
Emilio wants to meet Vittorio in a crowded restaurant… but he ends up dead before he can tip his hand to Vittorio. He is poisoned, and dies at the table.

Huntington is a fan of the Art of War, and quotes it occasionally.

Some thoughts about the Destroyer and the Destiny Force

Jasmine’s backstory

There may be a villain striving for (either purposefully or inadvertently) the merger, and thus destruction, of the twin universes (Twin Tiers, anyone?). It could be Huntington’s fate, since he serves no master but himself. It could be Mordred. It could be William Moss.

The final session involves three groups each accomplishing a separate goal. These goals could correspond to the three villains above somehow. Maybe they must each stop a villain from achieving the annihilation of all existence.

Handling time paradox

Since Noun and Nikolai are screwing with time a lot, the space-time continuum is becoming strained. Time-related paradox is growing more prevalent. Brice’s connections to other machines strain time as well, and result in strange distortions (that neatly correspond to out-of-game realities). Also, perhaps the "holes in the tapestry" provide an opening for Jasmine to direct the Destroyer through to the end of time itself, to eliminate the Destiny Force.