Athena's Character's Details

This page will provide private details of Athena’s character, for Athena and the GMs only.

The concept

The New Concept:

I think I would like to play an allied concept but somewhat different.

Bridget "Ridge" Kilgerren was a young scion of the Welsh moneyed nobility until a rock climbing accident left her a quadriplegic. Her life was restricted to reading and staring at the stars. She even had a planetarium ceiling in her bedroom. She lingered in that room studying physics and astronomy, longing for the stars. When she was in her mid-twenties her parents heard of this relatively new technology generated by Dr. Dana Arthur. Ridge became one of the early soulmechs, and immediately dedicated her life to the pursuit of the space program.

She managed to convince the space program that since she didn’t need to breathe or eat that she was perfect for survey missions, piloting missions, anything. And then she just pursued a very quiet career in space…for a long time. If one employer no longer needed her she found another, nationality was not a concern as long as they had an ethical mission statement.

Ridge is very modest and quiet; she has never sought fame or glory, though the farther the mission went the more she pursued it. She has tried to avoid being noticed by the media, and if anyone ever asked her for an interview she would point them towards someone else who had just done something fantastic but unnoticed. She spends her spare time speculating on the nature of things and analyzing the data gathered from far away places. If given the opportunity she would have eagerly piloted colony missions to new worlds or survey missions beforehand.

The Ridge of today is an ageless woman who has lost most sense of urgency. She constantly has a beatific smile on her face, which matches the calm and patient interior. She figures that all things that will be, will be, so there’s no use getting your circuits in a tizzy. She works to promote the exploration of space, new planets, new anything. She loves astronomy, physics, math and computers. Curiosity is the one thing left of her youth. She generally feels that governments exist to see that the greater good gets served, so she serves the government. After a hundred years she felt that she had lived her allotted span and any remaining years were community property to a certain degree, so she performs tasks that serve.

Character Questionaire

·tcharacter name - Bridget Ridge' Kilgerren ·tfamily history and relations -- Brothers descendents, still in contact. Recently, Ridge has sent all her savings and all her salary to buoy her family's failing finances. ·tphysical description -- Prototype space-worthy body, designed to be light weight and operable in space. Current models do not have strength and durability limitations, revised flaw that causes darkvision to short out after ten years. Mechanical body, humanesque face, good voice synthesizer. ·tidentifying characteristics -- Ridge is a Soulmech, with a unique body type, looks frail for operation in a gravity field. ·tpersonality -- quiet, patient, curious ·treligious views -- God and I will sort it out when I die, until then why worry? ·tdaily habits -- reviewing astronomical data, observing astronomical phenomenon, performing assigned duties. ·tquirks -- Ridge tends to talk out loud to herself, because she wants to stay in practice. Being alone so much, she has mostly discarded the notion of an internal monologue. ·tlikes & dislikes -- Ridge likes the universe and the stuff in it; she doesn't like being wrong. That about covers it. ·toccupation -- Astronaut/Pilot/Explorer ·tschooling -- equivalency to masters degree in Astrophysics, astronaut training ·tjob satisfaction -- Uber-satisfied. They pay to be in space! ·thobbies -- Demolitions modeling. When bored or trying to distract herself. Ridge will design buildings and parameters for explosives and try to extrapolate in her head where the pieces will land and how they will bounce, then check her guess against the computer. ·tfriends -- Most people age and die while she is in space, so the only person she really keeps in contact with is her current boss at what ever space agency is currently employing her and since she is still very grateful to Dr. Arthur, Ridge will drop postcard like communiqués to the good doctor if the doctor is receptive to such things. Otherwise she wouldn't bother Dr. Arthur. ·tenemies -- None that she knows about, but while she was on her last trip out a group against soulmechs has found out that she has extended her life almost as long as their nemesis Dr. Dana Arthur, and Ridge is much more assailable. They have arranged for financial difficulty for her mortal family. If the can get access to her, they intend to make an example of her. ·tgreatest achievement - Ridge has been the first one from Earth to a number of far flung places, and she takes a bit of joy in being first. ·tgreatest failure or disappointment -- She planned to marry and have children. That was prevented by her accident, and while she's glad about her career in space and her love of the stars, sometimes she gets lost in the only what-if’ that she can’t do anything about.

Character personality questionnaire

Answering the following specific questions will help you to flesh out your character. Please answer each one with a number between 1 and 5, inclusive. Feel free to provide additional comments if you think your answer to a particular question is misleading or needs further clarification. And remember: there is no requirement for your character to be "good" or "evil" – such choices are entirely up to you.

Would your character (1=Never, 5=Always): 1.tLie to a friend to protect his feelings? 2 2.tHelp a frail old woman cross the street? 5 3.tTell anyone if he saw something widely believed to be impossible? 5 4.tGive money to a beggar on the street? 2 5.tSeek vengeance if wronged? 1 6.tSteal if he thought he could get away with it? 1

Does your character believe in (1=Not at all, 5=Strongly): 1.tAliens? 5 2.tKarma? 3 3.tFree will (i.e., many possible futures)? 5 4.tTime travel? 3 5.tEquality for all sentient beings? 5 6.tGod or other supreme force? 2

What does your character think about the following statements (1=Strongly disagree, 3=Neutral, 5=Strongly agree): 1.tNow that machines are smarter than humans, biological life is obsolete. 1 2.tThe Caretaker has no business meddling in our affairs. 1 3.tThose who can wield magic are obligated to use their power for the good of all Terrans. 3 4.tNo matter how realistic the programming, machine intelligence is an illusion; thus, machines should not be afforded the same rights as true sentient life. 1 5.tHumanity has been rash in seeding other worlds with mystic energy before fully grasping the ramifications. 1 6.tTechnology is more dangerous than mystic energy, and is more likely to destroy us some day. 3

The Previous Concept:

I don’t know how developed space-flight is in your game, but if it fits in with the world view I wanted to play a girl that works in transporting dangerous magical components from world to world, occasionally legal, occasionally not so legal. I understand that there is some form of magic warding that she could be versed in to keep the cargoes secure. Eventually she wants to be a space pilot and run her own business trading in magical goods. If there are colony worlds, she might not be from Earth. Generally a skill-based character with experience in containing magic. If it’s a ground based campaign, she may have left her previous employer and be saving funds for her own ship. I’m not developing it too much, until there’s more information, but I thought I remembered a general shout out for concepts.

Ideas from Curtis

This is possible. Gravitic drives enable near-light speeds (by decreasing the effective mass of the ship to near zero), meaning that relativistically the people on the ships experience a few days or weeks, but several years or decades pass outside the ship. But such ships only need to be sent to establish new colonies. Once a world is infused with magic, mystics familiar (physically) with the terrain can teleport between worlds instantaneously, carrying a limited amount of material with them.

So, your smuggler could be a mystic portation expert who has visited a large number of the colonies and is thus familiar with them, and is capable of teleporting the goods between worlds. Or you could use a ship and smuggle between colonies within our solar system (or even from point to point on the same colony), or even travel farther if your character doesn’t care about the time dilation effect.

Magical goods are quite rare, since creating them requires the mystic infusing a portion of his essence (pay XP, whatever), which most do not do lightly (without a lot of compensation). So magical goods are extremely valuable. You could be a collector as well, if that’s your thing. You could start with some nifty stuff.

Another idea is that you are not a mystic, but have some kind of mystic portation item created by a mystic, and you use it to teleport yourself and your goods around. There are many possibilities.

Sable’s Miller 2 abilities (16 mp)

Sable has 20000 power and 200 cpu/round.

1 AU (Astronomical Unit) = 1.49598e11 m 1 LY (light year) = 9.4605284e15 m 1 LY ~= 63,240 AU

|Jump distance|Time required| |<1 LY|1 hr + 1/2 s/AU| |1-10 LY|10 hrs + 1 hr/LY| |10-100 LY|20 hrs + 1/10 hr/LY beyond 10| |100-1000 LY|30 hrs + 1/100 hr/LY beyond 100| |1,000-10,000 LY|40 hrs + 1/1,000 hr/LY beyond 1,000| |10,000-100,000 LY|50 hrs + 1/10,000 hr/LY beyond 10,000| |etc.|etc.| E.g., 0.2 LY = 12,648 AU ~= 9,924 s ~= 165 min ~= 2.8 hrs E.g., 7 LY = 10 + 7 = 17 hrs E.g., 400 LY = 20 + 1/100300 ~= 23 hrs E.g., 70,000 LY = 50 + 1/10,00060,000 = 56 hrs