Terran races include: humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, royals, halflings, and all the creatures of Gaia (pixies, dryads, trolls, beholders, giants, and many others).
Software-driven artificial intelligence has also made great strides, to the point where AIs are often indistinguishable from actual sentience (though they still occasionally have quirks). When these AIs are packaged in realistic, bipedal bodies, they are called androids. But robotic "life" comes in many other forms, as well. However, none of these AIs have been able to harness mystic energy to create magical effects – it is generally assumed that their lack of a sentient’s "soul" renders them incapable somehow.
It is also possible to transplant the soul of a sentient into a mechanical body, resulting in a being called a soulmech.
Lastly, as the Terrans begin to expand their horizons, who knows what other forms of life they will discover on the frontiers of space?
There is a little more information about the races in the character concepts section, and in the timeline.