The Zephyr Federation

The Zephyr Federation
racesdragonborn, dragons
citiesdono, prendo
neighbors{"N"=>"skyrealm", "E"=>"rup", "SE"=>"mountain", "S"=>"flux", "SW"=>"ocean", "W"=>"trell"}
deities[Tiamat](../dossiers/tiamat) (LE; Trickery, War): goddess of wealth, greed and vengeance, [Bahamut](../dossiers/bahamut) (LG; Life, War): god of justice and nobility, [Sardior](../dossiers/sardior) (LN; Knowledge, Trickery): deity of night, psionics and secrets.

At the northern edge of the world stand the Cliffs of Transcendence, a mountain range beyond which there is no more ground, only an open expanse of sky. Masses of earth dot the skies beyond that, though; the largest of these “sky islands” is Aether, the Azure City. South of the cliffs lies the Ventosa Flatland, a windy steppe, home to the two largest cities of Zephyr: Dono and Prendo.


Zephyr is a martial society, divided into 16 clans, which are often in conflict with each other. What follows is a summary of the clans, including racial stereotypes.

There are also rarer dragon types, which do not have dedicated clans:

Finally, there are Clanless dragons: those who have been expelled from their clan.

The aarakocra

The aarakocra are a bird-like race that keeps watch against the gargoyles which emerge from the Howling Gyre, an endless storm of mighty winds and lashing rains north of Skyrealm.