The concept
The good-hearted but naive son of Boris and Anika (PaleDeathKnight761). As the son of a void elemental, he is half void elemental. As the son of two people with mystic potential, he inherited mystic abilities [[Curtis: if you want him to have inherited them]. He is one of a select few who could have learned psionics (if Boris deigned to teach him). He might take after his parents’ interest in computers. He potentially could have inherited Anika’s strange ability to connect with the minds of others, especially if he is mystic and/or psionic [[Curtis: starting to sound a lot like my character in your game (:wink:)]. Lastly, he could have learned necrophagic techniques from Boris as well (again, if Boris chose to pass them down). It would be good to hear more about the character’s specific interests, since he has many to choose from.
The History
Born and raised on several distant colonies, each farther than the last as civilization extended its grasp (his most recent home was a space settlement near Canis in the Sirius system), Nikolas has spent almost all of his life in the care of his parents. Raised to be a decent person, caring, and compassionate, his beliefs about the nature of existence and the emptiness of the void only fuel his desire to ensure that as little pain as possible be felt on the road to oblivion that most living beings must eventually walk. Taught the skills of his parents, but alongside the proper way to use them, he is psychically and mystically capable, and possesses the alchemical secrets his father gleaned. Very little of significance other than learning has occured in Nikolas’s life. Sometimes his father would take him out into the world, sometimes to Magitek, sometimes to other colonies around the home of the time, but usually just to test his son’s abilities. Now Nikolas is old enough and, his parents hope, strong enough to see what the universe has to offer, and they have told him that he should see it all for himself, either to strengthen his convictions or to change them as they need. And so, ever obedient and trusting of his beloved family, Nikolas has gone out into the world.
The Answers
Character name : "Nikolas!"
Family History and Relations : "I love my family. They’re good people."
Physical Description : 5’6" tall, black hair and eyes, pale skin with scattered and moving points of black, as well as white light.
Personality : Generally a nice guy. Religious Views : "What’s a religion?" Daily Habits : "What? Oh, like studying. Yeah, I do lots of that." Schooling : Home-schooled. Hobbies : Alchemy Friends : "Friends would be nice. I get lonely sometimes."
Would your character (1=Never, 5=Always):
1 : Lie to a friend to protect his feelings? 1. "Sometimes the truth hurts, but it’s better in the end." 2 : Help a frail old woman cross the street? 5. "Helping people is good." 3 : Tell anyone if he saw something widely believed to be impossible? 4. "Well, probably, but most things are possible." 4 : Give money to a beggar on the street? 3. "That depends. But I’d help someone if they really needed it." 5 : Seek vengeance if wronged? 1. "What’s Vengeance?" 6 : Steal if he thought he could get away with it? 1. "Why steal when you can just make more?"
Does your character believe in (1=Not at all, 5=Strongly):
Aliens? 5. "Of course there are aliens out there."
Karma? 1. "You should do what’s right because it’s right, not because you’re afraid something bad will happen to you if you don’t."
Free will (i.e., many possible futures)? 5. "The future is just one series of choices. There’s only one, and it’s built by everybody, once choice at a time!"
Time travel? 5. "Of course! If we can travel through space, why not find a way to travel through time?"
Equality for all sentient beings? 1. "I’m not really sure what that means."
God or other supreme force? 5. "Dad says there’s a god out there. He’s met him!"
What does your character think about the following statements (1=Strongly disagree, 3=Neutral, 5=Strongly agree):
Now that machines are smarter than humans, biological life is obsolete. 3. "I don’t really know!"
The Caretaker has no business meddling in our affairs. 3. "People should do what they want, but they call it a Caretaker for a reason, right?"
Those who can wield magic are obligated to use their power for the good of all Terrans. 5. "And everybody else, too!"
No matter how realistic the programming, machine intelligence is an illusion; thus, machines should not be afforded the same rights as true sentient life. 1. "If it’s real enough to think it’s real, how does that make it different from the rest of us?"
Humanity has been rash in seeding other worlds with mystic energy before fully grasping the ramifications.
Technology is more dangerous than mystic energy, and is more likely to destroy us some day. 3. "I, uh, really don’t know."
Merits & flaws
2mp - Mystic 1 4mp - Psion 1 3mp - Fly 30’ (poor) 4mp - No need to sleep / immune to sleep 3mp - No need to eat 5mp - Spaceworthy 10mp - Teleport 1/day 6mp - Int+6 8mp - Cha+8
1mp - Alchemical Discovery - the ability to mess with components and create a random alchemical substance or item
- +1 bonus to the check for each Wealth difficulty above 5 with the caveat that the object must be appropriate for alchemy
1mp - Alchemical Duplication - the ability to recreate what you have already made once
- The DC is 10 higher than creating it randomly would be, and you must use the exact same components that you used before
TOTAL 46mp
-2mp - Wis-2 -1mp - No sense of taste -9mp - Poor 9 -1mp - Noncombatant -1mp - Vulnerable -2mp - Elemental soul vulnerability
TOTAL -16mp
Other notes
- Destr 1
- Dis 1
- Res 1
- 6 points to spend
Adventurer starting occupation
- Archaic weapons proficiency
Starting alchemical components - various metals, liquids and other materials in your alchemical kit, in the following distribution:
- 50 components of Wealth 2
- 25 components of Wealth 3
- 10 components of Wealth 5
- 12 components of Wealth 7
- 9 components of Wealth 8
- 4 components of Wealth 13
- 2 components of Wealth 16
- 1 component of Wealth 20 - Leviathan scale? These are raw materials which while conceivably could be sold for profit, would not necessarily be easy to find an interested buyer.
Also, starting with a +5 magical saber.
Legendary Item: Dragon Ring
Ti Lung, Fine Dragon (4" long) - 11 mp
Str 6 -2 Dex 20 +5 [[12+HD]] Con 10 Int 12 +1 [[8+HD/2] Wis 6 -2 Cha 10
HD 8 (Vitality 25, Wounds 8) [[HD = mp - 3; Vitality = 3*HD+1; Wounds = HD] BAB +2 [[1/4 HD] Attack +0 (-2 Str) Defense 35 / Touch 31 (+8 class [[HD], +5 Dex, +8 size, +4 nat armor [[HD/2]) Fly speed 60 (20 + 5 ft/HD)
Skills: Senses +6 (+8 class, -2 Wis) [[HD] Stealth +21 (+8 class, +8 size, +5 Dex) [[HD]
- Breath attack once every 1d4 rounds, 5 foot cone, deals 2d4 points of fire damage and inflicts one (non-stacking) negative level (Reflex save DC 18 for vitality instead of wounds, and no negative level) [[1d4 fire and one negative level per HD/4; DC = 10+HD]
- If slain, it reverts to ring form and cannot be summoned for 1 day
- Can choose to release master’s "Improved Mystic Charge" on itself
- Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells (see Familiars)
- Immune to fire and negative energy
- Speaks Draconic
- 7 mp: Telepathic link
- 8 mp: Spell Resistance (master level + 5)
- 9 mp: Scry on Familiar (1 minute casting time) 1/day [[1 mp: +2/day]
- 10 mp: Shadow Blend (see Draconomicon "Shadow Dragon")
- 11 mp: Create Shadows (1/day; see Draconomicon "Shadow Dragon")
- 12 mp: Dragon Apotheosis (1/day merge with Ti Lung to become Adult Shadow Dragon for up to 1 round/level, as ‘‘shapechange’’, negative levels from the breath weapon dissipate as ‘‘enervation’’)
- +1 mp - ‘‘Mirror image’’ (caster level 7)
- +1 mp - ‘‘Nondetection’’ (caster level 7)
- +1 mp - ‘‘Dimension door’’ (caster level 7)
Base class: Disciple of the Void
A student of the Void is, technically, a student of nothing. But unlike those students who study nothing, the Disciple of the Void studies the essence of nothingness, rather than simply choosing not to study.
Most of those who become Disciples of the Void are people who seek understanding without focusing on one of the more classical elements (air, earth, fire, and water).
Disciples of the Void attempt to attune themselves to this nothingness, and by doing so come to understand it. This, they believe, will bring them a heightened awareness or, in the case of those who follow the path of the Void seeking power, the power to unleash the Void upon their enemies.
Hit Die: d8 Skill Points: 5 + Int Mod
Class Skills: Balance(Dex), Craft(Int), Hide(Dex), Intimidate(Cha), Knowledge(Int, all skills taken individually), Listen(Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Navigate(Int), Profession(Wis), Read/Write Language(None), Research(Int), Search(Int), Speak Language(None), Spot(Wis), Survival(Wis), Tumble(Dex).
Level | Base Att. Bonus | Fort Save | Reflex Save | Will Save | Reputation | Defense Bonus | Special |
1 | +0 | +0 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Sense the Void |
2 | +1 | +0 | +1 | +3 | +0 | +0 | Touch of Void |
3 | +1 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +0 | +1 | Void of Mind |
4 | +2 | +1 | +2 | +4 | +0 | +1 | Channel Void |
5 | +2 | +1 | +3 | +4 | +0 | +2 | One with the Void |
As a Disciple of the Void progresses down the paths of understanding, he gains the following abilities:
Sense The Void (Ex): The Void becomes the place of safety for the student of the Void. At 1st level, the Disciple of the Void learns to sense the point of greatest safety in any situation. Anytime the Disciple is subject to a Reflex save to avoid damage from an effect in an area where the Disciple could reach a place of safety, a successful saving throw causes no damage, and a failed save only causes half damage. The Disciple of the Void knows where to be, and moves to that spot almost instantly.
Preternatural Awareness (Ex): A 2nd level Disciple of the Void’s awareness of danger has reached the point where he will always retain his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class in any situation. Additionally, he gains the ability to draw off some of the essence of the Void to defend himself. Once per round when the Disciple is about to be struck by a projectile (brick, arrow, bullet, etc.) he can make a Will save (DC:20) to avoid the damage. If successful, the projectile ceases to be for an instant and reappears immediately behind the Disciple, possibly striking persons or objects behind him.
Void of Mind (Ex): At this level, the Disciple’s understanding has reached the point where his very essence begins to take on qualities of the Void. He is no longer subject to any attempt to scry him, and any attempts to divine information about him likewise fail. His mind is suffused with the Void, and when his mind is focused (not actively involved in combat, or when a Standard Action is devoted to concentration during a given round) he is unaffected by any mind-influencing effect.
Channel Void (Su): At this level of mastery, the Disciple of the Void has reached the point where he can call forth the power of the Void, if only to a limited degree. As a standard action, the Disciple can cause objects to cease to exist for a brief time. Any object no larger than 10’ in any dimension can be affected. Up to a 10’ by 10’ section of larger objects can be removed. The object ceases to exist in all ways for up to 1 round per level, set by the Disciple. The Disciple can do this once per day for free. Doing so multiple times can have unforeseen consequences… Affecting an object that is in contact or under the control of a sentient being allows the person or persons to attempt a Will save DC: 20. If they succeed, the item does not disappear.
One with the Void: At this level, the Disciple of the Void becomes permanently touched by the Void. His type changes to Elemental, which means, among other things, that he gains immunity to Paralysis, Poison, Sleep and Stunning effects. He no longer suffers backlash for wielding the Destruction Sphere.
At this stage, the Disciple’s awareness of the Void is such that when there is minimal light his senses expand and he gains Blindsight with a range of 60’, sensing all objects and creatures within that area that are not illuminated.
Additionally, his new closeness to the Void allows him to use his Channel Void ability to affect two smaller objects with his free use of the ability, no dimension of which can be larger than 5’, or remove two 5’ by 5’ sections of a larger object.
Finally, the Disciple gains the supernatural ability to step out of mundane reality into a shadow world, remaining there for up to five minutes. While there, he regains five Vitality points per minute, as the latent Void energies refresh the Disciple. If the Disciple’s Vitality pool is full, he regains 1 Wound point per minute, as his wounds rapidly close themselves. The world of Void is a shadowy transmutation of the real world. The Disciple can glimpse shadows of those left behind in the real world, but cannot make out much with clarity. Objects exist as shadows in the Void, and manipulations of these objects that occur in the real world are reflected in the Void. However, objects manipulated in the Void (doors, for example) are not altered in the real world. Still, manipulating things in the Void can occasionally have bizarre consequences.
Advanced class: Void Ascendant
Hit Die: 1d6 Class Skills: … Skill Points: 3 + Int modifier.
Table: Void Ascendant |Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Defense Bonus|Reputation Bonus| |1st|+0|+0|+1|+1|Void Step|+1|+0| |2nd|+1|+0|+2|+2|Void Echoes|+1|+0| |3rd|+2|+1|+2|+2|Void Reflex|+2|+1| |4th|+3|+1|+3|+3|Commune with the Void|+2|+1| |5th|+3|+1|+3|+3|Annihilation|+3|+1| |6th|+4|+2|+4|+4|Time Stop|+3|+2| |7th|+5|+2|+4|+4|Void Duplicate|+4|+2| |8th|+6|+2|+5|+5|Void Mastery|+4|+2|
Void Step (Su): At 1st level, the Ascendant can step directly into the Void as a standard action, remaining there for up to one round per level. As a standard action (or as a non-action when the duration expires) he may leave the Void, stepping back into reality at any place where he is familiar. The Ascendant may perform the Void Step once per day. Whenever this power is used, echoes of the Void can briefly be heard to those nearby.
Void Echoes (Su): At 2nd level, the Ascendant can tap into the Void to mentally destabilize his enemies. As a standard action once per day, the Ascendant emits a psionic scream affecting all enemies within a radius of 25 feet per Ascendant level. Those affected must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + Ascendant level + Cha modifier) or be stunned for one round.
Void Reflex (Su): At 3rd level, the Ascendant develops an instinctual ability to retreat to the Void when in danger. Whenever the Ascendant would normally be destroyed, he is instead shunted to the Void, where he regains one wound point per minute. He remains until fully healed, at which point his body is reconstructed back in reality at the location he previously occupied. Note that effects such as ‘‘dimensional anchor’’ block the reflex from functioning, so it is still possible, though difficult, to permanently kill the Ascendant.
Commune with the Void (Su): At 4th level, the Ascendant may occasionally commune with the Void itself to obtain brief answers to questions. The Ascendant may invoke this ability once per week, and may ask a number of questions equal to half his class level. The answers are always brief, and from the perspective of the Void.
Annihilation (Ex): At 5th level, the Ascendant gains the ability to shift an object’s destruction back in time. If the Ascendant uses Destruction magic to eliminate something, he may spend an action point to destroy the object back through the time stream for a number of rounds up to his class level. He incurs an amount of vacuity (see below) equal to the number of rounds back in time the object’s destruction occurred.
Time Stop (Su): At 6th level, the Ascendant begins to understand the true timelessness that is the Void. Once per day, he may step into the Void, remain there for 1d4+1 rounds of perceived time, then step back out again at the exact same point in time and space. Effectively, this ability functions as the spell ‘‘time stop’’, but with the Ascendant shifting himself out of both time and space.
Void Duplicate (Su): At 7th level, the Ascendant is capable of assisting his past self with critical but short tasks. His future self steps into the Void and steps out back in time. This ability functions similarly to the ‘‘time duplicate’’ spell, but the duplicate can come from further in the future (although the duplicate may only remain in the shifted time stream for one round). Relying on this power is dangerous, however; the Ascendant suffers an amount of vacuity (see below) equal to the number of rounds back in time the future self travels. The vacuity is incurred after the duplicate returns to the normal time stream. (The "past self" feels a mounting pressure in his mind as time passes before he has traveled back in time to help himself–the longer he takes to do so, the more mental anguish he ultimately feels.)
Void Mastery: At 8th level, the Ascendant fully realizes the nature of the Void and existence itself. He may use all of his Void abilities at will (and without spending any action points), although he still incurs vacuity (see below) as normal. However, he no longer needs to make a Fortitude save to avoid being stunned, nor does he suffer any vitality damage from vacuity incurred. In addition, he recovers from vacuity incurred at twice the normal rate.
The Void exists outside of time and space, but the fabric of reality is sturdily woven, and resists being circumnavigated in the manner employed by the Void Ascendant. When the Ascendant does something particularly in opposition to reality’s rules, he may incur vacuity points.
When this happens, he must first pass a Fortitude save (DC 10 + total vacuity incurred) or be stunned for one full round. Even if he passes this save, the Ascendant takes one point of vitality damage for each point of vacuity incurred.
For every two points of vacuity accumulated, the Ascendant suffers a -1 penalty to initiative, attack, and damage rolls. When casting a spell or using a mystic, supernatural or spell-like ability requiring concentration, the Ascendant must pass a Concentration check as if he were damaged while spellcasting, with the amount of vacuity replacing the damage for the Concentration check. Lastly, the vacuity incurred is subtracted from the following skill checks: Animal Empathy, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Handle Animal, Perform, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Senses, Survival and Tumble.
The Ascendant recovers from vacuity at a rate of one per day. If the Ascendant’s vacuity ever exceeds half his character level, he is in danger of being rejected by reality itself. He must pass a Fortitude save (DC 20 + one half vacuity) when he first crosses the threshold and each time he incurs additional vacuity. Failure results in the Ascendant becoming trapped in the Void forevermore.
Void Lash
3 mp - Void Lash +5 - Threat range: 20 feet. Crit range: 19-20/x2. 1d3+5 vitality damage when used as a whip. Alternately, can make a touch attack to entangle the opponent. If successful, an immediate supernatural attack can be attempted on the entangled target through the lash. This attack can either be an annihilation attempt with improved progression, or a use of a pseudonatural feat (PDK powers). A save is still granted. If the entangle attempt was a successful "critical," the DC is increased by 4.
Alchemical Items
Slippery Socks – -6 slickness penalty to balance and tumble while they are worn, but +15 slickness to movement (DC 43)
- wraith’s eye
- void essence
Minty fresh toothpaste – +6 freshness bonus to Charisma-based checks due to your fresh breath, and can breathe ice (DC 25, 7d6) once per application (tube has 10 applications that take 1 minute to apply) (DC 46)
- sphinx’s paw
- 3 vials of dragon’s blood
- 2 swanmay feathers
- 7 bits of meteorite metal
Magic Missile glove – must make gun motion with hand to fire single missile per round (8 vitality) (DC 44)
- coatl fang
- astral construct horn
- 5 bits of meteorite metal
Cat’s cradle of entanglement – as the entangle spell (mind affecting) on a single target while concentrating only, but target receives no save; both you and the target are affected while the spell is in effect (i.e., neither of you can move, since you are entangled by the enchantment) (DC 34)
- most of the gelatinous cube goop
- lock of siren hair
- 3 pinches of pixie dust
Goop that turns everything it touches white – but could potentially use the absorbed color to unleash a prismatic spray (DC 25)
- leftover gelatinous cube goop
- 23 dried treant leaves
Minor ring of invisibility – turns you invisible, but only against people of whom you are aware (DC 32)
- 3 pinches of pixie dust
- 14 pieces of meteorite metal
- void essence
To Boris:
Belt of belting – when used as a whip, this belt leaves welts that continue to sting, inflicting a -2 distraction penalty to the victim’s attack rolls and saving throws until the welts are healed (magically or mundanely) (DC 30)
- 4 vials of dragon’s blood
- 1 swanmay feather
- 11 bits of meteorite metal
Bottle that always produces classic vintage wine (DC 33)
- 3 pinches of pixie dust
- 4 swanmay feathers
- celestial essence
Invisible cloak – the cloak is invisible, as is anything in its pockets (DC 37)
- 2 pinches of pixie dust
Cufflinks of preservation – protect mundane outfit to which they are attached (mending, prestidigitation) (DC 34)
- 1 swanmay feather
- celestial essence