Supernatural Phenomenon Investigators (SPI)


See the Characters spreadsheet for some additional notes and details.

PC agents

Former agents


NPC agents

Allies and informants

Mallory has a network of informants, though it is much reduced in recent times, due to the calamity that recently befell the SPI. Many are afraid to be associated with an organization which seems under direct assault from powerful and mysterious forces.

Still, the SPI agents are working to rebuild this network of informants, who include:

Cognitutus Board of Regents. The current Board consists of Garl Glittergold, Rimona Kwalish, Schnartank Bombardine, and Aurora Damasca. Aside from Bombardine, they supported the SPI’s mission to the ocean depths to confront the aboleth threat to the city, with Kwalish lending them her twinked out submarine, and Aurora accompanying them as a munitions expert.

Criminals and villains

The SPI has faced many threats throughout its 50 year existence, and brought many criminals to justice, while others have escaped their just desserts… so far. Most recently, those include:

Case(s) Person
01 + 02 Pulchritudinous Euryale
03 Zanic Corbinic
03 Hollerd Aldrimor
03 Bronce Aldrimor
04 Brian the Elder Brain
05 Ra’faj
06 Solomon
07 Alex Orbach
08 Meroe
09 The Balor
10 Anne “Bonny” Qin
07, 10 Bram the Blithe
11 The Aboleths
12 Isis Ra’ksh
12 Peregrine Shackleton
12 Eixam
12 Zuggtmoy

Evidence locker