
Canadian Secret Service Soulmech

Dr Ian Thorpe is an elderly gentleman of 154 years, lightly dark skinned, black hair, medium build, and 5’11" tall. He’s part Hispanic, black, Asian, and Caucasian, making it difficult for someone to place him in any single ethnicity.

The real Dr Ian Thorpe died 2 years ago in a Canadian government hospital. His death was kept secret and the Canadian government replaced him with a Soulmech infusing two souls into it (both Ian Thorpe’s soul and a dedicated secret service agent). Dr Ian Thorpe was one of the leading scientists continuing the development of experimental technologies to combat mystics.

He has had two wives. The first is still alive, but they bitterly divorced 112 years ago, while his second wife died 5 years past. He has no relatives and few close friends making him a great candidate for this mission.

Since Ian’s "near death" experience he has "retired", traveling all over the universe. He used to be very reclusive talking to nobody. Now he’s come out of his shell, eased up on being so darn focused on work, and is pleasant enough to talk with, but doesn’t exactly enthrall folks.

A number of powerful mystics have heard of his work and are typically curious enough to seek him out. For select clients he provides mystic enhancing drugs that boost their ability dramatically for weeks at a time. This is a very secretive and well paying endeavor that brings him all over.

These drugs are a combination of nanites and a hybrid form of agent X, fueled by the mystical energy found in those with the gift. When he administers the drug, unbeknown to his clients Ian is provided with knowledge of what they’ve done and felt since the last time he administered the drug. The drug is made internally in Ian’s body using uncommon materials, nanites, and using mystic energy from Ian Thorpe’s soul.

The nanites provide a method to kill or disable that person using a direct signal of complex instructions. Also if a signal that he sends out is not received within predetermined period of time set by him the being suffers what mimics a natural death to help ensure that the project is not compromised.

Needs to sleep/recharge 2 hours a day (2 mp) No need to eat/refuel (3 mp/5) No need to breathe (5 mp/10) False read outs to machines: xray, metal detectors, etc (2 mp/12) False thought read outs to mystics: divination, mind reading, etc (2 mp/14) Immune to charm/computer hacking (5 mp/19) Ability to generate this drug with uncommon materials (2 mp/21) Powerful ally: Very important infected mystic (3 mp/24) Quite useful contact: Another infected mystic (2 mp/26) Strength +2 (2 mp/28) Intelligence +8 (4 mp/36) Charisma +4 (4 mp/40) No sense of taste (-1 mp/39) Enemy of occasionally relevant annoyance (-1 mp/38) Serious Enemy: Baxter type enemy (-2 mp/36) Innattentive (-1 mp/35) Mystic ability (4 mp/39) Wealth -6 (-6 mp/33)

Occupation: Technician (Computer Use, Craft Chemical, Knowledge Physical Sciences) Charismatic Hero, Talent (Fast Talk)

Spheres: Mind Control 1, Telekinesis 2, Reserve 4

Wealth 5

Excellent clothing, indenticard, modestly pricey car, house in nicer suburbs reasonably near a major international transportation place (airport?), membership to various swanky clubs (from airports to exclusive country clubs), are all part of the package. He doesn’t know who built him, but reports to Canadian Secret Service through his handler online only known as Divinity.

Currently he has two primary customers. The first is a powerful ally that has recently joined Gaia’s Ancient Order as its newest member. He was only able to obtain his position using the drug that Ian provides. This contact gives the Canadian government deep insight into what the order is planning. The other customer is a Gnome that has contact with the Royal. The hope is to infiltrate and gain access to their scientific discoveries.

An old rival scientist of Ian’s, Bradley Goldman still holds bitter feelings towards him for always beating him to market with mystic technologies. Now that Ian’s retired Bradley figured he could finally make progress. Just then he was fired and the only job he could find was working as an assistant to Ian’s replacement. Ian shows up at the company every now and then, apparently not completely retired and has to do grunt work for him.

Lie to a friend to protect his feelings? Doesn’t really have friends, but would do so if he believes it is the best way to maintain his needed contacts.

Help a frail old woman cross the street? Sure as long as he has the time.

Tell anyone if he saw something widely believed to be impossible? Mostly just in his reports.

Give money to a beggar on the street? No.

Seek vengeance if wronged? No. Doesn’t quite get vengeance.

Steal if he thought he could get away with it? Yes, if required he would even do it if it meant the other party knowing he stole it and there was nothing they could do about it.

Aliens? Not until he sees them.

Karma? What’s that?

Free will (i.e., many possible futures)? Who cares.

Time travel? Time is linear.

Equality for all sentient beings? Who cares.

God or other supreme force? No

Now that machines are smarter than humans, biological life is obsolete. Yeah that seems about right.

The Caretaker has no business meddling in our affairs. Not relevant.

Those who can wield magic are obligated to use their power for the good of all Terrans. No.

No matter how realistic the programming, machine intelligence is an illusion; thus, machines should not be afforded the same rights as true sentient life. False.

Humanity has been rash in seeding other worlds with mystic energy before fully grasping the ramifications. Who cares.

Technology is more dangerous than mystic energy, and is more likely to destroy us some day. Who cares.

——————-Character below likely scrapped—————– Chester Ignacius

Chester awakens only knowing his abilities. He has no memories of his past. he believes his name is Chester Ignacius based on his identification cards that he has on himself. GM decides if he has enemies, allies, etc. The net merit points is desired to be -1 mp (so he’s got a net disadvantage)

Race: Royal

Merit Points Spell-like attack: Domniate Monster 1/day - caster level 17 (18 mp) Feat to increase the spell-like attack DC by two (1 mp) Intelligence +8 (8 mp) Dexterity +4 (4 mp) Psionic ability (4 mp) – Mystic Wizard equiv Overdraw (1 mp) Overdraw Focus (1 mp) Wisdom -2 (-2 mp) Unskilled (-4 mp) Unknown circumstances (-1 mp)

Mutations: Ability Decay: -4 Charisma Scent X-Ray Vision

Trait: Nearsighted Gain a +1 bonus on Search checks. Take a -1 penalty on Senses checks.

Fast Hero: Str 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Dex 14, Con 10, Chr 6 Skill points: 24 skill points (including the 16 lost for flaws) Evasion Talent Vitality: 8 Drive, Pilot, Stealth, Craft Mechanical, Mysticraft, Knowledge Psionics

Reserve: 5 Mind Control: 2

Stuff: Clothes (of note a Purple Velvet sports coat), a gold chain, indentification stuff, a blue glowing crystal (has no idea what this is), signet ring (symbol he’s not familiar with), a bent pistol, a key (to what? who knows), a suitcase with a whole bunch of unreadable papers handwritten in a language he doesn’t know and a computer that challenges for a password he doesn’t know, invisibility belt thingy (which he doesn’t know what it is), and a bottle of wine.