Ability scores
Characters start with 10s in every ability score, and do ‘‘not’’ receive the bonus ability point every fourth level. Increasing an ability score costs 1mp per point of increase until the score reaches 18. After that, physical abilities cost 2mp per increase, and mental abilities cost 3mp per increase. So buying a 22 Int, for example, would cost 8mp to reach 18 and then 3*4=12mp more to reach 22, for a total of 20mp.
Characters start with no feats, and do ‘‘not’’ receive the bonus feat every third level. Feats cost 1mp each, except for the Spelltouched feats, which cost 2mp. There is no limit on the number of feats you may purchase.
- Toughness increases wound points, not vitality points.
- Windfall is not allowed as a general feat. It may be taken only if it is specifically granted as a bonus feat (when in doubt, ask Curtis). Also, you may not take both the "Poor" flaw and the "Wealthy" or "Windfall" merits.
Characters gain skill ranks as per the normal d20 rules.
- A feat called "Skill Focus" can be taken to give a +3 bonus to a specific skill. Skill Focus can be taken multiple times, but a different skill must be chosen each time.
- Another feat called "Improved Skill Focus" can be taken to give an additional +1 bonus to a specific skill. It can be taken multiple times for the same skill. (Thus, you are essentially buying additional skill ranks for 1mp per rank.)
- These feats, along with the "skill feats" that grant +2 to two specific skills (such as Gearhead), and the Smart and Dedicated talents that improve specific skills, all count as skill ranks for the purposes of prerequisites. Thus, it should be possible to qualify for some advanced classes or feats earlier than would normally be possible.
In addition to the three standard saving throw feats (Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes and Iron Will), there are three more feats – Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Lightning Reflexes, and Improved Iron Will – that improve a particular type of saving throw by an additional +1. Each can be taken multiple times per type of saving throw. (Thus, you are essentially buying stronger saving throws for 1mp per +1 per type.)
Mystics and psions are not character classes. The ability to wield mystic energy as a mystic or through psionics is instead purchased with merit points.
It costs 4mp per level of "full" mystic or psion, or 2mp per level of "half" mystic or psion (see the mystic magic guide for more information about mystic level progressions). You may purchase a maximum of one level of mystic and one level of psion per character level. Thus, your mystic level can never exceed your character level. If you are both a mystic and a psion, the levels of each do not stack with each other.
For 2mp, you can raise a sphere rank by one notch, regardless of the new rank (e.g., Pyro 5 can be raised to Pyro 6 with 2mp). In addition, 1mp can raise your Reserve by 4.
Do not apply racial ability modifiers for any race. Instead, use them as a guideline when buying your stats with merit points. Most races cost no merit points in and of themselves.
- Human: 0mp – instead of the bonus feat, humans get +3 merit points at first level
- Dwarf: 0mp
- Gnome: 0mp
- Royal: 0mp – royals receive +1 skill point per level like humans do (also, royals tend to be much more intelligent but less strong and less charismatic than humans)
- Halfling: -2mp (flaw) – halflings can buy a mystic artifact for 1mp that allows them to leave the Earth; the artifact usually takes the form of a large acorn and contains a small piece of Gaia’s essence
- Elf: 1mp
- Android or robot: 2mp – it is expected that you will select merits and flaws suitable to your robot’s characteristics (e.g., immunity to charm and fear)
- Soulmech: 3mp – it is expected that you will select merits and flaws suitable to your soulmech’s characteristics (e.g., no need to breathe)
- Gaian: cost varies depending on species; consult GM
- Alien: consult GM
Special attacks
- Turn undead: 1mp per level of turning ability; other turning variants are possible as well
- Spell-like ability usable once per day: 1mp plus 1mp per caster level of the ability; you must select a caster level greater than or equal to the usual minimum for the spell (e.g., ‘‘cone of cold’’ is 5th level, so you must choose a caster level of 9 or higher, for a minimum cost of 10mp); if the ability is self only (for spells that would otherwise be usable on self and/or others, such as ‘‘fly’’ or ‘‘haste’’), the cost is reduced by 1mp; e.g., ‘‘fly’’ once per day self only at caster level 5 costs 5mp
- Spell-like ability usable at will: four times the cost of an ability usable once per day; e.g., ‘‘fireball’’ at will at caster level 5 costs 4*6=24mp
Special qualities
- Darkvision: 1mp
- Energy resistance: 1mp per type per 5 points of resistance. So electricity 10 costs 2mp, all five energy types at 10 each costs 10mp, etc.
- Damage reduction: 1mp for DR 5/+1, and 1mp per increase of either side. So DR 10/+3 is 4mp, etc. Additional restrictions on the right-hand side add to the cost pyramidally. So DR 5/"+1 bludgeoning" (meaning the weapon must be both +1 or better, and a bludgeoning weapon) costs 1+2=3mp. For each increase on the left-hand side, pay the cost again. So DR 15/"+1 bludgeoning" costs 33=9mp. The +X magic weapon restriction only counts as a single restriction, and increasing that constant always costs only 1mp extra. So DR 20/"+5 silver bludgeoning" costs 4(1+2+3)+4=28mp.
- Damage reduction: 1mp per 1/-. So 3/- is 3mp, etc.
- Spell resistance: 1mp per point of SR. So SR 15 is 15mp, etc.
- Natural armor: 1mp per point of natural armor. So +8 natural armor is 8mp, etc.
- Scent: 3mp – as the standard ability
- Tremorsense: 1mp per 10 feet – as the standard ability
- Blindsense: 1mp per 5 feet – as the standard ability
- Amphibious: 3mp – gills or other means of breathing underwater
- No need to eat: 3mp
- No need to sleep: 4mp
- No need to breathe: 5mp
- Fly speed: 1mp per manueverability category (poor, average, good, perfect) per 10 feet of movement; e.g., fly 30 (perfect) costs 4*3=12mp; for clumsy maneuverability subtract 1mp from the poor cost (minimum cost 1mp); e.g., fly 40 (clumsy) costs 3mp
- Swim speed: 2mp plus 1mp per 10 feet of movement; e.g., swim 60 costs 2+6=8mp
- Climb speed: 1mp per 10 feet
- Burrow speed: 1mp per 5 feet
- Ability damage: 3mp per ability
- Blindness: 2mp
- Deafness: 2mp
- Natural disease: 3mp
- Magical disease: 5mp
- Nanites: 10mp
- Energy drain: 5mp
- Mind-affecting: 10mp
- Charm: 3mp
- Fear: 1mp
- Paralyzation: 3mp
- Petrification: 3mp
- Poison: 3mp
- Sickness: 3mp
- Stunning: 3mp
- Mystic energy: 10mp per sphere
Other stuff
- Wealthy: 1mp per +1 Wealth increase
- Contact: 1mp for an occasionally relevant contact; 2mp for a quite useful contact; 3mp for a powerful ally
- Reputation: 1mp per +1 Reputation increase or decrease
- Priceless items: either mystic, technological or extraterrestrial; cost varies; consult GM Many other merits are certainly possible: being powered by solar energy, robots spending vitality as fuel for special abilities, using photosynthesis to regain power, other forms of damage reduction, or other mystic resistance… just ask.