Session date:
Fri, 2009-12-11 18:00
Players present:
Allen, Andy, Jason, Jeff, John, Nate, Danielle, Lucas, Alex
Notes for session 10 red group to go here. Edit this blurb for plot summary, or add a character perspective using the "Add new comment" mechanism.
Journal Entry
Entry 27: I doubt many people could say they have had the kind of day that I have today. I have met over half of the known pantheon of gods in one afternoon, at the end of the world. I almost think I must have gone mad. I very well could have, I certainly have not been quaked before. Not only that but I came face to face with the very Necromancer who almost killed me. Then I stood by while half of Sahrit was stolen from him by that Necromancer. Anne materialized in his face and told me something about the Lady. The lady seems to be the Raven Queen, and I will admit I've never felt praying to a diety to be productive, but if Anne is connected then she warrents attention.
I don't feel great about what happened to Sahrit, though I thought he was not being smart about his choices he did not deserve what happened. It seemed Sahrit is Vance's son, but he had become a liability. We were trapped, and Sahrit refused to promise to not invert Nexus's which did not seem horrible. Sahrit refused to agree, and thus all but Arwell would stand with him. Arwell was paralyzed, and Sahrit was destroyed. Well until he wasn't. I must admit that was confusing.
I'm warry of this Raven Queen, for the few stories I've read warn she is as dangerous as she is benevolent. Even the gods that I met later warned me of her. I must learn more about her.
The Gods want to end the Nexus's, to what end I don't know. I doubt it is as simple as they stated however. Or why they would simply tell us to keep open minds.
My infection still nags at me, I must get control of it before more time passes. Or I'm afraid of what I might become if I don't. More to come later.
So many gods.
So many gods. A group of them united behind a single goal, the removal of the laylines and releasing us from our reliance on them. A noble end, supposedly to prevent the destruction of the world. However I can’t help but choke on the words Noble or United. It seems clear that even they aren’t entirely sure of the finer details of their plan, and I suspect this is an alliance of necessity rather then any form of heady idealism. They made the rifts in their coalition more then apparent with their body language and tone, their biting banter. This will not be an easy relationship for them to live with. Hopefully such attitudes will not bring about the end they claim they wish to halt.
They asked that I “keep an open mind” to the perspectives of those.. non deities currently in my company, something I’ll have little trouble doing, request from the gods or no. Though this won’t mean I’ll end up trusting them, too much has happened for that.
The problem of Sahrit seems to have been resolved. His father arrived at the temple of Sigil, and, I won’t mince words here, the man reeks of evil. However when he said that One of Sahrit (please don’t ask me to explain) was out to destroy the world, I was inclined to believe him, given the oaths he himself swore on that holy ground. One half of Sahrit seemed amenable to swearing the oaths binding him from destroying the world, the other was much less reasonable and… after much debating, deliberation and bargaining, he found himself sucked into a gem the size of a walnut. As much as I find the end result distasteful and undesirable, I wish the conclusion had come faster, there’s much work to be done here.
One final note: The question has been asked two more times, both with equally enlightening answers. Neither one actually answered the question, though both provided information: even the Gods are unsure about what is going on, and only one has been willing to admit this. For that, Sahrit’s father has my respect.
Sympathy for The Devil or Powerless in the Face of God
My companions just stood there and let it happen. Joseph, Ed, Biger, and Cameron, they all showed me that before power all morality collapses. But Arwel, you stood poised to stop it. I am sorry that you failed.
The others that work for Vance, they called him an honorable man, called my brother a idiot, and threatened to kill us. They had no empathy, they argued with no reason, they would not give up a simple secret to stop that madness. The things to come are on their hands.
They worked to stop my brother from doing something he might have never done. All on the word of that "honarable man", Vance. A man who has, and continues to, betray his family. A man who killed and corrupted to enact a "necessary" evil. His words are poison that they have drank to much from.
Vance got what he wanted. Twisting the acts of good people as he always does. There are no innocent people anymore, when such a man can make his way of the righteous and the vile alike.
I pity my brother, cast a villian, he is the greatest victim of us all. There is no rest for him, no peace. Vengance and hate is all he will know. I don't blame him. I am even starting to agree. I sought redemption for my mistakes, but it all seems so purposeless now.
Session 10 notes
Session 10
Ahhh, there's a third group (the dark eidolons). Gaaahhhh/
Biger is absent. (Me and Alex's character were quaked out)
Vance has offered to take the eidolon/soul from within Sahret.
Sahret has 2 mothers. one of which wishes the destruction of the soul which Sahret possess.
Vance is a god? Vance wishes to study the thing in Sahret, though he could destroy it.
Vance pulls out his eye. He clearly has installed a ruby eye in his ruined eye socket. "This is the vessel." (Now guess which god he is).
Vance is willing to demonstrate what he's going to do by bringing us in and showing us, but he will conduct the research in person.
Sahret Goes to Obad-hai and says "no.". 'Demonstrate your honesty.... swear to Vecna. There will be no secrets from him. It will not bind you more thoroughly, it will just be more reasonable. I merely ask that you stop inverting nexuses and try to do your best to stop your eidolon or others from doing the same.'
(Gods have avatars who walk the world occasionally.) It requires poermission of other gods.
Sahret swears to Vecna (And Vance is biound up in this), 'I swear to Vecna to not invert any more nexuses and to take my best efforts to keep my eidolon or others from doing so.'.
ASpparently he (The eidolon) won't be willign to escape.
Should he be restrained (Asks Ed)... nmo, apparently.
There is a quake now. This is one of those uber-quakes. This quake feels... 'different' somehow.
Alex's cahracter gets whisked here. The quake happened during the teleport.
For me... as we were all running up the stairs, wrin and I were running,. There was a quake and I'm suddenly here. Everyone's here. Some time has passed, clearly... Or maybe this is a different reality with a bit of skewed time.
Arwel rides up to me and... hmmm. There are 3 people I don't recognize (Alex's cahracter, Lucas' character and Danielle's character).
Alex's chaeracter: a male gray elf. This is the same race as Elise. 'THose elves from Arx'. Looks buff. Is wearing black robes. Wears a holy symbol of nerull. (WHo is not on the wall, but is an old god!) he is -a- god of death. Nerull is believed to be associated witht he withering in someway... maybe he can channel it or causes it... qwithering is one of his portfolio items. I'ts unclear where he came in... Wee Jass was an older god, Nerull is younger, but Wee Jass is simply ancient.
Sahret is wearing mithral now instead of leather. He's not wearing the ring he was wearingh before.
Tallish fold dragonborn runemage. Very serious, very gruff. (Lucas' character). He gives Jason's character a wiggy feeling.
Danielle's character. A 3' halfling, adrogynous, short black hair green eyes travelling clothes, a crossbow, clearly nomadic.
Vance's description. Last time I saw him at Eloiyes leading a bunch of necromancer. Now he has a ruby eye.
Everyone seems disoriented.
There are withered fiends int he room. That's abnormal... Fiends don't normally wither, but then, Vance is here. They're jsut kinda standing or hovering there. Devils 4 are barbed 1 ice, 2 a horned. These are the same ones whos body we saw. I sense some intelligence from some of thenm.
Vance waits until people quiet
THen he says... "Good of you to join us... To fill you in as you are no doubt confused... we are here to stop Sahret here, my son, to stop from destroying the world..." (People seem to be aghreeing... Sahret is going to stepo back and try to make a teleport quake.) Ed charges and smacks Sahret good and good. (This is nate's 3rd bad thing.)
Lots happens.
Vance clenches his fist and Sahret fails to do what e he was tryign to do. Ed grabs him and holds him.
Vance: ":You -dare- to yuse my power against me? ' "
'It's the best chance I had.'
"You have -NO- chance."
Sahret is easily pinned by Ed from the pain. Ed suggests that Sahret not try it again.
Vance says "I offer you a choice." (Alex's character is deeply evil). Sahret has the evil emanating from his shoulder. Vance also evil. The latter two of nosebleed level. Vance is relentlessly evil. (sahret himself is not as evil [he's selfishly evil bordering on supernatural evil as Alex is.)
Vance swore not to destroy the world and not reverse nexuses and they had the other Sahret swear it as well.
Sahret relents... "The only escape route is clearly into... well, a realm I've been before."
"Sahret, your father and the other you have already made this oath." (Says danielles character)
Sahret refreshes at Inverted Nexuses.
I would be satisfied if you swore to not invert nexuses or inform others how to do so, but I don't expect you to stop everyone who does.
The 6 inverted nexuses are all thanks to Nate. Within the next week all of the nexuses within the empire will be untethered/collapsed/destroyed. A rogue agent within the empire acts against the interest of his superiors.
"THere have been talk among geomancers about inverting and reverting nexuses, but stealing them is not the answer. there are peopel like myself who will make sure that people who need to use them can do so. "Danielles character... it's not the full truth.
Danielle's character asks the other Sahret if he was watching the home Sahret. Danielle says she has no will to harm Sahret. Sahret disagrees, thinking she brought Vance.
Danielle's cahracter says that she can invert Nexuses
Alex's character suggests that he
Arwel suggests...
Danielle swears that she will swear to help people who require inverted nexuses to survive to do so as long as it doesn't hurt others lots. This oath was very smooth...
The technoprophets figured out how to invert nexuses.
Arwel provides a shield between vance and Sahret as Vacne says "Ysour braying annoys me" and reaches out to touch him.
Sahret suddenly stiffens. Danielle's character says that this soul shouldn't be in one persons hand... Alex's cjaracter starts withering Sahret. Alex's character doesn't understand the question when Jpoe asks if Alex's character ate the age of him or something.
Vance: If you allow me to do what I wish to do, the pothner will be unharmed.
Danielle's character suggested that Vance. One of his mother hates Sahret.
Vance says that he wasn't willing to have a whole council in his place.
vance looks at Arwel: WIll you let this proceed.
Barnabas starts pawing at Arwel. Hoping Arwel doesn't stop it. Jason's character says that bthe bear thinks that it would be best for its master if this thing went through. Jason's character is tyelling the truth but he's more certain than he ought to be jjust by watching hte bear paw at him (Holy shit I sense motived Jason's character).
Ed suggests that Sahret remember back to the priestess of the black.
(5 invereted in the swam,p and 2 Nexuses)
Vance says" Alright, you've listened. I will release you and you will say one word: Yay or Nay. Make your decision...
Vance releases the paralysis. Sahret says "Fuck......" And is paralyzed again. (His dominant emotion ius one of spite).
Arwel interposes herself between Vance and Sahret now.
Vance tries to paralyze Arwel as she's distracted. A coldness spreads throughout her body and she resists the paralyzation.
Sahret will destroy the world according to Vecna.
Vance moves back a bit and an invisible force drags Sahret.
Ruby eye of Vance is removed by him.
Vecna reaches out and sends out some energy at Sahret... (The energy from inverting a nexus). He plunges a hand down into Sahrets Should, Vance graspos and steels himself and rips out a spiritual essence and pushes it into the gem and he puts it back in his eye
Sahret is still lying there, its subtly changed back into good Sahret. We feel a very localized quake... its a bnit strange but it doesn't feel like an uberquake (Like when the sword was touched). This time it felt like he activated something vaguely geomantic and something else began imemdiately after it. The quake wasn't triggered by Sahrets soul... Something else used it as a sparkplug.
Vance's eye glows darkly-ier than it had been. Vance says he'll allow Danielle's cahracter to come and ensure that she will be involved. There will probably be limits to everything.
"I would rather you not say where my abode is but we dwell in the frozen wood beyond the lake."
Joe expresses interest in them,
"Knowledge should be sought without compromise". tells joe that if he wishes to learn more he could come to Vance's domain.
He asks why Vance's dwarven companiona ttacked joe in Eloes.
"He is envious of your ability as you have no doubt surmised. You are quite unique and I am curious to you as well."
Joe reaches out to shake Vance's hand in agreement... and there is suddenly a ghostly presence between Joe and Vance. And there is a small elf girl in ghostly form betwen them (It's Ann). THere is a look of extreme hostility on her face, and we hear her growl in her little girl voice... "No Joe!"
And Vance steps back. And Joe stops his advance... I sense motive Vance: Vance is surprised and perhaps a little afraid because he didn't understand what happened.,. A big WTF emote over his head.
There's an undertone of exceitement from Joe because Ann acted. Ann is looking hostile towards Vance.
Ann Says "He's bad, you stay away."
Joe: "Okay, Ann, I'm sory I upset yuou. i simply was looking for more ways to help you."
"not Him".
Joe: "Alright then, Ann."
Vance is upset, cusses a bit... says hshe doesn't know what she's ctalking about... "Fucking little bitch... Raven Queen." The Raven queen is patron of winter who judges you when you die. Major but doesn't have an alcove. (He muttered under his death.)
Vance: "Another opoportunity destroyed by an upstart god" exasperated.
She is a usurper just like Vecna, says Vance. There was some relation to vecna fromt he oaths sworn though.
Are you saying this girl is connected to the raven queen?
Ann now has a glyph on her right cheek in the shape of a raIt justkind of appeared after teaching her rune magic.
Her Withered soul does not belong to Nerull.... Her soul is owned by another apart from Nerull and her soul is partico[pating in the personality of the creature. The withered fiends were soulless...
Vance's soul is still in his body.
Ann scolds Joe: "Be more Careful... The Lady doesn't like him and you shouldn't either."
Ann Says that the Raven queen would like top be talked to to him.
Vance says to Joe: "The Next time we meet, I will need to destroy you. I would urge you strongly to stay away fromt eh raven queen. She is heartless and she will consume you. (Vance believes what he says.) She's merciless but not vindictive according to legend.
Lucas's character asks Vance: "What of us now?" (Vance Says to Danielle I will send for you later as agreed... withina few days at most.) Lucas's charactrers secrets are shielded from me, this is most unusual (Said Vance). Vance says that he regrets that he cannot help you. Lucas's character said he was looking for a she from her past.
Vance said that Ed knew the way to Vance's Keep.
Danielle's character is now responsible for what happens to Sahret and she muyst make a good faith effort to keep Vance from torturing or the like to the soul. Vance quickened teleport... Vance took the Devils that were withered.
Down the stone hatch.
Sahret wakes feleing like good sore, Barnabas is really happy... Sahret is good. Barnabas. Barnabas says That Sahret would have died but now he would live.
Down the stone hatch are some stairs. Down the stairs are a few things. A shrine like the alcoves above had. THe shrine is to an unknown god. (It's lloth, remember?).
Also down there is a mechanism and there are lots of tunnels... They go down (Says Jason's character) Alex's character knows The giod who is unknown (lloth).
We return to the Nexus map. Ed reverses... It shows only what could have been... Ed goes to first possible entry: It is the oNLy possible beginning (Devoid of the flow present in the rest.). There was nothing, and then the Nexuses pop into being. The war of the wasts is looked at by Ed. Where the wastes are now wasm always less nexused. No new nexuses appear. The number of Nexuses is the same except for that tiny moving one... There is a spot in the wastes that Haruhn was Born in.
Now Ed tries to look to the future: No success.
Someone takes notice when Jason's character concentrates with the rune... Eyes of this place and which are powerful... he feels uncomfortable. Then they're here and We sense a great divine power/. Ahhhhh!
Upstairs Alex's cahracter says " You might want to come up here." When we arrive. "Don't profane in front of the God's" in response to Ed's cussing at being removed formt he glyph again.
Erathis appears... as a warforged... he represents technological progress... typically female... Ehlonna appears, Asmodeus as well (Lord of the 9 hells). Sehanine, Corellon, Kord, Erythnul, Gruumsh, Moradin is here. They all formed a line
Asmodeus speaks first: "We have come here united in purpose to speak to all of you, the mortals who have foudn thsi place. We come to convince you of your sacred duty heretofore. This place was built millenia ago to ensure the stability of the world as you have no doubt guessed. I did not participate in its destruction, but many of my colleagues here did."
Erathis: "The proper use of this temple may be the key to perfecting civilization but its misuse would wipe out civilization itself. So we have hidden it away here and kept it secret. fYou have all uncovered this secret."
Sehanine: "A Time of war is at hand, it is probably too late to avert it but we can minimize the damage. if the location of thsi place were known, it would be jsiut one more excuse to fight... we wish for all of you to ensure that when the fight comes ehre that it won't be the downfall of everything. "
Asmodeus: "Even with this places sanctity ensured, there are still amny dangers relating to the net of nexyus energy. as you are well aware there ar epeople inverting energies and causing other destructiosn. This is inevitable but we would see it not hastened. There will be a war, but you should all remember this moment when you were not fighting amongst one another."
Mopradin: "All of ya should remember your compassion and your mercy. My people, despite our holy quest and our pledge to rid the world of the nexuses have still showed compassion to those of the lord of lies here, and for once he speaks the truth. We allow them to invert nexuses for now, knowing it'll make things better for when they're all gone."
Asmodeus: We wish to eliminate this worlds reliance on nexus energy butin a way that keeps balance... (whispers... unfortunately).
Ehlonna: If we eliminate the nexuses, everyone can exist on the same energuies.... It would be a new way but would prevent the world from unraveling on its center.
gruumhsh: "Ultimately, this place must be destroyed... We all came together to build this place, and we now all come safely together to see it safely dispelled. "
corellon says: "This place is not yet ready to be unravelled. So maintain secrecy... Remember eachothers plights, and ishould you face eachopther in the coming war, speak to eachother as brohters before you engage in bnloodshed.
The doors burst open and someone tumbles in... a lithe looking figure tumbles in with a sad mask and another with a happy mask comes out of another mural.
The Gods stop and a sense motive... The masked things have an alieness to them... and the gods weren't expoecting this... They're like... hmmmm.... olidamarra's here... The gods are a bnit concerned because of this.
Happy says: An excewllent plan!
Sadness: A Terrible plan!
Lucas's cahracter is sure he wouldn't travel with these.
Happy: Shut up you imposter!
Sad: You claim to be olidamarra! I take that name for myuself.
They keep bickering. Happy tumbles through us. He looks right at jason's character and says" You're one of those!
Sad says He IS one of those!
They say in unison "This merits further thought" and they start arguing in earnest.
Kord says "Knock it off."
Olidammar is arguing with himself over whether the place should be destroyed.
Then they look suddenly at Kuno (Lucas's characters). "What do you think"..
"I think it should be here as long as its useful."
Wrin says : "Beware. Masterful trickery. Confusing. Dangerous. Speak more later." I notice a little light blinkliung on Wrins head. Its blinking Yellow... It wasn't there before... not that I noticed anyway.
Kord says "You two are ridiculous". THe two olidamararas continue to accuse the other of impostering.
What happens when these tcollapse then. Corellon says that it is possible one way or another for us to shed the dependence on our nexuses. Can the other gods give the same protection that the imperial ones do.? to prevent withering? Gruumsh calls Erythnul a dick because he;s Like OF COURSE WE CAN BLAREGH!"
So how do the ndemons work into this.
Your sacred one stands with us. (Danielle's character target.)
We askl who doesn't stand with them (Remember theat they are jsut representatives).
Erathis says that they didn't expect everyone to agree... the lord of deaths aceptance was a surprise but a welcome one.
Joe asks about the empire now. Demons can walka out of the inverted nexuses. Asm,odeus says that this is dangeorus to the plans. They are unfortunate and must be stop... but theya re a known danger of the inverted nexuses. What is not known is what will ahppen if the nexuses are collapsed at this much increasing pace. The person unraveling them within the empire must be stopped.
We ask who's not in it... "Alll who have chosen to take any stance stand with us. The ladyu of ages for instance remaiuns unkown (Wee Jas). No gods are in direct opposition.
Asmodeus says that well
Moradin said "Aye it is the way of thing", then Wrins light started blinking green.
Sahret: "So what of the gods that aren't here
Olidammara says theres a new one with regards to my cranks... "We never tested THIS one."
Admatha casts augury. (That's Alex's character.) Nerull appears. he's wearing a deep concealing Cowl. The voice calls out: "Weal and woe, but it is.... to my liking." (Nerull says to alex's cahracter that this place be destroyed.)
The other gods look even more sur[prised when nerull appears... like... "What...?!"
Arwel's mind is pried open and a voice speaks into it. Arwel feels vengeance incarnate... "This is my will as well... vengeance will be served." Arwel Says Vengeance! and swings at the towers walls... stops after a few swings.
One called nerull a god the other called it a ghoddess and happy and sad switch.
What of the empire? Asks Ed.
Thes epast years have been compliucated. Surely many of you have learned the truth though not all. You must understand the cirumstances, lad. bahamut and I still saw the light before the rest of these louts... the nexuses gotta go, but tis gotta be done cleanly. We don't want anyone to get hurt except whats necessary. And we got pity and compassion for the people who live in the undergrounmd. You matya s well know about the underghround sicne you know about this place... half of you are from there anyuway. The gray elf (alex) smirks.
Inverting nexuses is a perfect way to get rid of them. They get to invert the nexuses then we wall it off, anmd then they collapse. and with out protection, no one gets hurt everyone's refreshed. The other gods are undeided.
I pray to Garl for his opinion. I feel a connection to Garl. Not incredibly strong... I've felt stronger before, but it is there. Garl's consciousness washes over me. He says Erathis speaks the truth, it is a matter of time. Stay wary... many of them are not to be tryusted, but their plan is a reasonmable one. So far, they haven't asked anything too outrageous, but if they do, we'll see that they get what's coming to them. "
The light blinks green when Asmodeus says that Joe is an enigma. (Asmodeus) Tieflings refresh at myu nexuses... (Asmodeus) Moradin: It's presumptuous to clainm those... its only by our grace you got them (Says Moradin)
Who is manipulating the flow.
A slight hesitation, then nerull speaks: That Knowledge is beyond Mortall Ken. you sahll not know it. " The light blinks faster yellow to this.
The other gods look surprised that Nerullspoke.,
Lucas' character: "You all know I don't need to refresh at a nexus, but I will help; you... but I am looking for someone from my past."
The ol.idamarras go up to him: "Yes! We can help."
Yous houdl remember! yes! Remember! (Say the two, and they touch him, and he remembers, and (They are the two people Lucas been searching for) Then they tumble out throught he stone wall.
Does my fathers agenda have any thing in these plans... ?
He is not really one of us... he has risen illicitly
He is a usurper and he will deal with him in time
The light blkinsk green at this.
What did he mean about the raven and vecna being usurpers?
Kord says "Some of us helped build this place and others just came along later and might screw things up... (Eyes Nerull).
Ehlkonna: Some of us filled a gap as needed. I resent the implication that I wish to screw anything up, Kord.
Not you Ehlonnna! The other ones... (Says Kord).
Sahret: Not all gods fill gaps...
Asmodeus says: I will reiterate our request to be totally clear: We merely ask that you all pledge open mindedness and that you consider eachothers perspectives durign the war and do not needlessly harm eachother. Act as ouor wathcers. Watch for those who seekl this place and those who want to use the war to their advantage. Whatever side you fight for or not, you don't fight ehre. And that ultimately you be cvalled upon as our servents to help unravel this place.
The light is blinking red during htis speech.
Nerull asks Joe if Joe wishes to return there.... The light is astill a tentative slow yellow. Nerull offers that he can take Joe back. If you change your mind, speak to my servent, she will release you from this pain. (Note that she is in a male body).
Sehanine looks at Joe: We spoike earlier of those who remain silent on this. One such is the raven queen. She take sno part in such matters.
Joe says hes never met Raaven queen
Raven queen is abstaining from participation here says corellon.
Joe mentions that he heard from Vance that raven queen would take Joe's mind.
Erythnul bursts out laughing. Son, come over here. Let me chop off your head right now, you're SUCH an idiot. " The light blinks green. (Alex's character dies)
Asmodeus offers tieflinghood to Joe, but Joe isn't Keen.
Joe hopes to seek answers from the Raven queen.
Sahret: "So... where is the sword, currently."
THis makes Alex's charcter pull out a flask (With the crystal shards).
Asmodeus: "Unfortunately, there are tothers, bnut that is a start."
What is the sword... clearly more than jsut a weapon (Ed).
The sword has been eliminated from many instances but nmot all.
Does it have a connection to the raven queen? Similiarities between Joes abilities and the swords.
Moradin: "If ye seek such answers lad, best find Boccob.. he's the one with the most chance of knowing apart from the raven queen or your friend Vance... It's cause of him and one other that the sword was man."
Sahret says "Cass...." in responce to which other. Moradin: "I don't know. She's a slippery one."
Nerull: "But death comes to us all."
Sah:L are you saying she's dead?
Nerull nods: For now...
Danielle's char: Wasn't the sword made before vance changed and took his pact?
Yes (Says Sahret).
vance had an assistance, Cass. Cass made the sword with Vance. Twas to help him do his cheatery like he did...
This ascension to his false godhood? (I ask) Aye, Lad, says moradin.
As long as it only comes down to those two, we leave it to Vance and Vecna to sort it out between them.
Danielle: Has Vecna taken any part in this matter?
Vecna is aware of the risks as are we all, and we represent his behalf as well, but with Vecna one can never be certain, but he has stated his agreement. (Light blinks red).
(I haven't been watching the light all the time, of course.). There... wasn't a light there before I'm pretty dang sure. It's probably a lie detector for gods.
Erathis and Ed Approach echother. Ed walks up to her. She studies Ed. She says: "I can only speculate, but I would presume that no mortal could have created you." Then she steps back. She looks at the people in the line: "Do none of you wish to claim credit?" No one answers. The light bliknks furiously Red. Wrin mutters "Inferior".
Asmodeus: "We have made this cxase before you... "
Ehjlonna asks that we have
Curt says: "You have successfully bluffed asmodeus" To Jason.
We all agree.
Coreelon is pleased. "We must take our leave. keep thisa a secret... but you mkay utilize this place to return home if you wish."
WE can do that? (Joe)
"One of the functions of the room downstairs not only allows you to view but also to travel"
Moradin doesn't condone this. If you're a true imperial you'll trya nd find other ways loater.
Gruumsh sasy "We can't promis anything... this is all part of t6he crap that's happening,... things get more unstable... one more reason all this has to come to an end *Eyes corellon distrustfully* If you're going to do itm do it soon.l
We are assured there is going to be a way back.
We started talking logistics and the gods were gone. The light is blinking red!
I ask about the light and it stops. The place that the light was being emitted was there but now its just off. I say "you wished to speak? How about here?" wrin shakes his head, I say we shoudl go rejoin the others.
(Alex's character is unnerved by the floors and walls of force down to the observatory).
What happens next:
I realize I can use this thing to travel.
Some nexuses that've been inverted are kidna flickering... like they've got a greater risk of going out. But the other nexuses are brightening a bit (Like a bulb with too much wattage, maybe a bit unstable...) The most unstable is like its been carved out to be larger than it should be, in terminus, and its Flickering and inverted.
They dug too deep.
Your heart is good, but you kmust learn patience, arwel: "Great! How long will that take!?" The time will be nigh, soon enough. They will all pay.
There's going to be downtime. Wrtie to Jon and Curt.
Sahret Thanks Danielle's character for the repairs at Fochlucan.
Arwel is going to the Nexus that is haruhn.