
We are near time’s end, near the final moments of the universe, at the cusps of time. We are floating in the Astral plane- timeless, no sleep, no food, no aging. We have physical essences.

The most brilliant thing defines the center of this place. Destiny, god, etc. Beyond of comprehension and this is point from where all the universe derives. Also here is a blight, a manifestation of the destroyer, can tell how big, just vastly bigger than us. There isn’t locations that you can map, but things are relative to each other. To complicate that eddies and rips in time messes it up.

All at once we are each flooded with knowledge. We understand the nature of the universe of itself. Flashing through all our consciousnesses, in another time and place, creatures completely alien (impossible to understand) – think pseudo-natural. They were far advanced in ways we don’t understand – they use mystic energy (backlash). There was a creature threatening their world, and with much hardship, they tracked a creature through a black hole, and channeled backlash. They infused the blackhole with mystic energy.

A hyper nova, far stronger than super nova. The caused an ultra nova, destroying everything, and created our universe (that was once a black hole). The universe is 57 dimensional (according to Noun). The original universe is 60 dimensional. Something else is 153 dimensions.

Time works backwards for each. The big bang, creates our universe, although another big bang exists in our universe’s time line (before the end).

All the souls (trillions) of those slain melded together. Its only goal is to consume the light that is the center of where we are.

There is a destiny, but it doesn’t fit in well.

This circulatory system and it goes in one direction, but can go in many ways always ended up in the same place.

The 57 of 60 dimensions account for the tapestry of the universe. With those 3 dimensions destiny can be changed in ways.

The Destroyer wants to munch all mystic, psionic, and magical energies. The universe is really one gigantic psionic energy.

Gaia created Dragonstar (this created the moon and asteroid belt). 95% of the dragons sacrificed themselves, to lead the destroyer away.

The destroyer did hit Gaia and she could not longer create things like dragons, so instead it created Elves, Dwarves, etc.

A white viral substance from an alien race, that was taken by the destroyer. This spore as an infant thrown of by the elders. A religion formed around them. This is the peacemaker, and they heard screams of magic and decided to destroy all. They began work on a weapon to cleanse Earth. They created a viral race of humans that would remove their mystic potential.

They took over ecosystems, nearly cleansing all humans, but then something else not of this universe was heading for earth. They used their biological transportation scheme to escape this new alien (they thought it would be the destroyer). It was Emanuel.

From the anti-universe was on a scientific expedition, and when he returned he was sad, but being more computer-like, scoured the universe and found earth. Interested, studied and decided to go there and study that. He then infested Earth (fascinating, but frustrating). At first no one could perceive him. Humans spreading like a cancer – curious, short sighted, etc. Emanuel invented a mythology and played God. Those that sensed him like Moses, he talked with directly. Emanuel thrived on consuming memories of the dead. He encouraged people to work together living in harmony, since folks with more interesting longer lives was more delicious.

Backlash developed.

Magic sealed away, all the supernatural things were sealed away. Magic unsealed again and backlash removed combining entities.

Caretaker was now too strong and the Dragonstar wasn’t strong enough to make it ignore Earth. One Dragon leaving, drew attention away and it noticed other things more.

End of time reached out and touched certain individuals to make them psions to alter itself. This caused things to happen. Divine noun (divine adam) splintered away from destiny. The bird also was split off. The divine calculus?

Another girl in a huge car accident, this girl Jasmine has had unbelievable luck that protects her, yet still in a macro scale things are aweful.

Divine grammer, divine conjuction?

The Occultan Lapnum, the king of the Royals. Adam Gleen tried to clone the king, but it went wrong. The OL is now a part of Max Cohen.

We are all fated to be here. There is something greater than the universe itself. What happens next is less clear.

We feel as thought the moment of silence is drawing to a close and our understanding is complete. The inkling of what will happen next (a shadow), Osmodius-Destiny-Blight are all here. We can all can understand.

Lilith, Glaurond, Caretaker have avatars here. Lilith is a 9 year girl with a merose look, pale skin, orange third eye. Glauron is here as a massive dragon. Folks are near each other? Aries is here as well.

Curtis does a quick rundown of the characters, just to remind us who everyone is playing.

Ozmodius’ will is to rebel against the caretaker and now he can strike and take down the caretaker.

Jasmine is here, going through the same process. Now she is in turmoil, as she can not avoid destiny. She wanted to defy destiny and stab it in the eye, by bringing the destroyer here. Now that we know our universe is not everything. She begins looking into the other dimensions of time and realizes she hasn’t escaped destiny and how needs to go further and destroy everything.

Grab Bryce’s body (now a portal) and go through something destroying everything.

Destroyer is planning to devour the essence of this universe, destroying all space in time, nothing really happens.

Destiny force does not wish to be devoured. Itself can’t do anything as it is this place. It suffuses everything here. We can reach for some physical object to help out or reach for knowledge – both require intelligence checks (standard actions).

Words of warning: That which is your staunch ally may not serve you in this place as faithfully.

Each of these three tasks are critical. Any one failure means that everyone ends in failure.

Aries plans to pursue Jasmine.

All three caretaker, glauron, Lilith plan to fight the destroyer and protect destiny. Glauron and Lilith will simply fight the destroyer. The caretaker will also not oppose Osmodaius directly, but a subtle, come and do what must be done (beyond our understanding). Osmodaius doesn’t quite get what it means, but welcomes the challenge.

General Q&A

Soul is a piece of Gaia’s essence.

Aroberose? Osmodius and others are part

The other universe is the opposite of this universe in every way.

Time will mostly works expected here. Occasionally weird things will happen.

GM Fiat: Everything happens at once. All the more powerful entities all spring forward. The caretaker grabs the dues-mach archway and it is here. Ozmodius summons a pit fiend and says, “those loyal defend me”. Glauron, Lilith, and the Caretaker channel energy and a massive shield interposes destiny. A gnome is there. The destroyer pulses and churns, a piece of it breaks off, screaming toward Lilith and Glauron.

Jasmine grabs Bryce and leaps into the void?

  1. Lilith and Glauron protection from destroyer segment/feign (Sheva)
  2. Oppose osmodius and pit fiend (Vishnu)
  3. Go see what’s up with Jasine (Bhrama)

Malcolm: Used miracle to pull in Solar into the fight, heroic surge to use miracle to have Asmodius feel and empathize with all the pain of those who have suffered under his influence.

Laiden: Pulled Perseverance with Serra into the end of time. Figure out what’s going on, unless the caretaker has an amazing idea, not helping.

Trenton: Enchanted his rail gun to be a +2 weapon. Defend Azmodius while trying to figure out what’s going on.

Zee: Summoned a dragon and sent it to fight the Feign. Defend Caretaker

Meecham: Attempted to find out what the Caretaker’s intention for Azmodius was. He gleaned that he wasn’t interest in killing Asmodius. Figure out what the caretaker’s plan is and go from there.

Andrew: Concentrated on something and failed. Protect Azmodius

Harry Bryant: Surrounded by a brilliant light – shimmer white holy energy. Defend the caretaker.

Pit Fiend: Kill as much as possible

Alphadear funnels massive amounts of energy into the portal. Azmodius tries to reach Malcolm, but can’t quite succeed. Then tells the caretaker, he who created me kneel before me.

Malcolm telepathically contacts Azmodius and tries to talk him down. Saying there is no need for all this violence. Free will and ?? Says the caretaker’s creation as he believes are given free will and killing the caretaker serves no purpose.

Solar pulls in a greatsword floating before him, floats to the pit fiend and it strikes the pit fiend a cutting blow.

Harry Bryant sits down and thinks (getting information).

Zee calls forth a cloak and puts it on. Moves forward within 60 feet of Azmodius and pumps his will save up (+6).

Laiden lets everyone know that he has a link to the other groups and will let us know what is going on. Laiden opens a channel to Serra and enhances his will save. Serra agrees with Laiden that things are interesting. Laiden says he hopes that everyone doesn’t die. Laiden wants the let the caretaker and Azmodius play out between themselves.

Trenton turns his on he perceptive stuff (really strong) free, moves to protect Azmodius. Trenton’s mind floods with the Caretaker’s intentions.

Andrew pulls forth an enclosed case with Dark Soul’s eye in it.

Unity moves near the caretaker and concentrates on the caretaker’s plan.

Azmodius strikes 4 times, the caretaker and the blows are deflect.

Malcolm moves forward and creates a 10 foot radius invisibility area.

The Solar shakes his head and mostly recovers. The great sword misses. Steps back and fires an arrow.

Harry moves forward to the Pit Fiend and channels holy power a blinding light hits a shield around the pit fiend. Harry perturbed, closes his eyes and aids his allies with bless.

Pit fiend and Solar beat the crap out of each other. Harry is fully healed by Zee.

Laiden leaves a message with Ridge and tells Azmodius that perhaps attacking the caretaker now is not the best time, but to wait until after the universe is saved.

Trenton shares that the caretaker thinks something good will happen if Azmodius attacks him, but may disrupt the process. Trenton thinks that Azmodius should be delayed.

Andrew enhances some of this psionic potency.

Azmodius beats Unity into unconciousness.

Malcolm tries to holy smite but it fails. He backs off and makes the Caretaker and himself invisible.

Solar casts healing rain.t

Azmodeus looks around and is annoyed. A sword appears in his offhand.

Malcolm changes himself to look like Alphadere and pretend to channel into the portal.

The Solar tries to smash Azmodeus and it fails.

Harry gets up and slams into the pit fiend as goo covering him. The nanites begins eating away the pit fiend’s flesh.

Zee senses the reality of the shield is a variation of the Deus Machim. Eddy is forming the core of it. Not sure how it works, but somehow confusing the destroyers ability to move. It is holding, but being depleted. He moves to the archway and infuses it.

The pit fiend grapples the Solar.

Laiden and Serra can’t figure out what the sword of destiny will do against the caretaker.

Trenton tries to effect the Solar, but fails. Sees that Asmodius is planning to strike the solar.

Andrew uses the eye on Unity.

The void has sucked Eddie out of the shield and that is intetegral to the shield and Glauron flies up to take Eddies place.

Unity shock Azmodius for a handful, annoying Azmodius.

Harry Bryant eats away at the Pit Fiend and it crumbles to the ground.

Laiden learns what the sword of destiny against the caretaker would do. He tells us that he should strike the caretaker now.

Trenton convinces Malcolm that the caretaker is not where he believes he is at. Malcolm shoots over 100 feet to interpose himself.

Unity can’t breech the DR of his military shielding device.

Trenton heroic surges and fires at Vee – do what you can to stop him.

Azmodius wishes something.

The fake Azmodius illusion falls. Malcolm holy smites Vee

Laiden uses miller 2 with Obsidian Technokon sending Vee a mile away. Talking with Azmodius says it is far too easy to kill the caretaker and is ensuring this. Laiden says he’s a big fan of freedom by not freedom from existence.

He considers this thinking back to all the suffering he has caused and feel rage towards the caretaker for creating him as a creature that caused all this pain and makes a decision to do this the way it is written.

Unity sees Dr Peters visage change/twist. Tentacles shoot forward from his cheeks eye are black, his skin is purple. He attempts sucks Unity’s brain, but it fails.

Unity tries to pull the belt off of Andrew, but fails.

Alphadere steps into the blow from the sword of destiny. Asmodeius cleaves the caretaker in two. We look again we see a green haired Halfling (very beautiful) on the other side is something hideous mass of tentacles (Emanuel).

Pit fiend stirs and Harry Bryant covers and eats him again.

Laiden cures Gaia, Trenton ships in 20 points of backlash, Tenetacles everywhere and he is awake.

Peters breaks free of the grapple.

Unity delays

It is fated the shield stay down.

Azmodius throws his head back and laughs, strikes Gaia and disperses into green leaves everywhere. Talking to Laiden (why did you heal her).

We all notice the destroyer has surged foward and has begun devouring the destiny force. Emanual moves and interposes himself at the point of feeding. The energy moves through Emanual sending in pure backlash. The destroyer jitters and a bunch of people are thrown out.

Everything is being pulled into Bryce’s portal. Nothing personal, just affecting the destroyer and being pulled to the portal. Nikoli is pulled out and then it is gone, the portal closes.

The portal at this point is pushed somewhere else – a nearby galaxy and back through time a little time ago and the circle is complete. Emanual himself is no longer here either. What Emanual did transforms the destroyer ends the threat and creates the other loop.

Still floating at the cusp of time, we can go where we want.

From the center of the universe, light comes out of the destiny force (streams of light) pull Nikoli in and he is gone.