The concept
A young astral deva, sent to Earth to promote peace and harmony among all Terran races. Whether he has any more specific mission is unknown.
List of Abilities
- Aura - Circle of Protection from Evil (+4) and Minor Globe of Invulnerability
- Credentials from GOD
- Darkvision 60 ft & Lowlight Vision
- Deva abilities
- 3/day (discern lies, dispel evil, holy smite, polymorph)
- 7/day (cure lt, invis sphere centered on self)
- at will (aid, cont flames, detect evil, dispel, , remove curse/disease/fear, see invis)
- DR 20/Evil
- Fly 75 (Good)
- Miracle (DC 26) or Summon Monster IX 1/day
- Miracle (DC 26) 1/day
- Happiness Aura
- Immunity to Petrification
- No History - per Week
- No Need to Sleep
- No Wings illusion
- Resistance 10 (Fire and Electricity)
- Save when no save allowed min DC 25
- Spell Resistance 50
- Telepathy (100 ft AIs included)
- Tongues
Enemies Malcolm knows about
- Satan?
- Scorpio?
- William Moss?
- Everlily Nix?
Contacts Malcolm knows about
- Claire
- Admiral Rossner
- Saint Barnabas
- Sister Assisi
Aquaintances Malcolm knows about
- Major Bradley
- Dr Venkman
- Colonel Waterton
- Harry Bryant
- Sledge Greenhorn
- Everlily Nix?
- Caretaker
- William Moss?
- Luna?
Links to Yao Ming (he’s also 7’5")
Celestial society
The astral devas are celestials, hailing from the celestial plane. Celestials do not age, nor are they mortal (they do not die from "natural causes"). They have a harmonious society not driven by innovation, but more by tradition. Their mission is to train their children to be worthy for selection to go forth onto Earth. God chooses those who are sent forth, and it is considered a great honor. Those who are not sent to Earth are expected to raise the children so that one of them may one day be chosen. The celestials follow the events of Earth so that those chosen will be prepared, but they generally have no need to adopt Earth’s technologies due to the very stable nature of their society.
When God sends a celestial to Earth, he dresses him in garb appropriate to the locale, and provides him with equipment that the average local would have (in this era, this includes an identicard with a reasonable number of credits on it), given a communication device with which he can contact his elders in case he should run into trouble, and provided with holy weapons (either appropriate to the locale or more traditional such as bow and mace, depending on what’s in the celestial’s heart). The chosen one is allowed to bring along a few of his things, limited to what would fit inside a suitcase. He cannot return to the celestial plane, however, until his mission is complete, which may take decades or even longer.
Gaming Entrance
Malcohm, on a bus headed towards St Petersburg with a number of volunteers to help out with the White Nights Multi Cultural Festival celebrating 500 years of cultural brilliance, is chatting with Stefan about his recent family vacation. Without warning the world around Malcohm melts and he feels the presence of God manifest. By divine revelation, Malcohm instinctively knows that Percepi has vanished by unnatural means and that he is to teach the lessons of Percepi to the masses. Just then Stefan asks if Malcohm is okay. Malcohm shrugs it off and is now determined to travel to Laboro, the closest inhabited planet to Percepi in order to understand what has happened.
Merit Points
- No need to sleep (4 mp)
- Happiness Aura (1 mp)
- Dex +2, Chr +2, Int +2, Con +1 (7 mp)
- Summon Monster IX (18 mp)
- Archon: Lantern, Babau, Celestial Dire Bear, Celestial Dire Lion, Celestial Elephant, Celestial Giant Eagle, Celestal Griffon, Celestial Porpoise, Celestial Roc, Couatl, Dretch, Elementals, Guardinal: Avoral, Guardinal: Leonal, Hezrou, Invisible Stalker, Lemure, Lillend, Mephits, and Vrock
- Starting Languages: Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, and English
Skill Points
- Read/Write: Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, German, Russian, Japanese, Latin, Gnomish, Sylvan
- Diplomacy (4)
- Knowledge: Art (4), I presume poetry falls under this category
- Knowledge: Civics (4)
- Knowledge: Behavioral Sciences (4)
- Knowledge: History (4)
- Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy (4)
- Sense (4)
Level Two
- "No History" weeks (5 mp)
- Diplomacy, Knowledge: Art, Sense +1 each
- Craft: Art, Gather Information, Sense Motive +2 each
Level Three
- "No History" for summoned (1 mp)
- Improve Weapon (2 mp) +1 Holy
- Feat: Personal Fire Arms (1 mp)
- DR 5/Evil (1 mp)
- Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Sense +1 each
- Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy +2
- Sense Motive +4
Level Four
- Reclaim 2 mp for Chr
- Chr 14 to 16 ( 2mp)
- Telepathy 100 ft (3 mp)
- Wings illusion of not being there unless used (2 mp)
- Diplomacy, Sense, Sense Motive +1
- Knowledge: Theology and Philosphy +1
- Gather Information +5
Level Five
- Reclaim 2 mp for Dex
- Reclaim 1 mp for Con
- Divination at 77% 1/day (8 mp) - leads to Miracle
- Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge: Theology and Philosphy, Sense Motive, Sense +1
- Knowledge: Behavorial Sciences +4
Level Six
- Reclaim 1 mp for DR 5/Evil
- Divination -> Greater Scrying for 14 hrs 1/day (6 mp) - leads to Miracle
- No skill points gained this level
Level Seven
- Greater Scrying -> Miracle 1/day (4 mp)
- Improve DR 5/Evil to 10/Evil (1 mp)
- Diplomacy, Gather Info, Knowledge: Theology and Philosophy, Knowledge: History, Sense Motive, Sense +1
- Handle Animal +3
Level Eight
- Reclaim 2 mp for Int
- Reclaim 2 mp for Chr
- Reclaim 16 mp for Miracle or Summon Monster IX
- Miracle 1/day (18 mp)
- Increase Chr from 16 to 18 (2 mp)
- Feat: Trustworthy, Negotiator (2 mp)
- Skill Focus: Diplomacy (1 mp)
- Telepathic with Articifial Intelligence (2 mp)
- No skill points gained this level
Level Nine
- Improve SR by 4 (4 mp)
- Feat: Heroic Surge (1 mp)
- Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge: Religion, Sense Motive, Sense +1
- Mysticraft +4
Level Ten
- Improve SR by 5 (5 mp)
- No skill points gained this level
Level Eleven
- Reclaim 1 mp for DR improving by race/class
- Feat: Ability Focus - Miracle (1 mp)
- Improve DR to 20/Evil (2 mp)
- Improve SR by 3 (3 mp)
- Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge: Religion, Sense Motive, Sense +1
- Mysticraft +7
- Intimidate +8
Level Twelve
- Improve SR by 9 (9 mp)
- Save when no save allowed min DC 25 (2 mp)
- Supernatural SR at half (2 mp)
- Feats: Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes and Iron Will (3 mp)
- Feats: Fort +1, Will +2 (3 mp)
- No skills points gained
Level Thirteen
- Improve SR by 6 (6 mp)
- Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge: Religion, Mysticraft, Sense Motive, Sense +1
- Intimidate +4
- Easygoing, honest, and polite
Assumed "occupation" bonus
- All languages and knowledges are class skills. No wealth bonus, no bonus feats.
Draft (as in not final poorly written fragments that can change radically)
He’s handsome afro-american, with short hair, well dressed, intelligent, towering at 7’5", with an every present happy disposition, Malcolm often gregariously laughs whole heartedly, talking with a slight dramatic intensity.
As with all his peers he has studied Earth history, politics, traditions, beliefs, and psychology. He is well versed in all its major languages, studying their various poetry and music.
Nice (not fancy or expensive) great fitting casual outfit. Like a simple well-fitted black turtleneck and jeans, black boot-like shoes, a modest yuppy-like leather jacket (looks a few years old, but well maintained). A bag with a couple outfits, toiletries, grooming products, etc.
Holy energy pistol (not trained so, it will be a negative to use it).
Some sort of bag, like today’s side bags (I keep thinking man-purse) would hold his personal effects. He would have a cell implant that can be also used to contact his elders. Identicard (which always magically works) that has a reasonable number of credits (whatever that means). Books of poetry, whose odd feature is that it is a series of handwritten books with a varied eclectic collection of which many are not from Earth.
A Wazzahusit named Eli, a cute cuddly mouse-like celestial pet known for its odd color contrast (like reverse camouflage). Most of the time it hops on two legs and stands erect like a mere cat. They eat any nuts they can find and love nuzzling. Has no combat ability, purely for color. It would have 1 hp, AC 10, Int 3, Dex 12, Str 6, Con 10, Wis 10, Chr 10, no skill points, no attack ability, etc.
Family history and relations
Extended sister/brother hood probably of a couple hundred. Has a dozen or so close friends? All children of God. Couple of elders he has contact with are Saint Barnabas (image often invoked as peacemaker) and Sister Assisi an Angel who helps the sick, has a love for animals, and helps those that are less fortunate forgiving those tresspasses that are done in mortal need (stealing for hunger, etc).
Perhaps Malcolm’s identifying characteristics is his lack of physical flaws and height. Probably will be mistaken for a basketball player.
Serving his God, he realizing that others worship and serve their gods. As long as it promotes tolerance, respect, and acceptance of others he does the same.
He’s a live and let live sort of guy. No routine, sort of quirky in a fun way.
A drifter taking odd jobs. I is more important to meet people and make a positive influence on their lives.
Education: The standard 115 years of schooling, plus 72 years of terran training.
Hobbies: Yummy foods, great drinks, hilarious jokes, and a good time.
Friends: Makes friends everywhere he goes. On Earth, he has no "best" friends yet.
Greatest achievement
Greatest failure or disappointment
He would never lie to a friend to protect his feelings, but would term things in the best possible way that he believes is most benificial for that friend’s well being.
Malcolm would usually help a frail old woman cross the street. If the frail old woman wants to gain confidence and independence in trying herself, then no he wouldn’t help. If he was a fireman heading to 5 alarm fire, he would not, but would try to ask someone else to help as time permitted.
He’d consider the ramifications of sharing something he saw widely believed to be impossible. If it didn’t harm his goal of unification and harmony in this world then he would tell others what he saw.
Malcolm would only give money to a beggar on the street he believed that it would be helpful in the long run.
Vengeance is not acceptable. It is more about justice and punishment.
Steal if he thought he could get away with it? No, unless it was needed.
Aliens exist.
Karma 4, yes some are blessed with varies gifts, life opportunities, etc
Free will (i.e., many possible futures)
All sorts of folks in history have time travelled.
All sentient beings deserve respect and being treated equally.
God is the most amazing being you’ll ever meet!
Machines are smarter than some humans. Biological life and machines need to strive to live in harmony.
The Caretaker has the right to meddle in our affairs, just as all creatures have a right to live their lives and work with others. The principles of respect and tolerance are most important.
It would be ideal if those who can wield magic use their power for the good of all Terrans.
Both organics and machines have their place. Organics possess something special that machines have not attained, yet AIs have made great strides in research and improved the quality of life for everyone. AIs should be treated with respect when possible, but if push comes to shove, celestials would favor an organic life over that of a machine. Still, better would be to protect both when possible, since the loss of an intelligent machine is still a loss.
Humanity has on occasion been rash in seeding other worlds with mystic energy before fully grasping the ramifications.
Technology is a tool that can be dangerous if not properly harnessed and handled.