Eidolons | Finale


Session date: 
Sat, 2010-08-21 14:00 - 23:30
Players present: 
Alex, Allen, Andy, Dave, Jeff, Jesse, Joel, John, Mark, Moe, Nate, Paul

Notes for the final session to go here. Edit this blurb for plot summary, or add a character perspective using the "Add new comment" mechanism.

Ends and Beginnings


The final session. 

Frist dealing with Mark and Dave...   they just entered Bahamut's lair.  Bahamut says that it recently has become clea that events have been set in motion that can not be undone... a number of your allies are/will be performing deeds that will shake teh world, though whether it is good is unclear.  But he won't stop us from doing as they will in these manners...   Has asks if there's anything he can do to repay the favor...    He volunteers to provide a portal to the mortal realm but they'll return.  Dariel mentions calenon wants to live here, bahamut agrees in exchange for penitance.  Bahamut does not like the ordering but his stance on balanced nexuses isn't totally clear. 

Remember that the Nexuses got balanced by others, etc.  There was some adversity, etc.  many of them were balanced a lot.   Joe and Vshir learn of this... 

Summary of last summary:   Empire went through a shaking...   the high priests of Bahamut issued a statement saying they were wrong... that they were decieved...   they were serving tiamat, but now Bahamut is back....   A number of new nexuses are appearing in the wastes.  And yeah, basically a bunch of nexuses are getting balanced.  In the underdark, the people down there are very excited...  The underdark races go back down there. 

Joe feels himself getting stronger...   his tatoos are growing stronger... he has epiphinaies and he augments his tatoos better.  Ann wants him to help balance nexuses and he's helping.
  Joe seems to know more...    can offer guidance...  He improves Kith methods a bit....   since you know... They ARE his chains.   He feels better able to control the demons in his mind... not so much a war ever day...   after about 2 months, he's mastered them completely. 

We are each contracted.  Most of that was covered lasat session.  (Oh, and Sahret got Bahamut.   And thariz dune said the time has come for the other one)

Joe: Ann tells Jope that they have to go.   What they've been doing hasn't gone unnoticed.. the gods want to hold us accountable...  A tribunal...  Ann suggests that it would be a good idea to attend *Insert devilish smile*.  Joe is like if you're sure they won't jsut destroy us:   Ann "I don't think they can do that anymore."

Vshir: Get contacted by Erythnul "You seek to wreak glorious destruction in battle!?!? Now is your time to test yourself.. come to prime and kill all those who oppose you!   Or if you are too weak, be killed by us."  Effectively, come kill me or I will beat your punk ass down. 

Everyone goes. 

We gather...   there are some people who opted to go with and some who meet us there...   in particular Kas (Who weaseled her way into it).   The three young gods (Ehlonna, Erathis, Avandra), Melora....

Thje tribunal takes place at the temple of sigil on prime.   When we get there the gods are seated in roughly a circle...  Boccob and Heironeous are not present, none of the lords of hell are here (Well, except hextor, who is present).   Lloth shows up in the audience. 

Most of the gods are here.Lady of pain is here, not seated, in her full chain garb (Her shadow is absent, but her form itself is shadowy, like, within the chains... It's nerull).   There is an area set aside. 

The people sitting ont he side fort observers... the young gods and Kas.

lolth in her drow form comes in.   she looks like a drow woman, she is clearly divine, we know who she is.   True seeing reveals her form:    She looks like that, but is the most withered looking thing we ever seen.   Like 120ish in human years...

Lolth goes to sit in the stands. 

Pelor says "Goddess of the drow you are welcome to have a seat at these proceedings if you wish."    Immediatedly Sehanine leaps to her feet and says "She has no place at this table"  Pelor: 'I disagree... She has been given her power just as we have...'.  Lolth: "No need to argue... my place is no longer with you, clearly"

There is seatring for all of us... we're being meant to sit different, we're meant to be the topic, clearly. 

Bahamut is here...   Hextor is here... the gods are wearing their traditional clothes... they look like their murals...   Olidamarra has 4 people in front of his seat... one wears a laughing rogue mask, one cryign, one with a blank expression, and hte last one has no face at all.  with true seeing, 3 of them make your eyes water and the last one in the middle of it is a ghostly 9-tailed fox.   It's the one that's smiling.

Pelor thanks us for coming.  Says he'll moderate since Heironeous isn't...    Hextor says he's closer to heironeous, and the others say... um, no...    He's shot down, but amused rather than angered.

Pelor says that the mortals here and some gods here.   It is suggested that the lady of pain voluntarily follow orders.  Hextor says but we control her!   Pelor says that... she's actually pretty autonomous apparently.  

The lady of pain stepos forward, the shadow melts down into an actual shadow and she appears as the raven queen and she nods coldly at pelor (Everything she does is coldly).   She assents to the request in exchange for a seat on the council as she deserves.   pelor considers, looks to the other gods, says he sees no reason to refuse the request.  There's some muttering around the table... several want to object, but none do. 

Lady of pain walks oveer to the endo f hte table and conjures a chair and sits.

Pelor progresses:   "i tis understood that none of us possess a perfectly clear understanding of the evbents going on int he world, so it is prudent for those who have attempted to alter the destiny of the world to give their perspective as to what went on int he world.    Speak among yourselves, but we wish to understand what you think gives you proper cause to do this."
(Everyone who had a moral at the temple is present except heironeous boccob and Lolth [who's presnet but in the audience.]

Bahamut asks that all members of the council remain quietly. 

(Dark Sahret is present, but with Gold wings...   well, it's neither of those Sahrets.)  barnabas has been treating him better. 

Zahar points out that the decision wasn't unanimous and the thing was resolved with murder....    And the gods say that Boccobs actions were his own...   ANd yes, it wasn't unanimous, but it was a vast majority.  They seem to be confident that we don't knwo the ramific ations of our actions.    Simone says that the gods don't either.

Admatha says the worlds are falling apart.   'Consider what someo f you had to do to allow your peoples to survive... consider what was done to other poeoples' (Looks to Llolth and Morading.)   'The worlds are fallinga [part... teh world is unsustainable...    We believe inaciton will casue the destruciton of all, while you believe our action will."

The presence of htje all father is felt on several present... *Says Corellon*.    Pelor says that the results of this discussion will say whether or not undoing the prison is the righjt move.    if it is, any conneciton to the chained one is irrelevant...   And Corellon says that their associations should be stated for the record becaus eit is relevent for the course of the trial. 

Corellon says all of us are suspicious...   *To Isaline*   You would dare seve the raven queen herself!?   *To Admatha*   And to Nerull as well!?   A god too quiet to even show his face here?   *To Arwel*  And St. Cuthbert too...   And it gets worse...   Sahret Dubain the high priest of Thariz dune (He mentions also scion of Io, but Corellon doesn't care.)   And he poitns to Zahar as well...   Tranferred as a scion... nonetheless you've been poerverted by his will...   but josephj...   your entire existance is owed to his...  and the rest of you are no less suspicious....   a construct of Garl Glittergold who possess a gate into the prison.  He suggests I destroy.   correllon says he will do what's necessary.

Vshir is linked to humans as well, as C points out... for all we know, he could control his will at any time...   humans Are clearly betrayers...  history must never be forgotten (The human gods look nervous/pissed.) 

Ed Has a link to Thariz Dune directly in his mind... moradin says its a feature.  One of us has done harm to the gods themselves (Looks to Kith).   One who would rise so far above his station deserves punishment.   Kith says he's served that time...    And a practiioner of the art of chronomancy... magic for not mortals to care about...   *To Simone*.    He lastly looks to Dariel.   Corellon thinks harder...  and says "I will admit... you are innocent of these sorts of these things... except for associating with these."

Yondalla says that that itself is a grievous sin.   Pelor says that has yet to be decided.

Corellon says he wants to make sure that all of the gods understood that we have these associations.

Pelor says that that's been established.  He asks if there's anything for us to say.

Admatha says that if there's another way to stop the worlds form falling apart that'd be great, but given the information we have and what we had to find for ourselves and what those of you who have spoken to us have suggested, we have decided better to balance hte world rather than

Pelor says the actions of the gods are not on trial here really...    many of these problems are really asmodeuses thinks...    The theft o the orbs by Asmodeus... the imprisonment of Moradin... these are things that had they had full knowledge of, would have transpired differently...   the ordering... something created by Asmodeus....   all of these things can be laid directly at her feet. 

Hextor gets some shifty eyes. 

We ask why asmodeus came to be...   They said that they did not have anything to do with her creation.    her betrayal...    Hextor says blame the all father...  He says that if the decision of human genocide can be reversed...   then... well, the immutability of these the doings of the gods...

Obadhai takes responsibility for the reversal of the decision:   THe killing of the humans after they said the wouldn't.

He says it wasn't lightly he reneged...   the world began to change... things were out of balance... the world was rotting away.. even melora can attest to this (Uncomfortably nods...    says that the wastes didn't exist before the imprisonment)   Obad-hai says that the humans continued existance was the cause of the nexuses falling out of balance.   Vhaerun, you should understand that the impact the art of the twin fists of creation has...   the humans using the art changed the world...

Zahar says that the mortal world is not prime...   But obadhai says that their practice of the art is what caused the world to fall out of balance... so we had to correct the p[roblem.   There is one more thing.   I will not apologize for my acitons but it has become clear that you have found a better way (Corellon scoffs).   You have found a way to restore the balance of hte nexus, despite the increasing activity of humans.    Zahar says that the new humans are staked in the world.   isaline says that the tiome of the humans is done... but something needs to change... our worlds couldn't withstand was happening...  

Obad hai asks isaline:   "you do not seek revenge against me for what I've done to your people?"   Isaline says she's accepted that happening.

Kith says the unfortunate implication of this tribunal:   "That we have no right to question the decision of the gods."  Kith mentions we are rational thinking beings capable of moral decisoions, so we have responsibility to judge the actions and decisions of those made around us.   We have chosen to take potentially devastating action because we have deemed it correct.  IOt may not be, but we are every bit as capable as you. 

Pelor says "Let us put this simply... you've demonstrated your capacity for choice, but if your choice is bad, we may have to disagree."  

Pelor says we may not understand the scope of what's happening.   And Pelor says That no one has a perfect foreknowledge of the consequences of actions... if we did, the empire would not have been in that posion, the ordering wouldn't have happened, etc...   the war of the gods would never have occured, among many other things...    And its possible none of them would exist in their current forms.

Pelor smiles slightly...   "What is being discussed is not that we deny your ability to make these choices... we aren't here to pass judgement but to hear your perspective...   here to discuss what is the best solution for everyone." 

Kith says that as long as we aren't starting on the premise that the gods are infallible...   Pelor is like indeed we aren't...   this isn't for punishing you to undo what we've done just because we've done it. 

Garl says we make judgement calls...    punishing someone for how long...

It's been 10000 years since the decision has been made...   Events have transpired that may have changed some of our minds.

Kith asks why they imprisoned the raven queen.

"The world was destroyiung itself.   It was copyuing us... we were being scattered across the worlds and we were coming tino conflict with one another... we sopught to prevent the war between ourselves however we could...    That's whyt he temple was made... and we needed a connection to the chained god to stop it.    THe unfortunate fact is that we, by the very nature of investing her with the power of regulating hte flow and shielding us fromt he flow cannot be undone.    We didn't give her a choice.  Kith says that the gods are in the habit of denying their lessers their choice, and Pelor agrees that that has happened, but that is not the intent here. 

Arwel Asks the raven queen what she's thinking.  The RQ says "They are too cowardly to admit it but they feared my power... TD granted me authority on an equal level with him.   Do you not see how they would find that a threat?   Of course they saw it as a threat...    that's why they imprisoned me.  (They wrote off eachothers parts )
Zahar says TDs mind is ill...  Joe says its being healed by the balancing...   believes that by the time the balance is restored, he will be as well...  Joe aslo noticed that the ordering caused him to madden while the balancing calms him.  Pelor is looking at Joe Curioously... manhy of the other gods are simply considering it.   No one vehemntly disagrees... he's generally believed.   joe says that if TD let himself be bound, he will not take revenge if unbound.   He will accept it as a consequence of your decision.   Erythnul says that TD will kill us all.   And Zahar says TD is infinitly patient.   Erythnul says it's been 10000 years, so maybe he's not anymore... and joe says that inifinite is longer than 10000 years. 

Pelor says there has perhaps been enough discussion on this topic.. he therefore propsoe that the gods assembled put it to a vote...   They will determine what they thing is the proper course.   Kith asks if it needs to be unanimous.   The result will be forced byt he lady of pain who has the power to do so.   That will be discussed should the vote succeed.   Pelor says that if we keep the prison closed, Then we can stop Asmodeus...

Pelor believes releasing TD will end everything.   Hextor is insulted, but says that Asmodeus has been largely nullified...   and the hells have been taken control of... and He has no want to destroy the world, just wants to take over it...   he welcomes the challenge of us. 

We ask of Dispater. 

Pelor thinks the world will be annihilated...

Zahar says that they spoke of the indication that the events we have perpetuated were to attempt to alter.. change the destiny of the world...    Zahar is not sure that's what we're doing.  Ioun said "Someone speaks some sense."   Zahar obvioously doesn't have proof, but considers it.

Pelor says they will see what they will see.

kith: "One more question.  Who will be voting.   All of those who made the original decision and melora...   Why not the lesser gods...   "  Pelor says that the lesser gods didn't have to make that decision...  they were not alive for the perspective of that... 
Arwel aks if they have an alternative to ending the world...  Pelor says With asmodeus destroyed, she will be stopped.   Pelor says some things cannot be undone... the wastes for instance.

Vecna says there is a reparation effort in the wasts thats going well.. Sahret's done me well.   Vecna is agreeing with Pelor. 

Kith tries to bring in the younger gods.  Zahar also addresses them. 

lolth is watching the proceedings.   Avandra agrees with Kith.. "What of mortalkind?   Their the ones who have been effected... they should all get a say in this."   Pelor says that's why they were brought... to offer thgeir perspective that we may make the proper decision.   Pelor says that yes, they bear that responsibility. 

Pelor acknowledges that it is the responsibilty for all to do what they can to protect the world, as the gods did.  

kord says "We made the mistake... let us do this.   If you don't like our answer, feel free to challenge it... I'd be waiting."   Pelor sighs but nods.  Pelor says everyone with a mural gets a vote.  Looks around at the circle fo the gods. 

Pelor "My stance is simple.   I believe we can preserve the world as is."

Corellon Agrees:   TD would have been their undoing then and will be now.

Moradin: *Rubs his beard...*   Having gotten a little bit of a different perspective on things, I think we should let him out...   Free hium

Yondalla:  "I have not forgotten that my people were decimated during hte war... the humans causeds us untold suffering... I vote to keep the prison closed."

Garl:  I think it was a mistake... and current events seem to indicate that opening hte prison might not be as bad as we though.  So open the prison

Obad-hai: Opening hte prison is the path to restoring balance...   I vote open

Sehanine:   Says that her husband is wrong about many things but not this... the prison stays closed.

Gruumsh:  The all father will kill all of us if we release him.   Erythnul is right.   Keep it closed.   *Vshir calls Gruumsh on his cowardice.*

Io/Bahamut:   is in dragonborn form here.  "recent event shave enlightened my perspective... broadened it, and it has allowed me to understand the cruelty and madness we have inflicted on the chained god.   Release him

Bane:   "You seem to have forgotten that we have gotten everything this way...    opening the prison would ruing everything...    keep it closed."

Ioun:   "The Prison will open." 
Pelor:   "We will see."

Erythnul:   "Do not slight my peopl eby not mentioning them... We are ogres!"  *Pelor... and god of ogres...*  "But yes, we shouldn't open the prison, gruumsh is right."

Melora:   "You know how i stand on this matter...   what has been done is the greatest atrocity ever.  "

Kord:  Looks downcast "Sorry, but I'm with the big P on this one"  'Don't EVER call me that...  but very well.'   "Priuson close.. I enjoy existance far too much to let it end now."

Fharlangun:   Average looking middle aged man slowly comes to his feet "I respectfully abstain from these proceedings...   I abstain."

vecna:   smiles "It appears to me that I have two Deific Mantles. So I should get two votes.   The 4 Olidamaraas agree.   Garl Says two links for 2 votes...  I agree too...   The gods of chaos are not in order...   So vecna will. get just one vote... vecna shrugs and says he votes to open the prison.


Olidamarra: "It seems like a wonderful idea" *Smiling one* "Are you insane?" *frowning.*"   Pelor says decide quickly...  They bicker...   Pelor scorwls.    Takes their bickering as an abstention.

Raven queen:  "There is no other option but to undo this transgression. "

Wee jas: "This choice is one that effects all.  I will respect the desire of mortalkind to see the prison opened."
Pelor says that there is no clear majority, so no action taken. 

Simone stands up "You pelor... speak of doing this for the fate of the world... yet during this vote I heard no such concern... I heard concern for individual well being... I heard gods who feared what would happen to themselves... you cannot claim that you are doing this for the fate of the world when you are doing it for yourself."

More muttering.

Erythnul stands and looks very thoughtful.  "It would be glorious... He would kill us all... I change my mind.  Open the prison... 

Pelor accepts Eythnul's changed bvote...   So the prison will be opened. 

Pelor says that we have approached the time when it would be possible to balance the temple itself... and permit the chained god to return to the world.   Adsmodeus' curse won't be an issue here, in Prime...   Asmodeus hasn't power here. 

Garl says we'll need a bunch of balanced energy...   zahar points out celestia...

Admatha says would it be better to finish balancing hte nexuses first.  A majority of the nexuses were balanced.  60%.

We say should we balance more of them before cutting hte chains...  Wee Jas says that as it has been done with the hells... once most have been done, it is possible to effect the temple in such a way that it effects all those that remain.  As a result it should be possible to begin soon.

Thje first step is to balance sigil.   And Zahar will open a protal to Celestia, and others will  focus on making it...

The ones who were overruled...   they want to speak out, but they are not being aloud to... they are clearly bound in some bmanner, to assent to the will fo the group...   they bound themselves to the decision, through the lady of pain as a focus.   The raven queen seems absolutely delighted.  She's smiling. 

Step 1:  open the portal and channel the energy... a very magnified version of the nexus thing... it's only possible because we've got true celestia.   In a sense we're not channeling energy from true celestia...   we're merging true celstia itself with sigil.   And when it is done, Sigil is balanced, and the effect spreads throughout the flow. 

There are a number of gods present who were observing and assisting, including vecna and Garl Glittergold.   And garl said that for the next step he'll need Me, Biger....   He's glad he left that button in there.. I'm like.. it's the right button right?   He's like I hope so!.  

The temple shakes and collapses in on itself.  We're int he temple...   we aren't worried its going to fall in on us... it's like the walls themselves are shrinking and disappearing.   And the spire shrinks.  The temple folds in on itself... we find outselves outside next to that lake.  the lake is not frozen.....   near the spire. 

Joseph begins to wrihe in pain.   He feels his skiin crawl as his tatoos move... it shapes into a form and it struggles to break free.  Zahar feels a weapon he possess on his person calling to him... the blade he bears is capable of piercing the barrier that is Joseph...   Doesn't necessarily have to kill him, but his skin is in the way...   Zahar performs sword surgery on Joseph.  Cuts open the tatoos which are pressing, alien style...  The remaining chains around Joe's hearts burst... the remaining tatoos form and jump out of his body and his tatoos are gone... now TD

TD now stands there... a middle aged man, fairly unassuming... an aura of power around him.   Losing his hair but still muscular.   An aura of simultaneous authority and compassion... he looks like everyone's uncle.   He's not foaming at the mouth and kill everyone./

He looks around, and looks at the lady fo pain and removes all fo the chains from her go away.   With TDs release... the flow stops..   comes toa  stop.  Geomancers notice this.

We can hear shattering sounds as the chain links are removed from the gods.  TD smiles slightly and says It is done... my improsnment is at an end.  And he looks at Joe *Who has been healed but there was a huge scar still on his chest... Ann is right next to him... Joe feels very different after TD is gone.* 

TD:  "Josepoh...   you who have been the eyes in this world...   should we start over?"   'Those presnet should get repurcussions, but not just ended.'

Pelor looks very unsure as TD calls him forth.

TD:  "You have been chosen for your ability to never stray from your path to be righteous and his caused you to make a terrible mistake."  TD holds up a hand...   Zahar says "He always did what he believed to be right."   TD grows a bit younger as all of Pelor's divine essence is removed.   TD raises his arm and encases Pelor in a ruby which circles around his head.

TD:   "moradin"   *Another appears*  "Gods of the dwarves... you succumbed greatly to pride.   By your hand, most of my children met their deaths to protect your own."   *Holds out his hand.*  *Pulls much of the essence from moradin, some form levistus.*   "They will be sent intot he world as mortals, and we will see how they will fare." When Kith says if he'll imprison them all.

TD to ioun: "You too have done this thing..."  Ioun says he did as prophecy and TD himself told him to,.   joe says that the gods were fearful...   TD asks of Ioun in particular.   Joe says that Ioun is a neutral party in the matter... he acted as prophecy needed him to...   so he should not be punished for what occured.   TD Says Ioun may step back.

TD to melora:   "You are innocent, you will not be judged."

TD: "Olidammara, you may all step forward."   Even now, they caper a bit... jsut can't take anythign seriously.   "You, mroe than any other, e\mbraced my torment... you wandered in the flow, and you will do so again... "   Takes all essence, gems them upo.

To Kord: "You were selected for your willingness to take on any battle for a righteous cause and you failed... it is you who kept me bound in the chains for so long."   Kord loses all essence and becomes a stone.

To bane:  *shakes head*   Bane looks defiant.  "You have retained your determination despite everything..."   Loses all essence, becomes a stone

Corellon and Sehanine: "Corellon.   You wronged me greatly.  The one that I chose to be by your side you stripped of her power which you gave to one who manipulated... it seems only prudent that your energy serve a better use..."  *Gives Lolth Corellons Divine essense.*   Corellon looks absolutely furious...   Lolth returns to looking relatively young. (C and S lost all essence)   he closes the hand over the rest of the energy and gets a bit of younger energy.

Fharlangun Steps forward without shame as he's called: "more than many others you were more a friend thatn a child... you were not strictly an opponent nor did you have much to do with these proceedings.   You will be returned to the world and continue to travel."    Fharlangun's like That'll be my next leg of the journey.

Yondalla:  "You did what you did by fear and pettiness.   Never have I seen one who was so weak to so much with little, but what you did cannot be forgiven."  Pulls out that energy...   Wee Jas starts looking younger as well.

Gruumsh: "  Never did I underestimate your willingness to do what was necessary for yourself or your people."   'I am not so different from you father.'  "Perhaps not, but I see one difference." *Takes the essence and stones him.*

TD asks heironeous to step forward.   Several people appear and osme change places...  at the end, the people in fromt of hima re Ironheart and Dragontamer (In kind of a daze) and Zahar and Arwel and Kasien (The person who took all of Isaline's roles).  "Of all of the gods, only one could not bear the shame he had inflicted upon himself."   *Essence flows out from these 5*   And asks Joseph if Death was truly enough to cause penance?  Joe "While I believe he stayed true to the end, his death was his own, but him doing his death was him slighting his attempt to right his wrong."   TD:   "very well, then his sprit will continue to serve his function."   TD returns the energy.  to those five.

TD stops and looks to Lolth  "Eilestraee you are innocent of wrongdoing...   and you have been a shepard for many of my people.   With you I am pleased."   Lolth still looks embittered and annoyed, but vindicated.  TD continues: "Your role as a lord within the 9 hells is known to me, and I wish to make you a gift.   There are two who it seems only appropriate to offer in servitude.  Two of the stones circle her instead.    She smiles and can't end will for Corellon and Sehanine, her new servants. (Belial and Fierna wi.ll now be them... he,.)

TD to Io.  "Io, Bahamut.   You have been fractured because of how you were used in my prison, and you more than any of them have understanding of what has happened.   I do not necessarily feel that you warrent the same fate as the others... Joseph, what do you think?"   Joe:  'I believe the dragon god has suffered his own form of madness and he should give a suggestion as to what should happen.'  TD looks to Bahamut:   "I have taken recent steps to loosen my slavery of orbs... I now have two scions in the world that will represent my interests in a balanced matter.   I beleive I can still be of service to mortalkind and respectfully wish to maintain that position."   TD says Very well, you shall do so.

TD to Hextor:   "Hextor, stand forward.   *smiles*   Ever were you the most ambitious of my children.   This was a great gift... it made you lose the ability to to make a great mistake... it is perhaps regrettable that it won't end just yet."   Hextor sighs as his essence was taken away *Darn it... I was so close...*

Vecna:   Vecan Totally grovels.   "I've done a bunch of things to try and free you... nothing would have happened if not for me.!"   TD: "In fact, though you do not lie, I will hardly say your intentions are noble.   Joseph, what do you believe... did vecna do anything anyone else couldn't have?   did he help my release?"   Joe says that vecna acted selfishly...   his actions were for TDs benefit as well as his own.  (Wee Jas is fairly impassive about this).   TD says "Very well.  It seems that your sojourn as a mortal has done interesting things for your ambitions, Vecna.   However, it seems that often your best work has been done when you were greatly at odds with one with your position."   Some essence is taken (Vance is still a god)   "We will deal with the rest shortly."  That mote of energy hovers rather than being absorbed. 

Obadhai:  "Ever have you been a service of balance even when it meant commiting atrocities.   And while I cannot hold in contempt what you did in the best interest of the world, operhaps it was not."   *To Joseph*   "We lost most of our people in large part due to the actions of this god.   What do you think?"   Joe:  "the loss of huimanity was a grievous sin... and while I don't wish revenge, it is a sin without measure... there is no excuse for such a thing of any race.  Even demonkind."   All of Obadhai's essence is taken and he's a stone.  There's a look fo shame on Obadhai's face... no defiance... he is accepting the punishment.

Boccob:  *The body of Boccob appears in front of him* "I will show you mercy that you are completely ignorant of in your improsnment, and free you..."  *Takes the divine essence, converts to a stone and circles aroudn the head.*

Erythnul says "Bring me death father."   'You were chosen to show what monster a man can beconme.... you will ocntinue to do so.'   His essence is taken.   Eryth charges and is turned into a stone.

Asmodeus: She appears in front.   She's clearly nowhere near back at full strength... water drippin goff of her.  She looks like Kiransely...  (The erinyes picture in the bestiary.)  TD says "Perhaps the most difficult choice to make was which of my daughters to give my power to... each of you have done well for yourself in a manner of speaking.  I intended no slight...    so I will leave you in command of the hells and your essence..."  He says there will always be tyranny and it will be known with her name...   And the ordering can never be done again.   he dismisses Asmodeus who was looking quizically.

Garl Glittergold:  "You have done nearly as much good as harm to me, to the world as a whole.. to everything that you touch.  I have always been impressed b y this... yet now I am now uncertain.   In part it is your endless need to tinker that has allowed me to be free, yet also your tinkering allowed the prison to hold as well as it did... Joseph?"   Joe says that He serves the role that he was given... hasn't strayed from it...    TD Says "If you wish for his mercy, I shall give it."

Raven queen:   "You were compelled against your will to do every wrong you have done me.   I have no quarrel with you."   'Nevertheless...   I have served this role for 10000 years, and I grow weary.   I would step down.'   "Very well.   Do you have a successor? "   'I do. *Turns to Isaline, who says she would do it.*.'   raven queen takes off her amulet and gives it to Isaline.   He absorbs RQs essence and banishes her from the area...   she will return to the village where she will choose her fate.  

When the raven queen disappears.   there is a shadow, which has not moved or left.. and TD looks at it.   "And what of you?"   The shadow forms up into a cloaked figure with its face hidden in shadows.   "I would bind myself to another ot continue in my role."   'And you have a successor as well?'  It nods and says 'Admatha... would you give up your shadow and join with me?'   She says very well.  Without a word, the shadow melts and slithers over and completely supplants Admatha's shadow...  She feels a profound metamorphosis in her mind.   She's now Admatha but also Nerull kinda.  A fused consciousness.  

Isaline asks if Admatha will work once again with her. 

So... then at last we come to those whpo weren't present.

Avandra, erathis and Ehlonna:  "Though those who chose you commited great sins, you are not responsible for them.  As such you will continue to fulfill your roles as they have been given to you."   They nod...   Ehlonna is addressed:  "It seems there will need to be a new god of shapechangers...    As Lotlh chose another path and Sehanine ois no longer with us."   She gets some divine essence from TD.   Ehlonna says she's saddened by the fate of her parents but will try to fill the role of her mother.

He gestures to the stones and he releases them back into the worlds...   the former flowing worlds.

Now, it appears that ampong hte pantheon there are some openings.   All of you have accomplished great things...  sometimes against your will...   In Isaline and Admatha's course it has been chosen.

Kith:   "You are among the oldest of the remaining fey.  is this something that you wish for?   Nature will need a new god."  'It is not something I wish for but I will accept it.'  Kith gets some divine essence...  attuned to the natural world.   Melora says that Kith will do better than Coreelon because Kith knows he is fallible, and it will temper your judgment.  She seems coldly pleased.   Kith asks that he not be asked to hold anyu captive.  TD understands and says he won't.

Arwel:  "you have pursued the path of Valor more than vengeance.   Heironeous has chosen you...   will you accept his mantle?"  he says she may ally herself with whomever...   Arwel gets a bit of divine spark.   She feels a sense of valor and righteousness. 

Simone: "You are a wanderer nearly without peer.   Those who travel the world will need a new patron.  Will you accept."  'I've already seent he world as a mortal.   This opportunity does intrigue me.'  Simone suddenly remembers much better everywhere she's ever been. 

Vashir: "You who have defeated a god in what amounts to single combat have demonstrated both great strength and great ability to enjoy the battle...  as it seems the god of strength, battle, and slaughter are in need of replacement, I offer you this opportunity."  'This could be fun'   He gets essence...  Full tiger grin.

Biger: "Though Garkl retains his portfolio,m it seems that perhaps with the world as it is, we approach a new age of invention and discovery.   It seems tha perahps a patron of these thigns could be prudent."  I point out that music is missing too now, he nods and says the go hand in hand.   I feel divinely inspired as i get it. 

Zahar:  "I'm not like mys siter.   Even then I chose not godhood."  'You have shown the world many things... shed light on many matters.   It was you who first showed the world that my people were not truly dead.   You have done so admirably.   I would give you the gift to bring righteousness to the world.'  Zahar says "I still serve you... and I will."   TD says very well...   and fills Zahar with confidence that righteouness is the right path.  And he realizes that all those times that he was compromising those things of others, he was right.  He's what pelor should have been.   

Eidylol (Ed):   "You were created to be able to be perfect in any regard.   A craft o unsurpassed perfectionn... unfortunatyely, your maker was not as worthy of his title, so i offer it to the one who could be his successor."   Moradin was an inventor/craftsmen.    Ed Feels himself overcome all the weaknesse sof a warforged...    the knowledgeacross the flow. 

Admatha poitns out that warforged are people.   And TD points out that the races shouldn't have a god becaus eit makes them get too close and make bad decisions.

Dariel:   God of balanced nature and being able to what is necessary to protect the world.   World warden,

Sahret dubain...:   You know what fate has in store for you.   I understand your bnirth and your will   You will serve as the counterbalance of your father.  (Gets knowledge and secrets just like vecna.)

(Vance seems uncomfortable with this but is like "I can take him."

Joseph:   You have been my eyes and ears in this world.. when I am gone, I will need someone to continue to do so."  Joe accepts and Feels he can always communicate with Tharis Dune.  Ann is still bound to him as his servant.   Joe asks Ann to come out and asks if She'll do that task with him, and she says she's happy to stay with him. 

Gods have been returned to the world, and it is time for us to take our leave.  

Joe asks if people should feat hte withering?   For what feels like an eternity, the worlds have split.   And I have powered all klife.   The withering will happen.   it will be inevitable.  The flow has halted.   In time, all things will die.   That will be the way of things.   It will be necessary for those who safeguard the dead to make sure they do not rise.   It will be the fate of the warfrforged that they will not be able to restore themselves forever.  it will be as it has been but not as most have seen it.

Arwel:  The fate of the humans will be the fate of all?

TD: "Poeple will not wither so quickly as that."   Wee Jas says that its on us that souls will continue to be reborn. 

Joe asks what interfered witht he natural process before...  What made withering happen so fast...   TD says energy given freely lasts much longer than that taken.   The world will no longer feel my fury as I attempt to retrive what was stolen.   I am confident that all of you will do well.   Should it be necessary for me to return, Joe can call on him

Zahar asks TD if we're better prepared than the old gods.   Td says You are...   Wee Jas says we are wiser and have a different, better perspective.

Joe says we mustn't forget that we came together to do what we did and made the world what it is today.

Wee Jas says Admatha can call on her.

TD says it's time to go.   A portal opens and TD and Wee Jas go away. 

TD's protection of scrying and the like fades from a bunch of people.   And Kas kinda thinks and stands up.   And she stops having that posture of always being waiting and says "I think it's about time to settle things."   

With true seeing, there is a THING there where Kas was.   And it is a bizarre pseudonatural form that culminates in an eye...   And she says "The gods who have done so many things to us, to the world, to our father...   TD was too merciful and Kas walks towards Isaline and holds out her hand and some energy flows from the amulet that Isaline is wearing.  not Stealing Isaline's power...   Kas is reclaiming a bit of energy fromt he amulet of her.  it's definately different from the raven queens power.

Arwel says to kas:  "Where are you going, my lord."   (Yeah, it's Kas.) 

Kith is telling Kas to mind where she searches... and says she hopes we don't come into conflict.   Kas says she wasn't seeking justice.,.. Arwel says that was her task.  And Arwel says that there are more than one way to change peoples mind...

Simone lopoks at Kas... sense that she has stopped waiitng.    and she's been waiting for thousands of years.   It's not Kas... who was a figment of whatever this thing is's imagination... like the equivalent of Grazzt and demogorgon, for the Pseudonatural.  In the distant past, the gods trap her as Kiransely.  and she escaped, to later store herself and her essence in that amulet.  

TD chose his successsor (The RQ).   After he made that choice, the world split once more.   and the gods failed to realize that a divine version of her had escape.   We see that they captured one of them, but in the version where she existed she was not captured.   see a vision of her going to the lady of pain and burrowing into that amulet...  into tharis dune's mind, which became the far realm and the abyss, but in this case the far realm.  TDs other madness is here, and is Kas. 

Joe doesn't think that she's mad...   thinks she was healed at the same time...   She's definately been transformed by being in the far realm so long. 

Joe has trouble figuring out Kas... she's balanced, but definately not human, nor humanoid. 

I ask joe what TD thinks.  

Kas says she need not imprison nor torture them ,but its not right that they continue to live.   Arwel says weren't they judged?   Arwel says the victim judged them.   kas says that he wasn't their only victim.

Joe thinks.  Aks sKas what he should call her.   She says she is ganador the one who waits, but waits no longer.   Joe says its not right to immediately murder these gods.   She has interest in vengaence only.  Well, revenge, specificly.

She says that what they did was perpetrate genocide against my god.  Kas says they must die.   Arwel says she'd speak out.

Isaline  says "Their time is done, your time is done." 

Joe says that if we want to differ from the other gods.    Isaline says there's only harm in her returning to do hamrm to them. 

kas is waiting.  Standing with her arms crossed.   She's not waiting..

Arwel said that Cuthbert had the chance to object when the punishment was issued.  She could have objected then...   but didn't.   And accepted in implicitly.   She does it now, because now things are settled, now TD is free, off doing what he wishes.   I will do what I wish...  

We point out it IS already settled. 

Ed poitns out Vecna benefited from mortal life.

Kas says "You will note that Tharis dune, God of fate, knew, and said nothing." 

Joe recognizes she has sufffered a great deal.

Admatha looks to Ioun.  Asks if its fated that she'll murder them all, and Ioun doesn't know... 

Vhaerun tries yet again to tell Kiransely as Kas, to not do this...

kas says that if they don't know what they've done, its without purpose to kill them.   isaline is the judge of souls.   She says they'll be reborn, but as new things.

Kas says that the old gods need to be killed because of what they've done. 

Joe suggests we give them time.  If we witness them trying to

melora is asked what a normal lifetime is.   She says if as it was once, it would varies by race... in their case, perhaps 100 or 200 years.

Kas is asked if she intends to bring war to the other gods who are still gods.    And she says that TD offered forgiveness to them so she honors his forgiveness but not his punishment.  Kas thinks he was too merciful. 

(Our DR is 0 and we'll come into our own eventually.   we got the divine spark and we've gotta nurture it.)

The young gods are uncomfortable with this situation.

Isaline Rolls initiative.  Starts going to Kas. 

isaline says the last vile remnant of the age we're replacing. 

I get the impression that Kas holds responsible those who were present.   She really wants to kill all of those gods.   She's willign to consider not going aft er those pardoned, but she hasn't made a decision there.Kas says it ends when those gods are dead.    

Isaline is attacking.  She sees kas/cuthbert as the embodiment of the humans vengeance, and the time for vengeance is done.   It's time for a blank slate. 

The environment itself seems to flex and bend around Kas.   She's flexing her geomantic muscles. 

There are number of details in this situation.  

Isaline tries to smite her with a shared smite.  The smite doesn't work.  She charges and hits.  Bella does as well. 

geomancers who store essence have that numbner written down. 

Kas goes next.  She flashes with heabven fist energy and moves at incredible energy.   She says "Begone!"   And there's overwhelming energy.   All the gods who aren't PCs disappear.  It was a geomantic effec.t   She twisted the world.  She gets next to Isaliune and full attacks. 

Joe things he could maybe take some of Kas's divine essence. 

Zahar goes next.  He staggers Kas with a shot of light.   He did awesome technique

(Joe says "If we are to do this, at least let us not kill her.   If you pin her I can remove her divinity.  And if she really wants to continue  fighting those gods, she'll ")

On her next turn, Kas ends the staggered penalty.

Kith attackers her because of her connection with the abyss, which he hates. 

Kas goes again. 

Kas is fighting with the twin fist of creation style. 

Arwel Implores Kas to accept TDs judgement. 

Isaline gets full attacked again....    isaline is attacked again. 

Sebastian is attacked by Kas.  Kas goes about 1/person on our team. 

She's the elder elemental eye. 

Kas is talking.  Expected Arwel to take that hit.   Kas says she saved Kith from Grazzt. 

We recognize this is true. 

Kas Stabilizes Arwel with 5 hp.  Admatha is satisfied. 

67 hits.  62 does not. 

Kas gets hit and cries out.   She unleashes a giant force of geomantic energy.   Things that have been done are undone around us.   We are split into two groups.   She is tearing the world in half so she only has to fight half of us at a time.  All the damage is healed... battle reset.

My group;   me, Ed, Admatha, Vashir, Dariel, Joseph. 

The elder eye is a gargantuan creature...a  roiling masss of tentacles.  it has improved grab.

Dariel Gives Joe a +10 insight. 

Eye attacks Vashir... Tries to grab him.  Succeeds.   Makes her make some saves.  He is sickened, down 2 con, knocked prone, 3 dex damage, dazzled, 4 points of wisdom damage. 

Ed is attacked, resists the grapple.  Takes 3 points of con damage and is sickened.

Joe Sucks it up quite a bit.  

Joe does not think he inflicted negative levels, but he's draining out th pseudonatural essence which is what was making her powerful.  So she's becoming weaker.  Joe thinks its a terrible idea to put it into Ann.   joe is holding oit off so she can't have it. 

I gert my buffs off. 

The life in us gets pulled out through the tentacle. 

Its AC is 54.  vashir slashes at his tentalce and staggers the eye.  He does 144 spread over 3 attacks.  He severs that tentalce.  Hard to say if that effects thje huge body. 

From the ground are two creatures:   horrible tentacle creatures. 

Ed misses.  Natural 1's suck.,  All of the tentacles attack Joe.  He is hit 6 times.   he looks roughed up, so i lay on hands him at range with sacred haven. 

Ann Turns into a mass of undead energy. 

a bunch of tentacle spawn are made.  Vshir is attacked.  He is sickened, prone and dazzled.  Except because of badass Acrobatics, doesn't fall. 

Admatha enervates it.  It seems to shrivel a bit. 

vashir runs up to it and pounces with his claws on fire.  He has winded the creature.   That doesn't make any sense.  Because Kas got hit harder than that and she wasn't winded.  Something is up...   Maybe all that essense that's been drained. 

The creature is bloodied.   (It seems to have a shared hitpoint pool). 

With one mroe enervation it starts to collapse in on itself and the pseudonatural essence disperses.   And there is a massive quake as these two worlds come back together. 

We see what happens historically when a god has been slain.  We have plenty of time to heals us.  there is a massive quake as the two sundered primes happ[en.   In time, Gonodor reforms (The elder eye).   Appears as Kas, in control fo her faculties again.   And she says that she will accep tthat she has been defeated and we will do things your way.   however, I will be watching and waiting, and if you do what the old gods did I will come back for you, and if the old gods do what they did, I will go after them. 

We ask her to perhaps warn us first, szhe says she will.   She'll go back home to wait and she hopoes we do better than our predecessors and she leaves.   and she does not bother us again. 

End of campaign.  If we'd gotten joe top take the essdence all away...   she would have been completely drained...   But as is, she's

Joe has that 8 essence yet. 

Heh...   This pantheon is going to be very strange.