Andrew Peters

Andrew is a young man who works at an institute for the genetically impaired. As is the nature of any science, there are experiments, and these experiments can work wonderfully well, or go horribly wrong. Andrew works to care for the failed experiments, those poor souls who were unsuccessfully genetically altered. Andrew’s close affiliation with this institute is no accident: He grew up in the institute himself. While certain deformities are largely eradicated from the general populace, certain throwbacks can still occur. Other people who have been blinded have been equipped with machines which communicate with the optic nerve, or have been granted mystical sight. Unfortunately for Andrew, his own blindness is not caused by any ocular problem, and so has eluded any attempts to cure. Still, he has shown himself to be a kind and compassionate man, and a capable administrator. He fights tirelessly for the rights of those people who cannot otherwise defend themselves against the cruelty of perfection that the world has become.