the Demogorgon is his monkey, and his monkey is an imposter. Snap out of it, Oz!!!
Bec dings the bad guys’ ability to cast spells of all kinds, then she Hastes herself.
The shadows are stuck in the wall of light, having failed to dispel it, and take some damage.
One of the shadows attacks three of us at once. Man, I hate these things! It hits me, but I keep concentrating on Bless. Then the radiant wall fries it like an egg. Shazizzle! Ya dead! Bye bye!
Audreth gets attacked and banged up, but he’s still standing for now. Bec gets attacked and takes poison damage.
Freki is attacked but dodges with agility I can only dream of.
I continue concentrating on Bless, and also heal several people for 6 HP. Which isn’t much, but it’s enough to keep us going for another round, probably.
Vondal uses some of the power of the wall of light to attack, damaging the creatures but also shrinking the space of the wall.
Cassandra casts Greater Restoration on Oz, clearing his confusion but also sapping what’s left of her strength. She falls down.
Megaera rises up into the air, putting her out of reach of some attacks and also the wall of light. As she rises up, Lorelei swings the scythe and unleashes its full necrotic damage on her. Go, gurl!
I get hit by Megaera’s psychic blast and take 20 damage plus I lose 4 INT points. Now my ability/save for INT is +2.
To be continued!