hometown | Triumph (originally from the Veldt) |
race | human, dwarf (slight ancestry) |
gender | male |
class | sorcerer (wild mage) |
background | sage |
profession | SPI agent |
alignment | lawful good |
ideal | lawful peace |
bond | SPI |
flaw | bad at secrets |
A veteran [wild mage who’s been working with the SPI for decades, but seems to be afflicted by some sort of malignant chronomancy.
Tapestry of Fate
Lucid memory (Luck). You remember something from the past which is relevant.
Class Archetype
Magic items
- Thanks to his experience with wild magic, Vondal has learned to control the behavior of his Wand of Wonder. When manifesting an effect from the wand, he can spend sorcery points to affect the outcome. After rolling the d100, he may add or subtract to the result by up to 7 per sorcery point spent. (OR: subtract only? OR: spend sorcery points to roll multiple times?)
- In addition, while holding the wand, Vondal gains a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls, and ignores half cover when making a spell attack, with wild magic.
- 7 charges
- regain 1d4 charges every dawn
- 1 charge = Cure Wounds level 1