WARNING: ALmost no editing :(
Bullet train, I’m the local superhero, heard you ran into a pirate group. He indicates that perhaps he has also encountered a certain common person and that he and our group should meet. Ridge does some research, finds that bullet train is active the small super hero community. There aren’t many super villains. They model themselves based on special abilities. He is the son of speed demon (his claim to fame). Speed Train is the son of Snow White and Speed Demon.
Trenton, Malcolm, Andrew, and Fey are in Osaka Japan. Fey is small and invisible. Malcolm can’t find any one that knows these folks. Fey does some research in the databases, but the records going back seven years have no sign on them.
Fey feels that we should let them be. Finding them may cause more harm. We decided it is up to Trenton, who decides it is worth finding them. Laiden can’t really help, but we get the details about bullet train.
We do some other stuff and then catch a wave back to the space port. We get back to the base that evening and agree to meet him at Perseverance. Noun salvages some of the silverware. Bullet Train shows up (somewhat built, kind of like wrestler, Captain America like).
He goes to the docking bay Laiden leaves to meet with him shaking hands confidently. In particular he wants to speak with Trenton Verner. We meet in Perseverance’s mess hall. Bullet Train meets with all of us. Ridge says he’s sorry about his dad, Bullet Train is thankful, and shows some dedication to his dad (he served his time and is proud to be his son).
He pulls out a photograph and has us look at it. Middle age speed demon grinning broadly, Snow White, Bullet Train, and full length costume (not grinning) pensive and melancholy (the other child/sister, 10 years old). We look at the picture and it looks a lot like Strife.
Ridge does a computerized model of her projected look this many years later. Ridge announces there is 93% probability match that this is the same person. Trenton asks whether this was his blood sister (but we assumed).
Trenton asks whether he knows about the term Pandora. Speed Bullet asks what do you know about the term Pandora? It is obvious that he knows about it. We mention the term Pandora’s Children – I am familiar with Pandora’s box. Do you know how they are connected? Trenton says he has to swear secrecy.
Bullet Train wants to keep this private unless necessary. I am the descendant of the last of this organization. Fey makes a senses roll, and some sense of familiarity of this person.
Dr Peters asks some questions about his looks, but it is pointed out he is blind.
From what I know about them, I am rather surprised to hear that you are one of their descendants. He is the last of those experimented on (as opposed to the ones researched). He was told his purpose (to reseal magic).
Bullet Train is very surprised. That doesn’t match his understanding what their group does. He’s supposed to be a warrior created to be strong enough and control magic. Trenton says they are in Japan, but they are in a safe place from divinatory magic. Trenton asks if he can be brought there, and Bullet Train is willing to risk it.
Trenton indicates she has powers similar to Trenton and thus the questions whether he was related by blood. The girl never developed powers, and wanted to learn more about her mother’s past. Her mother was involved in gang activities.
There was record of her being a test subject. The lab was destroyed and the head scientist was killed. Trenton thought that folks had stopped caring about sealing magic, but Bullet Train knows more and suggests he talk to his parents. Given their situation, he believes that they will tell you what you want to know.
He tells Trenton they are at a trial as witnesses. We are going to an island on Earth (can port there if you have an image). Laiden sets up some security so if the connection is severed, Laiden teleports back.
Fey asks if Noun wants to go explaining what’s happening. Noun does not answer. Checking the computer, and he seems to be alive, but his attitude is at bit frenzied. Fey leaves a note.
Noun now finishes re-keying the bag and agrees to come with us.
Fey does some sort of recall/research of where she recalls Bullet Train. She still can’t place it. Dorian is left with UNF temporally, but Laiden bluffs that we’re coming back for him. Pointing at Trenton, we had a deal! Trenton tells him, “We’ll be back”.
Pronoun was worried about Noun and knew about his trials. The hug and Noun goes to get coffee. Dr Peters wants to stay behind to restock the medical ship and bay.
Laiden div wards against 2, and his div trigger is at 3.
We arrive at the island in the Bermuda Triangle. Ridge now knows the way there. There is a really thick fog around the island (but we can’t tell if there are any objects in the way). We see a small island ½ mile in diameter. There is an old school magnificent castle. Trenton asks if this is Avalon. The order calls it the Sanctuary. Some of the stories reach 10 to 15 stories the center one is 20 stories .
That central tower sparkles, but there is some nagging sense of familiarity about it that Malcolm just can’t place. It seems important to him?
Ridge lands the ship outside the castle. We walk up to a magnificent gleaming gate, where two men approach through a rising portcullis. Seeker in simple brown robes, barefoot, and hair braided to his feet has an ageless look and carries a supreme confidence about him. The leader Iason is dressed in a fancy robe and a band of white hair.
Bullet Train Iason Trenton is here to learn what is going on from his parents. We are invited to enter. Noun sees that Seeker is over 2000 years old and his continuum hasn’t lived a normal live.
We are lead to Trenton’s parents. There is three hours before the next segment of the trial. The tower is where the obelisk once stood and now is known as the stairway. It is the stairway to heaven, a gnomish device.
Malcolm recalls that the closest thing he can think of is a stair way down from heaven to the mortal realms.
Pronoun, climbs seeker asks about how old seeker is and learns that he was in the astral. How did you get there? The wizards sent me there. Climbs up Iason. Fey gives a simple explanation of what Pronoun is.
Pronoun says he is more or less here willingly, but that it is complicated. There are those that ascend and descend. We are asked to leave them and the tower alone. It was part of the price of building this castle.
The stairway goes from heaven to hell.
Noun writes a note for the creatures in the stairway.
Trenton is brought to his parents.
We are free to look around, but are warned to stay clear of the tower. We tell them about Moss’ condition and Mars. There is rumor about war. Pirates stealing bits of Gaian creatures and being used. We tell about Percepi, and the Dragon World.
Noun wants to know how to get to the other place. We are concerned about many things.
There is a trial of an exile who committed crimes against the order. They are the Arcane order, the keepers of magic. It used to seal magic away so no one could use it. Now they continue to study magic. It needs to be protected more now than before. They are sort of police of their own.
Trenton’s parents were involved since one of the former order misused powers. Most are born into the order and others joined a long time ago. Not accepting new members right now.
What kind of magic do you do? Mystic magic. Their magic doesn’t work in outer space. They study all sorts of magic. There is understanding that comes with being happy with what one has.
The twenty six dimensional diagram and he thinks it is intriguing, mind boggling, but sound. The work is very worth being studied further.
Malcolm getting closer to the tower, the gleaming is more engaging. Malcolm hears some chiming that seems similar to Celestial. The top of the tower is open with crystal stairs not supported.
Trenton returns with his parents (Felix and Madison) to meet the others. Trenton introduces everyone as “the people he’s been adventuring with”. There is a general meet and greet.
Trenton asks Iason and Seeker for some privacy. Iason informs Trenton that there really isn’t privacy within the castle, any of the order can listen in if they want as he and Seeker leave. We learn some of the Order didn’t agree with the non-interference rules, so they left and formed Pandora’s Box. They experimented on people using brutal rituals and cruel test. Trenton’s parents were test subjects in these experiments.
One of the researchers is being put on trial, and feels more morally obligated to keep his own people in check. They were brought here by Seeker to testify. They recently received a email threat on their lives and thus agreed to testify for protection.
Trenton asks about Bullet Train’s mother. He thinks that perhaps she was a test subject. Bullet tells us that she was in a gang, had fallen in by a bad element. Affected by ??? Her old mentor was involved in a number of terrible things. They called Janis Olaris.
Fey asks whether Bullet’s mom could have been part of Pandora’s Box (the researchers). My sister was jealous of the rest of the family and wanted to make our father proud. She did this to compensate for herself.
She has been missing for thirty years and must have gotten involved with them if she has similar eyes. Genetic modification techniques take just a few days or weeks.
Pandora’s Box was looking at combine various DNAs together. Pandora’s children believe humanity was the path to salvation. While they gained strong traits, the are less likely to want to breed with other species. Breed in magical powers to humans.
Bullet Train wants to go soon and learn more. Trenton tries to convince Bullet Train otherwise, but he understands and wants to act soon. Bullet Train is not quite sure of what her powers are (read our report), but not many others would be able to fight her.
Fey asks what abilities his parents have. Malcolm wonders whether they are immune, but instead resistant to being altered (high purity factor) – too human. They are aware of allowing more people to be imbued, and they are not happy. It just makes things worse. Wonders whether we know who is responsible for this break through.
Noun says that the most growth happens in times of trials and difficult times. Perhaps they will be better people after this.
Laiden recalls that Magitech had computers (first soul mechs) where one of them was Scorpio. Perhaps this is one of those.
Bullet Train is needed for the trial. We are welcome to attend the trial. Ramsay Korsair is on trial. This is an exploration of what he’s done and this trial determines his fate. He has claimed he knows nothing about Pandora’s Children. The trials are really boring.
Leniency is reserved for those showing remorse and change. Bullet Train says Arcadia is a space port that is extremely well guarded where Laiden’s ship is unique in being able to get in and out.
Arcadia isn’t restricted, people can go there. We talk about the caretaker, Luna, and Io. About whether the Caretaker’s plans are good. Seeker talks about some beast? Revelations talks of the beast from the deep to corrupt and destroy mankind.
Seeker says to be careful to not be deceived, what you believe to be God may not be what you think it is. We talk about Gods and what Malcolm believes.
Seeker existed in an aspect of the caretaker’s consciousness. Mostly the caretaker, after the caretaker was created, a message from someone not the caretaker was about the Future or destiny?? Varies choices for the false prophet. People called it the voice of God, but it was transmitted through the radio.
Seeker cares about the world and thus helps the caretaker. He was the protector of the mages that sealed away magic.
To Seeker, but the backlash effects were part of Emanuel. So that’s why people wanted it sealed away. Magic makes things much more dangerous. Trenton is looking to be able to curse someone with backlash or possibly worse? Trenton would want to learn to do this and teach others and then form some organization to enforce this.
Sealing away magic isn’t an option anymore. They didn’t know it would have that sort of effect on Gaians. Far too many Gaians were lost. Seeker’s services are needed at the trial.
An elderly woman comes and says she is sorry and we’re welcome to the trial. Noun seems to really want to see the tower. Noun wants back on the ship. Ridge asks why? Noun says he needs to get some tools. Ridge determines that Noun really wants to fly into the tower.
Malcolm brings Pronoun up towards the tower to show Pronoun. From a distance Malcolm recognizes the stairs as the one he descended.
Ridge works on the ship. Laiden is waiting for something to happen or not happen. Noun edges closer to the tower, but is noticed. Noun shows that woman the graph, but she couldn’t understand it. She points to some folks by the tower.
Noun goes toward them and shows them his graph and says it is about the void. They are interested. The are familiar with the void. The guy looks at it and the first one understands it somewhat. Noun is deeply involving them into the diagram. Noun tries to open the door, but it is locked.
The door is 90% real and 10% a projection from another place. The younger man agrees. Noun wonders whether the locking mechanism skips over time? It just seems tied to another place.
Noun studies the door. Very few are allowed through the door. The elderly one says, I don’t think Iason would want us talking about the specific about the tower to outsiders.
The trial talks about a chance to escape. Fire set to the building – the head researcher died in the fire. Everyone is observatory. That everyone asks questions. Wish to determine whether he was ignorant or chose to do this against our wishes on purposes.
He was aware of the customs and his parents told him to disregard them.
Family tree shows 7 exiles from arcane order. 4 of them formed pandora’s box and were involved in WWIII and were killed in that. We get some time line stuff from court records.
Albus was the previous leader of Arcane Order and died recently of old age. Iason is considered a young “whipper snapper” by the others.
They had limited contact with other test subjects.
Malcolm contacts Barnabus about the stairway. He hints they are preparing for the future and we remain vigilant, expecting something to happen.
Fey and Bullet Train are going to scout Arcadia.
Malcolm talks with Iason and then Noun tells Iason about this taking the paradox. See if you can get an audience with Queen Miretta as very few people would know about – if any.
We get our messages now.
Curtis’ Wedding: June 25, 2006 - Sunday 3 PM