Eidolons | F-14


Session date: 
Fri, 2010-03-05 18:00
Players present: 
Andy, Jason, Jeff, John, Mark, Paul, Ryan

Notes for F-14 group to go here. Edit this blurb for plot summary, or add a character perspective using the "Add new comment" mechanism.

Simone's Journal

I find myself back to about where I left off, more or less. Almost like my trip through hell was a dream. If only... No, I shouldn’t think like that. Even though it was a hell, and it was far from pleasant, it was beyond informative.

I didn’t know much about the world when I started, but that I why I traveled. I never imagined that our existence was this complex. I’ve learned much more than I ever thought there was to know, yet I am awed by the sheer magnitude of what I don’t know. And who knows what will be revealed if I ever pull this layer back.

I told my traveling companions much of what I saw. It will take a while for what I did say to sink in, if that’s even possible. I told them about the hells and the black factory that stood in place of Sigil. I told them about Moradin’s captivity and Levistus.. about how he rules that level of hell, how he has the great wand of ice, how he hates Azmodius, and how we bargained to capture Vance to trade for Rebin and a chance of freeing Moradin without destroying the empire. I told them about Vance, and how he took his power back from Sahrit

However, I couldn’t tell them everything. Some of the visions I saw concerned Kith’s past. He wished for me to keep the stories involving <insert name here>. This story related to whatever was on the blank scroll that I showed him on the night the Emperor fell.

Kith and I stayed behind on the first teleport of our journey. Biger accused us of needing to contact our secret group involving the rings. I know my credibility was already low, and this didn’t help, but I needed to talk to Kith first. Hopefully my news of Admatha and all the information I provided will help make up for it.

Speaking of the guild, Cameron was with us for this journey. Not only with us, but he had Kith give his ring to Biger so that he could impart an image of “Janus” to him. I don’t know where Cameron came across this image but I can probably guess. Later, Cameron donned Janus’s appearance, and I recognized him.

His name is Kalenon, former leader of the Herion Tribe. Their territory is around Intempestivus. I’m not sure what happened to him to cause him to become Jonus, but none of the other members of his new brotherhood seem to have come from his old tribe.

At any rate, scrying was useless. We could scry Janus, or any of the ordered cities. He’s probably inside one of them, but which one? We have no way to see into, or communicate with any of the cities to find out. The rest of the group is going to see The Priestess of the Black. I’m not going to waste my time with her. I’m going to go back to sigil and see if I can do anything to affect the nexuses from there. Something should be possible, given how important and well guarded that location is. I just don’t know what.

It seems like I’ve managed to cover the beginning and the end while leaving out most of the middle. We found the armorer who created the forged Norn armor. The order came from Dragontamer’s wife about a year and a half ago. However, she ordered four sets, not three.

Grazzt is holding someone dear to Kith prisoner in a cage. This is very obvious bait for Kith, but she is quite important to him. I wish we could go and rescue her, but there are other pressing matters. I hope I can help him when the time comes. He doesn’t seem to think that there is time, but he also doesn’t want the help of those he can’t trust. For me, the threat of another ordering is too much to ignore. If the quake barrier were all that was to it, I wouldn’t mind so much, but I don’t want to see this plague is causes claim any more.

Firday 14 Red session notes


Last sessiopn in this plot line (The ordering plot), we had done the aftermath of the heimdall failed ordering.  These copies of these [people are called eidolons GASP! 

Biger, Ed, and Simone all appear... have that fugue... where we aren't sure of the status of what happened with the other sessions outside of this plot.  Joe was in Oraculum, in the stable.  And he got quaked out when we were spotted. and that thing happened. 

Reban bashed a tunnel through the ice in the lake.. and the hammer destroyed the ice.... dug a tunnel...  and the ice reformed a bit behind him... clearly supernatural...   Dug about 15 ft down, and in the middle of the lake where he fell into it.  He's in some sort of ice cavern, and htere's just solid ice above him.  All around him... everything is ice, and its quite cold.  He feels concatenated. 

(We're all patients in a mental hospital with dissociative fugue oh nooooos!)

It's quiet and cold...   Rebin follows his amulet's pull...

Conversation with Simone... (at some point during this session)   Simone says Admatha keeps existing...   says they were together, going somewhere and can't remember where.  Simone first met Admatha when Admatha was trapped by a cave in, when they came across her.  Apparently she's been trying to get a hold of us but its been failing. 

We discuss Admatha with Kith, who seems like he won't like her...  But he hates demons more than undead, so. 

Rebin, Caramon, Simone, Joe, Ed, Kith, and Wrin/myself are here.  (Isaline and Zahar are gone). 

We ask to be teleported to the alexandria's forge. 

Simone says she (And Kith)   Will catch upo with us.  We go to alexandria via the wizard's teleport, to the forge...   so we get into the courtyard.  Rebin says what happened...   he was attacked.  doesn't know who by.  Reban says his father was in ice.  Ed remembers the dwarf in the ice...  He was attacked by his dad but he looked different... he knew it wasn't him and he was wearing different clothes. 

Ed asks where it was.  He was deep in the frozen wood.  Yeah... Nifelheim.  He wants to get back to his father, eeven though his assailaint said he couldn't.  He said it owuld be bad for the empire.

We enter the forge.   There's one dwarf working there...  He has burn scars all over his arms, a few on his face... his beard has been replaced several times.  He looks at ed and says "I don't tune up your time." 

We show him the mark.  It's not a perfect rendition.  We say where we found it...  We say we're speaking for Isaline.   The dwarf says it wasn't forged here., it forged elsewhere... he says it was forged somewhere far colder than alexandria...   So somewhere in Nifelheim, and there are frew places in Nifelheim that could do it.  The capital and whatever place...    The smith says if we find the forger, we'll want to know.  Whoever it was had to have been one of my students.  I ask for a list of the names, he gives them, he says their all working in big cities... There are 2 in nifelheim and others in the capitals of each district and a few more scattered about. 

Ed asks for a meeting with dragontamer.  The guard comes off...  the regent says he wishes to know why he's here.  We get a meeting when we say we're here for the ordering.

Dragontamer is standing when we enter.  He asks what he can do for us. 

Simone and Kith are brought in to us. 

Ed says what happened at Heimdall. 

Explains what we've found out.  Dragontamer is regent remember, so we thought to check in with him.

Dragontamer says we could be given authorization to speak with teh master smiths in Nifelheim.  Basically says that the bearers of this note are to be given respect due servents of dragontamer for questioning of smiths and and all questions must be answered honestly.  It's signed and dated.

Regent says we can send sendings to his seneschal. 

Simone says she's aware of most of what happened with Rebin...  Saying she was in hell diuscussing rebins release.   She says "You're familiar with moradin."  And Ed says that we should have this thing used. 

Rebin gets the shield of spell immunity. 

We get teleported to Nifelheim.  she teleports back and we can send a sending. 

Cameron and Kith talk with eachother.  We bribe 10 gold at the inn to get privacy.  We sit in a backroom. 

Simone gives the plot dump...

Simone says that the hell she saw looks very similar to this world.  The geography is nigh identical.   It's almost like its a failed version of this world.  There are no nexuses and no flow.  And at least on this level, we traveled to where The tower of sigil was... and instead of things becoming mroe alive and vibrant they became dead... and where our temple of sigil is, they had a black factory of souls....

There were thousands uppon thousands of devils crawluing hte area with a perimeter miles from the factory, but even a tthat distance they could hear the screams...   They guess that thats where souls are made into devils.

Simone says that that's the goal for this world...  at least. 

Kas approaches Cameron and Kith...   says "You're Kith"   Looking at him...  Kith says she doesn't know who she is...  she introduces herself as Kas.  She has the glint in her eyes of a fiend.  She says no offense to Cameron.  Kith says he'd rather have this discussion in the open, she

Simone says that Levistus was playing Moradin at the temple.  Explains the happenings at the temple to Kith.  Levistus is moradin's brother. 

We have the talk about the hells, how they're failed worlds possibly, the devil. 

Simone says that she saw rebin's father.   (There are avatars...  Gods who walk in the flow are walking as avatars.  Joe knows that in flowless areas they -can- be not avatars.  Explains that she was negotiating with Levistus...  says that Levistus says That moradin is Rebin's father.  And Moradin is in ice.

Simone also says.  Levistus is carrying a wand...   Levistus claimed to have Rebin... and had actually gotten it.  Simone says they had just finished saying that they would have Moradin released and Rebin release to calm him down... and Moradin's power is being used to make the blessings of the empire...   He's being used as a giant deific battery. 

("Corellon and Ehlonna... they can barely keep their hands off eachother").  This is shared by Simone...  So Zahar's idea that the temple gods were the things in the hole.

Simone explaining the deal to release Moradin.   Simone says that if Moradin's power is halted from sparing the people in the empire.  Nobody knows what Moradin's mental state is going to be like when he comes out... and no one knows if the other gods who are helping support the empire with the blessings...   We were to bring Vance in as a replacement for Moradin.  We don't really know how we would pull it off.    Moradin has no real power over his power...   but Vance wouldn't either.  Vance has reclaimed the half of Sahret...    Vance and Boccob...   "(Cameron is slightly amused by this conversation but isn't smiling about it.    His eyebrow very slightly twitches....   Jason is grinning like a fiend).

On to the topic of Hellrot.  Ed mentions the plan for it.  Explains what it is.  We say that Grazzt had a captive in oraculum, describe it.  Kith is Sturggling mentally with some difficult decisions...   he's obviously very distraught and contemplative.  Kith is trying to formulate a plan to make an exchange.  He's trying to get a way to get her released before the release happens so that Grazzt will follow through.  Kith is ready to go and turn himself in. 

Cameron asks who is this person who's captured.  Kith says "A friend.   Someone who cared when no one else did."   Ed:  "So it's a message for you."   'yes'.   We try to say he's got time.  He says no... we don't, and we don't understand...

Kith says that Grazzt is torturing her (The cage was made of cold). 

Kith says he'll keep his word because he's Fey.  Kith has said he'll deal with the ordering.  We tryto empathize with Kith... it doesn't work very well. 

We move on to the topic of the ordering. 

(I explained about the orbs and bahamut/Io/Tiamat.)

We'll ask who made the nron armor... where it came from. 

We go and talk to a smith.  (Sock baby Jesus is Rebin).   We leave Rebin to keep getting drunk

We get to the forge.  There are a couple dwarves there...   Simone asks if they could help us with something. 

Cameron's thought detection looks at them... thye just want to get work done..

We pull out the norn armor saying where it came from.  He is actually surprised when we say its a foergery... at the forged Norn armor.

The dwarf gets 'uhoh' in his head when we mention that it would have been made here.  He's surprised about the events at Heimdall.  We explain what happened there...  he hasn't heard much about it. 

The dwarf isn't sure what he can tell us about this...   The armor looks familiar but he wasn't aware of the attack. 

We ask who commissioned it.  cameron gets a flash of the woman's face.  He recognizes her.  He says he can't help us... and he is adamant that telling us is.  bad  for him.  Upon showing the writ...   We say this was a commision on the order of the marquis dragontamer...  this was a secret matter...  He is very serious and not lying.  He says that this must have been some kind of misunderstanding...  there's no way this could be a mistake... it was dragontamers wife who came and placed the order.  (The dwarf does alternate). 

Cameron says that this is a dead end.  Kith thinks it might have to do with what He and Cameron were talking about earlier.  Cameron doesn't think so. 

We want to ask when she made the order, how many suits.   Jonas has not been among any of the odering parties which is what cameron thinks.  We shoudl check that the order was placed personally... if the smith has a copy of the order, how many were placed.  Ask if he placed that makers mark on there. 

We go back to the smith.  he seems pissed but lets us back in.  We ask how many suits;   4 is the answer... all in one order...   a year and a half or so.   She personally came here and gave the order.  He put the mark that was so supposed to be there on there, instead of his...   (This smith is the person who put the mark there.). 

We go to the marquis place, ask for a seneschal.  We know it was planned at least a year and a half ago.  Next, we need to go to dragontamer and see what he has to say about the armor...   Also, its possible that the armor was made for a different operation.  

cameron suggests we scry Jonas.  Cameron asks if he can have Kith's ring because Cameron knows what the guy looks like and When I put the ring on, I will
I get an image of an elf, shaved head...  Cameron did not have a ring, but Simone did (When I donned Kith's ring).  I return Kith's ring. Noteably, I now know what He looks like (Kith now sees the image). 

My scrying doesn't work.   We're 'surprised'. 

The teleporter is Alana Dune.  She says we're working for the regent, so it's alright...  We teleport back fully buffed.

Time to speak to the marquis. 

Cameron disguises self to look like Jonas, so everyone can see what he looks like.   He was the leader of the Herion tribe.  But Simone knows that Jonas is not the name he was using in that role.  (Herion tribe are in the forest, occasionally go into impetesstivous.)

Cameron has a theory as to where he is... Probably in one of the ordered cities...  Simone guesses Impemtestivous.  (Trimsaryn is the 3rd city that was)

I try to scry a random commoner in Intempestivous.  It failed also.

The contact that gave Cameron the image said 'Jonas' wanted to get away from the flow.  Going from one ordered nexus to another would be a problem. 

We ask if Simone can ward against quakes.  

Simone says she returned to the temple (during downtime)... more clues may be there....   Dragontamer first....

We are at Dragontamer's. 

We meet with him...   and say there were 4 suits, we only recovered three...   he says that his wife placed the order.   he says "I appreciate that you bnrought me that information as it might explain her disappearance..."
One morning about a year ago, she was simply not there...   no signs of leaving and nothing had been packed.    I'm afraid that trail ends here...   If I needed to make more armor I could simply ensure someone was made a Norn.    I had her personal effects searched very thoroughly."

Dragon tamer has a sense of powerful bitterness.  Because we're discussing his wife.   Who disappeared.  Kith offers sympathy, but it doesn't seem to take.  If she still lives I would be very interested in knowing whwere she has gotten herself too... however I do not think that finding her will be another task. 

We mention that we know who Jonas is, and Kith shows the face.  Kalenon is the actual name of Jonas. 

kith asks which tribe Kalenon was a leader of.  They're not one of hte horde tribes. 

Dragontamer asks Simone if she's met the guy... asks if "A nomadic leader is responsible for ordering an imperial nexus." And a Nomadic one and a delphian one...  Calenon...    Dreagontamer says Calenon has been missing form the tribe for some time... one of his assistance now has that position...   This was more than a year and a half abgo.  dragontamer knows nothing specific nothing detailed about his departure...  He doesn't know of any other connection between His 'late' wife..   He says "You and others were there on the night she went missing."

where do we plan to proceed. 

Speaking to the tribes is unlikely to bear fruit.  But they might know why.  Dragontamer says he'd really like to not declare war on the nomadic tribes, so Dragontamer hopes to believe that Jonas is working independently.  GThe Herion Tribe is especially sectretive...    it'd be good to know why he chose to leave. 
Simone's idea....   says we could use the hell to get into the city. 

Simone says there's a portal at the bottom of a frozen lake that leads to hell.  maybe we could fix the nexus from thej temple of sigil. 

Possibly plane of shadow is an option.  (There was no flow in the shadow realm and we didn't feel concatenated.) 

Shell game....   maybe it is....

The priestess of the black is where we're going... we want to find out out where Jonas is...   Simone is going ot the temple of sigil. 

(Nak, Sean's character took Baalezebals curse by taking the orb.   And gave it to the priest of the white)