Eidolons | S-15


Session date: 
Sat, 2010-04-03 14:00 - 20:00
Players present: 
Paul, Jeff, John, Dave, Jesse



This session starts at Oraculum.  Isaline, Biger, Ed, and Vsheer were there.   (Ed and Biger fronm the fuge thing).   Zahar and moe's character appear from Mowrlyn, Joseph and Simone come from Alexandria or so (Simone is quaked away from her progress to Sigil).  Admatha and Sahret were at Nifelheim (They had jsut made an agreement with Levistus).  (levistus said he'd release the tarrasque piece to Sahret if he can gather everything else that''s needed.  (The components needed:  2 bodies.. a piece of a pseudonatural, the remnants of the tarrasque and a blessing from [vecna?]).  The last thing I did was talking to Dragontamer.  

Everyone appears at the nexus under in Oraculum...   the NPCs are quaked away.   We have a wierd opportnity...   5 NPCs will be brought here or kept here.   (This is OOC).  (The marilith is still there in addition).  

Eraja (Chosen)
Sophia Fochlucan (Chosen)
Silius (Chosen)
Another one of those big geomancers
(The above are geomancers for plot resolution)

Sahret's brother

(Above for plot fun)

Vanquisher [Bad idea, since Isaline wants him dead.]
Arwel and her tarrasque
A kung fu master (Joel's)  
(Above for killing things)

Mordlwyn (Priestess of the black...   She's good with nexuses and powerful). (Chosen)
Sahrit (Sahret's evil brother).  (chosen)

The five we chose are here, along with like all of these PCs and the Marilith (Named Nanith)

This cavern is ginormous.   There's an inverted nexus...  and several hundred feet away there's another.  Zahar is in one of the nexuses.  

After the vertigo the quake fades, we're all looking around/...   Sahrets are staring at eachother, Priestess off the black watching them...

Ed Says what we're gdoing here...   Lots of people buff.  

Vhisr appears as a generic green dragonborn

Joe is a human wearing a robe, he's a runemage, has shadows cloaking him

Sahret:  good:   Mithral breastplate half elf, glowing eyes, maybe eladrin...    Evil:   Black dragonscale armor, looks very similar, but more like eladrin.   Hoy sym,bol is the same as Eric goldsmith, both have a brand on their hand.

Zahar:  Same as normal

Moe's character; Dariel:   Elven, Druid, dressed as a nomad.

I give my description.
Isaline:   Noticeably human, looking close to 50 yrs old, big sc ar down right side of face...   has an eyepoatch.   Has changed armor from imperial stuff to stuff fitted with the raven queen's marking... looks a bit different.   She also has a Nightmare.  

Simone: Attractive elfish looking thing with red hair.   Traveling clothes, rapier.  You like her.

Kith:   About a foot tall...   bottom half in shape of a cricket, shrowded in shadows, has two scabbards for swords on his backs, one is empty.   He is different than before... instead of being a bit faded and wilted as a fey, he now seems far more vibrant, more lkie a normal fey.  

Admatha:  Female dwarf in the trademark balck robes of Admatha.  

(Zahar is on fire)

The Marilith nanith:  Wearing balck robes carrying small wooden weapons none of which are carried.  

Mordlywn:   Vaguely draconic, partially draconic.

Silius is wearing geomancers robne, he seems ready to help

Sophia fochlucan:   An elf, stressed, staring at the two Sahrets with concern

Eraja:   Dressed as a nomad, halfing,

We need to uninvert one of the nexuses, then slowly combine the energies of the two,

Silius Says that combining the nexuses blow stuff op../.   Need something that can ward off the energhy of the nexuses from eachother.

Joseph says he might be able to buffer it, since he's controlled the two energies in smaller amounts.  Joseph is examined, to see how he did this a bit.  

The Marilith suggests that siezing the surface nexuses.  Also says going surface side could prevent hte explosion from being bad if they pyull the ley line.  

(THe plan:   revert ione nexus, Joseph acts as a wall.  Eraja says they need to figure out some powqerful thing... something that can withstand the two energgies like Joseph.   MAubne M<porwl;dyn... or... Sahret. Mowrldelyn divinations to see if there's a good focus for the balanced energy...   they used a seed for the + nexus, so they need a neutral foxcus.  She sense that several such things are within our reach, but doesn't knwo what they are.  Zahar says maybe he could do something.  Simone has also volunteered)   The Invisirings are shown to DSilius, but  Silius does't l;ooked surprised really, but he tries to hide it,  (Simone can revitalize at both).  Good Sahrit can't refresh.   Admatha coudl refresh at sboth when alive, and now neither.  Perhaps using multiple sources could prevent them from being destroyed/.  They might be able to test stuff.  We spend about a half hour trying various thing.. There's great potential for all these ideas.  As Zahar suggested, using one object wouldn't work well...   But there still needs to be an Object, for the seed.  The people could help channel, but we still need an object.  The object will be consumed... but how long will it be?  We don't know how much power it'll need.  

Marilith suggests we have a direction.  

Length of the ritual is about an hour...   but they won't notice right away.   After the hour of restoring the nexus, how long will the combining take?  Kith is willking to fight Grazzt, get captured, and then he'll be tortured, distracting Grazzt.  We are offered a solution to the charm.  We can basically link all our will saves.  

The two parties

Biger's Party: Joseph, Kith, Zahar, Sahret,

Isaline's party:  Admatha, Ed, Vshir, Simone

mowrdlyn can communicate betweent he two groups...   

Team ritual:  Joseph, Zahar, Admatha, Simone, (previous are in the ritual).   Dariel (Will be healing joe...)  Sahret G and Sahret E, and teh Geomancers, Mordalwynn, Silius

Team distraction:  Biger, Kith, Isaline, Ed, Vshir, Ninith.  

(Marilith says they're immune to electricity but they prefer spells that involve ophysical injury.)

The buffs:   Magic vestment, All stat buffs, Protection from energy all, resist energy all, Barkskin +5, darkvision, my buffs... I shield other everyone for wounds.  

One of Kith's swords cannot be buffed, wierd.  

We all make the save.  

We decide tpo go up about 10 minutes before the ritual finishes.  

We go into the marilith's portable hole, she said we'd teleport up to the nexus area.  54 sense motive said she isn't working at cross purposes to us.  

She lays down the portable hole so we can all get out.  

We are teleported in, There are fresh dead bodies of eladrin in one of the rooms.  The other rooms also have dead researchers and more dead eladrin.  There's a lot of unusual shit here....   Lots of crazy stuff here.     These people were stabbed, not clawed/teethed to death...  atackers of multiple sizes.  No living guards inside. (She has 3 gnolls shrouded in black that only Isaline can say.  They probably killed the people inside since they had the right weapons)  

There is a person outside the door.   it's eds master.   "Ed, what a coincidence"  She didn't killl the people outside...  Ed says we need a ruckus.  

Kith vanishes.  The ramps are a few hundred feet.  

The Marilith says she'll hold the door, and soon aware of the threat posed by this place.  She says she will hold the position while we gather attention.  

Marilith poiunts out that the ley line will disappear into the ground in about 20 minutes.   When that happens, it will be obvious what's goin on if they're in the building.  

There is a rumbling from the buildiung so we go and ambush some patrols.  We take out some patrols, they get off some cries for hepl and that's about it.  After a few minutes, there's clearly a cry going out that there is something goign on.   Grazzt keeps talking about traitors in their midst...   starts getting rallying cries from the audience.  

More patrols are coming our way, and we march towards Grazzts Podium.   We charge up the ramp in the hopes of creatng an enormous distraction.  There are two Hezrou.  3 eladrin, and a Nabasu, medium sized batlike creatures, immune to elec...  

Isaline lances the Nabasu, but it is under half vitality.  

Immediately thereafter, a marilith appears behind him.   Its wearing the full armor that the groups of mariliths that kill all of the [p;laqued have been using.  

Then Ed Carges the nabasu.   it is dropped.  One Hezrou is Winded.  (We felt a large upswel on the dark nexus energy).  From the buulding a large creature from two heads...   Its demogorgan.  It calls upon its true followers to show their proper alliegance.  The marilith and the the teacher leave as well.  

At this point, grazzt stops his speech.  

Isaline and Bella share a smite and Full attack the marilith.  It is dropped.   Barely.  

ed Tears apart a Hezrou in a turn...   gets the extra attacks against Eladrin.  We...  shred these guys badly.

Clever girl Eladrin D doors out.  So does the other.  

Grazzt is still up top, loudly decrying the servants of Demogorgan.   He says "My city..... Our City!"  Demogorgon begins summoning demons.  The auditorium where Grazzt is giving his speech is quickly depopulating.  People are fleeing, because OMGWTF Demogorgon.  Balors For Demogorgon.  We start making our way towards grazzt...  proper boss fight style.  He's giving a rallying speech.  It is very clear that he's an exceptional orator, and he is visibly more competant the more he speaks.  

Kith lets out Amplify.  Grazzt sees Kith and Grazzt casts a spell We feel ourselves under the effect, We resist with a 45 Will save. Kith Says he's on his way...  We keep walking towards him.  Demogorgon's force follows us up the ramp... It clambers up the ramp.   Grazzt has a lot of numbers and a lot of the Delhians.  

Kith calls out "I'm coming Araris!"    With his amplified voice.  

Kith says if I can get her away.  This is a very overwhelming situation to be in.   despite the fact that Demogorgon has most of the Balors on his side, there are still like 10 to 1 odds against us, even in terms of power.   It would not be a winning proposition to get to the spire as things stand...   but once Demogorgon's fighting,

Isaline invokes something.  Isaline is asking for help...  Isaline Prays...  We all see, over the spire, a black rift of shadow open in the air.  We see numerous chains with spikes and barbs of a sort attack grazzt, the mariliths are ripped to shreds in short order, Grazzt manages to get his sword out, and deflect some chains, but he is quickly torn apart and sent back to his realms.   There is an intense nbrightness... a familiar voice "This is against our pact.   You will cease this and come with me."   (It's Pelor), it's looking up.  From on top of the platform its a bright light looking up

On there there's a figure we can see descend fromt he portal, 8-10 ft tall, with a metallic mask over its face.   Pelor reaches out a face, and they touch and its over.  

Down below  (Those above, don't see this.)
Everyone sees:  The two nexuses have started to fade.. energy noticeably dimmer, the energy is flowing through the common ley line through the center, the energy coalesces in the center.   A pillar of light shoots up through.,,, not white light, more like water,,, siome translucent energy.  We can tell this is a wholoe new form of energy that feels clean...   It's neither + nor -, leaves us neither full njor exploding with life, but it does feel (The humans notice it but don't feel different...   it feels very different...   they've never been nexused before, but this is going through and refreshes them...)    The warforged get recharged, but its in a different way than a Positive charge...   We feel with boundless energy...    ((Out of game, We warforged don't have to shut down every night that we use this energy...   We have 30 days of not needing to sleep, which can be distributed as needed.))  

It shoots in a column of light.. and washes down like a geyser... and a new nexus has formed that's about twice as wide around as the old ones were.   This is a nexus in balance.  And it feels completely unique.  Dariel has a primordial sense that this nexus is in balance with nature.  Sahret also understands this (The druid one does... and the ranger), Everyone can refresh from this energy.  

As this energy washes over ann, her ghostly form solidifies adn her flesh stabilizes, and she looks actually alive.  Joes bond to her feels the same, but she is no longer undead.   She is a living person.  She can still be incorporeal, but can now manifest as living flesh.

Admatha.  She knows that Withered have no souls, beause nerull has them.  She knows her soul is tethered to her physical form, but in Nerull's care.   She feels herself return to her body.  She is alive again (The dwarf she was using falls over dead).  She feels she has finally achieved fullness... like this is what she's been looking for and her thirst is quenched.  She feels she still has her connection to Nerull.   She retains all of her incorporeal traits and possesion shticks, but she's a humanoid, and she can have a con, she's alive again.  

Zahar sought the center of this explosion and as it washes over him, his body transforms as he loses control, his hand becomes a paw, and it courses up his arm, but his other hand is fine, and the two warring philosphies collide within him.   He has a visceral understanding of the dualkity he's been looking at...   that the two styles are one and the same...  unified in purpose, 2 sides of a coin.   And when the energy clears, and in the middle stands not a Deva, not a Rakshasa....   but a human.  

((We were able to get the girl. ))   
  Ley lines are connected to the Nexus.  They are fine.  
This city is now the best city ever ever.  We should build sigil mark 2.  

Admatha is a bit disturbed...   Rock is still uncomfortable but she can walk on it.  (The dwarven body falls to the ground, then the portable hole opens, then A teenaged, grayish looking body pokes its head oiut of the portable hole looking very confused.   Grabs the dwarven body Pulls it in, dons the robes,dons them.)  She folds up the portable hole and packs it away.

Joseph feels One link of a chain breaks, and he's slightly freer.  But he's still quite chained.  Maybe if doing this to every nexus in the work, it'd work.  

In this energy, lies the key to everything.  

Notes for S-15 blue group to go here. Edit this blurb for plot summary, or add a character perspective using the "Add new comment" mechanism.