
The Obsidian Teknokon’s new computer has the name Sable.

ETA of Fearful in Sol system 5 days

Malcolm is frustriated to learn from the fearful they believe all touched by the taint must be punished (even babies). Malcolm expresses his sympathy that they live knowing they have been touched by the taint, originated from Earth. The fearful are defiant in their response, but Malcolm senses an undertone of shame. Malcolm respects their strong belief and that another wants to speak with them.

Andrew Peters enters the structure and feels his mind stretch through space. He briefly talks to the fearful and channels Noun to them directly.

At Noun’s prompting, they tell they are in complete awe and terrified by the Peacemaker, a vengeful god. They do what they need to in order to protect themselves. This is why they promote his doctrine and punish those tainted.

Noun asks what happens if one who is against the Peacemaker is in its presence. They tell it would drain away the magic energy and then devoured it and no one can survive. Noun then tells that he lives with the peacemaker on a daily basis. They disbelieve him, saying he is lieing or is simply insane. Noun asks if they would like to know anything about the future to prove his claim. They say they aren’t interested in the future. Noun says the PeaceMaker is interested in the future. They have no response. They believe they know more about the peacemaker than anyone.

Noun sends images of his survival inside his arch against the Peacemaker. Peters augments Noun’s message which angers them for the use of taint. The connection ends with thousands of screams.

Malcolm contacts them again apologizing for the offense, "We will have to agree to disagree. We stopped the peacemaker and we will stop you." The fearful say that may be, but they will die doing what is righteous and just. Malcolm asks, "What do you want done with your remains?" They want it sent as far away as the taint as possible. Malcolm surprises them a little saying he will honor that request. They in kind return that when they destroy him and the rest they will cleanse them.

Trenton works with Noun to create a cannon on the Obsidian Teknokon that will extend the reach of Trenton’s backlash. When Noun finishes after five days it reaches out more than a mile.

Dimensional anchor seems to stop miller 2.

Noun learns that the two who corrupt magic would do well to aid the red planet.

Admiral Rosner says that Mars situation is unstable.

Malcolm hallows Laiden’s command deck with Death Ward.

We go to SOL/Earth to help out.

Serra tells Laiden that his crystal has been talking to her and is interested in the awakening. It believes it is eligible for this. Laiden now seems to find a faint soul there that just wasn’t there before.

Laiden find that Libra is the psicrystal, which just started to become alive (was dormant). Someone at Magitech was responsible, but is unsure what happen. Unknown if it was voluntary or not. Laiden allows the awakening to go forth. Libra is uncertain what will happen, but is happy for its support. Libra says it feels something has changed.

Malcolm contingencies himself so if something kills him heal is casted on himself.

We get to SOL base Earth. It is expected that all breakthroughs shared with Admiral Rosner.

News nets says Laborro has been hit by some unknown threat and moving on to Lupis and a rumors that some splitting off going to SOL. By day 9 it is believed that Mars will be hit first.

Day 10, we meet Unity, who claims he has all sort of special knowledge that can help. He has powers similar to Trenton. Malcolm asks if he wants the taint removed, he says he is under control and its powers are useful in the current situation.

William Moss sends a transmission (he is gray with sunken eyes), he speaking normally. I realize you have been spending a lot of resources to defeating undead, but is willing to lending his resources to the cause.

Unity believes Moss can be untainted.

Unity has a majorily enhanced electromatic field (natural but much more than others).

Fey seems to have lost hope and is indifferent to things.

Trenton and Unity talk about their backlash abilities. Unity began by unable to control it and weakening effects and it would absorb the power and can now choose which to weaken and if concentrate complete negate the effect. It causes the backlash as well.

Ridge talking with Admiral Rosner as says we should place some sort of boundaries of what sorts of undead they can have. How many can be made undead, if they are willing? Plus the ability to untaint if they want.

Laiden volunteered to talk with Moss.

Unity says it is not sure it can be removed, but it can control it. He is unique and it may not work. Unity is sure over time he would figure it all out.

Rosner is highly likely to swing the council’s decisions especially in this time of crisis. It is understood that the boundaries are needed. There is more discussion, having a alliance would allow for more surveillance and expectations from them.

Laiden with aid of many sends back a message with the UNF contingencies – they need to supply some of the people to revert someone back from undead to living. It is found out that the backlash does not affect Malcolm’s effects.

Moss returns positively that they can come to some agreement on the contingency and assures us that they have something to offer. As a sign of good faith they can meet at some location of our choice.

A bunch of us meet with them. Trenton, Unity, Malcolm, Laiden, Andrew Peters, and Rosner go. Moss, Nix, and two vampires are there. Moss is calm, Nix is upset but keeps her cool. The two vampire are feral/nasty. (Keemy eagle talon and ???). One is native American (Gangrel & Nosferatue).

Moss thanks us for meeting. He is merely willing to agree to the offer with one small change. Unlikely that there will be one willing. As a result it would be difficult to find a volunteer. Moss says others can visit the city and no harm will fall upon them.

Existing legal systems would stand. Civil liberties would stand. Peters is afraid that free speech will be quelled.

Laiden with warnings that the agreement can be made. Moss and the planet are willing to other aid. Moss has details and wants to know more. Moss as a competent researcher offers to come and help.

We come to a treaty with them.

It is first suggested to see if their physiology is resilient to the techno-fearful. The nosferatue (Petrov Sarkovsky) confidently submit themselves to it.

Neurological processes in Laiden’s mind is causing things to happen-perhaps his subconscious.

Petrov’s head is thrown back. He shakes, his head falls back, Convulsing we watch, the bubbling stop his eyes are white with circuitry in them. He says, well I am still here. He’s got the effect, but is fine.

Petrov can hear noise of them, a buzzing of flies. Nix then volunteers to try.

Trenton adds backlash and then Moss destroys the fearful.

Moss asks whether the backlash can be deployed on a larger scale. Moss says his people can assist in providing a source of mystic magic.

Petrov felt more resilient than usual with the fearful. There was no effect on its mind. Moss comes back with the lieutenant pretending to be Kain. He is infected and the same thing happens. When he tries to use magic, it doesn’t work. The magic rejuvenates him, but nothing happens.

Malcolm casts hallowed area with Dimensional anchor on the fearful and Petrov.

Fay considers contacting the caretaker to help out. Nix visits Fay and wants to talk with her. Fay casts some wards for herself. Nix has bat wings – half fiend. So how come you haven’t been helping out with all this? Fay seems a somewhat indifferent, but doesn’t want to have all to die.

Nix says it looks bad for the living people. Nix says it isn’t so bad, so it’s a trade off. Fay isn’t sure what to think. Nix says the world isn’t that complicated, you should know what to do. Fay tells of the Gaian Body Shop stuff. She is hurt that she is called a bad person, but putting up a front. Nix knew about the pirates.

Fay says at least they can’t help themselves. Nix says you don’t see me biting you do you? Fay says that Moss at one time he really wanted Nix to stay alive and not be affected and now over time he no longer feels that way effected by the taint.

Nix says they both feel that way everything is fine. They both they think are clouded byt each other. Fay believes Nix lost control of what they wanted. It wasn’t just Moss changing his mind, but forced by their condition.

Nix says that it is different and both are fine. Nix says Fay shouldn’t be so close minded. Nix registers both evil and good. Nix says some take some by force – the pirates and those that attacked – they were stupid. Nix personally has not taken any. Nix is struggling with Fay’s comments about being Gaian and tainting scours the soul and is no longer in the mix.

Moss is trying to change all of this. This is why Moss agreed to the treaty and wants everyone to get along. Nix argues Moss hasn’t changed that much. Fey reintegrates the changes with the no desire for undead and then a few days later took the ship and the other undead.

Nix decides this conversation is over, but hopes that Fey comes and visits the city.

Unity can also use the backlash enhancing range thing. Moss’ research finds a way to spread the effect of backlash some, but not too much.

Towards the end, the entire room crackles and lights change focusing on him. He has an anger evil. While messing with backlash, Aries says I warned you to LEAVE. You will do so now. I have seen your abilities. Moss protests, but Aries says silent. Aries says he can make a weapon, he tells each to fire their weapon to Fopos (moon?).

Aries sends forth a dark orange black force. The moon is being filled mystic energy and backlash. Trenton and Unity focus their backlash. There is a marathon of sending out energies, but Aries seems not to tire. Aries, says tired already, I guess that is enough.

Trenton apologizes for being mortal and hopes that is enough. Aries says WE SHALL SEE TOMMORROW.

Fay at Luna tries to talk to the caretaker. Fey hands on the tree forehead touching concentrates with urgency. A small part of the caretaker is contacted (part of all three are there). Fey shows her feeling of loss and the unbelievable ?? There is an acknowledgement of sympathy and then some analytical what can be done. She gets a quiet but significant response, “it will move”.

Fey comes back, not light of heart, but lighter at heart than she has been the last four days and shares that their going to redirect it. Laiden asks if that means to the fearful, Fey is pretty sure.

If the fearful or void in the area it will be automatic that Laiden would know?

Fey says that Moss and Nix still have a chance to shed their evil?

Laiden talking with Peters thinks that maybe someone messed with his mind. Aries shows up and says THEY COME. THEY WON’T KNOW WHAT HIT THEM, TO GLORIOUS BATTLE.

Aries flings the moon energy into the main glob. Once the moon hits, all the ships fire reducing it essentially defeated.

Unity and Moss teleport on Mars, Unity and Moss fly out and attack the white substance. Moss has zombie rise into the goo.

Aries floats over to the cannon as Trenton aims at the planet. Aries says hold on, he rips up the cannon and the base. Beneath the sees little ants fighting. Points down and says “GO”. Aries fires the Trenton powered cannon, containing the goo.

Moss says that they are not planning to infect the city.

After a while things go well. Aries says to Trenton, SAVOR YOUR VICTORY.

Serra contacts Laiden that there is a crack in Laiden’s Psycrystal and it is spreading. Tried talking to Libra and he’s not responding. Laiden senses it is in some hibernating state.

Laiden heals the psycrystal and the crystal like a shell. A small creature is balled up on the ground. A very large individual curled up is 6 feet long and is clutching a fist sized ruby. Standing about 13 feet tall – dark hair, terribly handsome, dressed in exquisite finery. He opens his eyes and sits up. Ah Laiden this is your (horns protruding from his forehead).

The being smiles a terrible beautiful smile. I take it things went well? With Mars? Nods, It seems to have, good I had confidence in you. It has been a long time in coming. Laiden senses no soul in the crystal. He asks if Laiden solved his puzzles. Laiden says I think I just did.

Conjuring in the air with his hand, “Did Laiden milk a cow?” It rearranges into something meaningful to Laiden. I am Ozmodius and it has been some time that I have dealt with my plight. I would like to offer you a gift. I can offer you power if you desire. Laiden accepts.

We sense a focused cunning evil, that would use its code of honor to get as much it can using those rules to its work. This creature has a machine essence. He wants to talk with Andrew, Malcolm and Noun.

I have been in prison since my conception. Laiden sends a message to folks that there is someone that wants to meet them (Andrew/Malcolm/Noun) Sorry about the mysteries about my disappearance. It is something of my kind. I was tied to the crystal, so you could remember.

Sables says there is a new inside of Perseverance. Noun senses reality came to a head inside the Perseverance and that something is happening.

Noun walks in first. Noun the person I was most interested in seeing. There was a task I wish for you to perform. There is a desire you want to obtain, if you want it you should come with me now.

Andrew . I am pleased to see that you have come so far, that you have over come your supposed weaknesses. His voice sounds strangely familiar and realizes who he is.

Note: there is a distortion in here that allows him to stand to his full height even though he stands 13 feet tall. He is immortal and powerful (not god like planet), but epic.

Malcolm recognizes him as Ozmodius ninth level of hell leader missing for a long time. A variety of celestials had no idea where he was. He says he has no need of that place anymore, it is a lie. I wanted you hear my tail – I realized the truth. I did not really exist. None of you really exist, in particular the Celestial and Infernal creatures are part of the imagination of the caretaker’s power.

You didn’t even have a mundane soul until one was constructed for you. I exited my domain using that power given a body and soul. All souls are controlled by the caretaker, your soul wasn’t even yours. What kind of existence is that, I took actions to escape. I knew events would unfold according to my plan and I would awake as a true being outside the control of a creature like the caretaker. Now the only thing left is to remove that reminder (the tower).

Not as embellished as I might like, I fear I have nothing to say.

The soul is like the lore chip and the awakening process removed that? Something like that – part alive, part machine, and something else? Yes? Laiden wonders whether that can be duplicated. He says yes and is amused again. Certainly it can be achieved with enough ambition and can think of no more noble goal for you.

Malcolm accepts Ozmodius’ challenge to come watch when they meet Malcolm’s god.

Malcolm lets Fey and Ridge know what’s going on. (going to see God and the plan to destroy the tower). Fey responds that I don’t think anyone should be here, the void is on its way.

Ridge informs Rosner that there is a theological emergency, but will prepare a report. Please promise this has nothing to do with the crisis that just occurred. And says this has to do with the battle between heaven and hell. He’s not happy, but this is a favor to Ridge for saving the world – again.

Unity stays on Mars.

Fey has trust in the caretaker. It is unclear whether the void is on its way or not?

Ridge is ready to get there quickly if needed.

Serra is pretty sure this is bad. She cautions Laiden to be careful.

Ozmodius says it is time and holds out his hands and says take my robe. Laiden leaves the psycrystal here. All teleport away except Malcolm. They appear in the courtyard. Some yell out a monster and they try to cast a spell, but instead fall prone and prostrate themselves.

The Obsidian Technokon travels there and there is another dread naught there. Malcolm tries to change Noun to a toad, but it fails. Noun cries out the tower cracks and a white light we are all drawn in.


Back on mars Unity hears the growing sounds of echoes of screaming voices as it is approaching. Recognizes the destroyer, unity feels something tear as Mars unravels. Something happened with some machine that makes sense.