Multiple mystics can combine their efforts to produce more powerful effects. Each mystic who wishes to be part of the link must be enchanted with a link-enabling effect (Enh 5). This technique is called enabling. An enabled mystic can magically reach out to another enabled mystic as a standard action, thus completing the link between them. Completing the link with another mystic requires physical contact, and all mystics involved must be willing, or the completion will fail (once completion is achieved, physical contact is no longer required). Removing oneself from a link (severing the link) is a free action. Additionally, any mystic who is part of a completed link can forcibly remove another mystic from the link (expelling that mystic) as a free action. Lastly, any mystic who ceases to be enabled at any point in time is automatically expelled from any link in which he is currently a member.
For example, suppose that Luet the mystic wizard wishes to link with Artys the mystic ranger and Ellwood the mystic bard. Artys pays Enh 5 to enable himself. Ellwood does not have 5 ranks in Enhancement, so Luet spends Enh 5 to enable herself, then Enh 5 again to enable Ellwood. Now Ellwood and Luet join hands and Ellwood completes the link by willing himself into it (of course, if Luet did not wish for Ellwood to link, she could prevent the completion from being successful). Then Artys places a hand on Luet’s shoulder and wills himself into the link as well. Now the three of them can act together, combining sphere points to create effects more powerful than any one of them could have managed alone.
When multiple linked mystics produce a single mystic effect (a linked effect), each member of the link contributing to that effect must apply their full concentration toward it-that is, producing that effect takes a standard action for each mystic contributing sphere points. Thus, in combat, linked mystics wishing to create a single effect must delay their respective actions until their initiatives are equal, and then collaboratively create their joint effect. A mystic who is a member of the link but not contributing points to any effects that round is called dormant, and need not delay his action in such a way, nor apply concentration toward the link that round.
To determine the effective sphere total of an effect, take the number of sphere points contributed by each member from each sphere, and convert these values into the equivalent number of building points (see the Sphere point progression section for details on building points). Sum these values for each sphere, then convert the results back into sphere points, to determine each sphere’s resulting level.
In the previous example, suppose that Luet spends Trans 6, Artys contributes Trans 4, and Ellwood uses Trans 2. Luet’s Trans 6 yields twenty-one building points, Artys’s Trans 5 is fifteen building points, and Ellwood’s Trans 2 contributes three building points, for a total of 21 + 15 + 3 = 39 building points—or eight sphere points. Note that since it only takes thirty-six building points to reach eight sphere points, there are three unneeded building points here, and since Ellwood’s Trans 2 only yielded three building points, his contribution to the link was useless in this instance.