The gnomes of Cognitutus revere two goddesses: Erathis, goddess of civilization and invention, and Avandra, goddess of change, luck, trade, and travel. Gnomes often debate which goddess is the “true face” of divinity, with many believing that gnomish fortunes are best when the two are in balance. Some gnomes even believe them to be two faces of the same greater deity, whom they call Ioun, goddess of knowledge, prophecy, and skill.
Clerics who worship these two goddesses while following this philosophy are known as clerics of the dual goddess.
Spells known
As a cleric of the dual goddess, has two lists of spells known: one for Knowledge and one for Trickery.
You know a number of Knowledge spells equal to your cleric level + Intelligence modifier. These spells do not all need to be directly Knowledge related, but they should be spells that make sense for Erathis to be willing and able to grant you.
You know a number of Trickery spells equal to your cleric level + Charisma modifier. These spells do not all need to be directly Trickery related, but they should be spells that make sense for Avandra to be willing and able to grant you.
Casting spells
As a cleric of the dual goddess, your holy symbol has two faces: one of Knowledge and the other of Trickery. At a given time, your holy symbol is either Knowledge-forward or Trickery-forward. This choice determines the spells known to which you have access in the moment. You can flip your holy symbol to the other goddess as a bonus action.
When casting a spell from your Knowledge list, you may choose to use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier. (This affects things like save DC.) Similarly, when casting a spell from your Trickery list, you may use your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier.
Domain abilities
At each level of cleric where a domain ability is granted, you choose either the Knowledge ability or the Trickery ability.
Domain spells
For your domain spells, choose one of the two Knowledge domain spells, and one of the two Trickery domain spells. Your symbol must be Knowledge-forward to cast Knowledge domain spells, and Trickery-forward to cast Trickery domain spells.