races | orcs, lizardfolk, kobolds, gnolls, yikarians |
deities | kord, gruumsh |
neighbors | {"W"=>"elyria", "N"=>"veldt", "NW"=>"flux", "SE"=>"jungle"} |
Orcish tribes that vie for control of rainforest territory. Deep in the jungle to the southeast, it is said that monstrous aberrations and even abominations rampage freely.
- Population: Many of the races traditionally referred to as “monstrous” by the more civilized folk dwell in the Selva. The most prominent races are orcs and lizardfolk, though goblinoids and kobolds claim substantial territory as well.
- Government: Tribal gerontocracy, though the specifics vary by tribe.
- Cities and culture: The Selva are heterogenous, with tribes permanently at odds. There are many tribal encampments, but rarely any “cities” as such, as tribes tend to move around to hunt, gather and seize tactical advantage against their enemies. War is the status quo, with battles fought for spoils as well as to gauge respective tribal strength. After the fighting is the only time tribes bond—there is fleeting celebration and feasting together to honor the dead and show respect for the prowess of all who fought. During this time, tribes may trade with one another, although there is little negotiation: the victors set the terms.
- Deities worshipped: Many. Most popular are Kord and Gruumsh.
Xaos is a gate-town deep in the Selva, at the edge of the Jungle of Horrors. It is a place where everyone agrees to disagree on nearly everything, and the clans can come together in peace. As such, Xaos is home to an extensive ever-changing bazaar.
The Manyfaced Temple
The Xaos portal is located at the Manyfaced Temple, an open structure with many statues and shrines, where many gods are honored. Deities present there include:
- Kord (CN; Tempest): god of strength and storms
- Gruumsh (CE; Tempest, War): god of war and conquest, worshipped by many orcs
- Melora (N; Nature, Tempest): goddess of wilderness and the sea
- Kavaki, the Ram-Lord, greater god of all goliaths as well as competition
- Yeenoghu, the Demon Lord of Gnolls, and the bestial embodiment of savage butchery. His personal weapon is his dreaded triple flail, created from the bones and skin of the slain god Gorellik (who some scholars claims was the original creator god of gnolls). His worshippers sometimes paint his eye on their weapons and armor so that their patron can see the atrocities they commit in his name.
- Essyllis (Demigod): God of Evil Lizardfolk
- Semuanya (Lesser God): God of Lizardfolk, Portfolio is Survival and Propagation
- Many goblin gods:
- Maglubiyet (Greater God): Creator god of all goblins
- Khurgorbaeyag (Lesser God): Goblin god of slavery and goblins (the small ones)
- Hruggek (Intermediate God): God of bugbears
- Grankhul (Lesser God): God of hunting
- Skiggaret (Demigod): God of fear
- Bargrivyek (Lesser God): Goblin god of cooperation amongst goblinoids
- Nomog-Geaya (Lesser God): Protector god of hobgoblins
- Meriadar (Intermediate God): Goblin god of craftsmanship
- Kikanuti (Lesser Goddess): Goddess of the Bhukas (good-aligned goblins)
- Stalker (Demigod): Goblin god of death