To: Deus Ultionis mailing list
Date: Feb 14, 2006 3:01 PM
Subject: Sat/Mon joint session this Friday
Hi everyone,
The joint Monday/Saturday session will proceed as scheduled for this Friday, February 17th at 6:00pm at the Big Abode (Joey, Nate, Danielle & Jason’s house).
I have made a fairly important post to the message board about late-breaking news relevant to the situation.
If you are in the joint session, I strongly encourage you to utilize the message boards to discuss the situation prior to Friday night. Saturday will have a prep segment (from 6pm till 7pm) that briefly covers them from July 12th until July 17th. But for the sake of expediency, please treat any message board discussion as though the Saturday and Monday groups are already in contact with one another, and that you have begun discussing what to do, and when to do it. Again, there will be a segment covering the meeting, but it will be easier to maintain the action if as much information as possible that each group knows has been shared in advance. Character introductions will happen during the session, but for now feel free to read people’s public character descriptions to get a general idea.
If you are in the Saturday group (including Nate), please try to arrive by 6pm. If you are in the Monday group, feel free to show up a little later, maybe 6:30-6:45. I plan to arrive at 5:30pm to prepare and deal with any individual character matters brought to my attention at that time.
Looking forward to seeing you all there.