Eidolons | S-13


Session date: 
Sat, 2010-02-20 15:00
Players present: 
Danielle, Jeff, Jesse, John, Lucas, Mark

Notes for S-13 red group to go here. Edit this blurb for plot summary, or add a character perspective using the "Add new comment" mechanism.

Jeff's session notes


There is a quake.... after it, I feel different.  W were all at medavendra and were talking with Boris...  according to boris, when he showed up, there was a zombie attack afterward, claimed to have no foreknowledge.  There were some survivors from the battle...  Our 4 paladins.  Boris' warlocks and our pallys fended off the things, Boris stays here to dfend off beardthicket.  Eraja had the prophecy thing.   Boris postulated that maybe we could combine them, but its risky... shield them from eachother and lmaybe slowly remove the shield with some rituals or something. 
Oraculum has 2 nexuses close to eachother.  They're both inverted. 

Ed and I feel the quake and afterward our mind is foggy and we feel in a fugue state, but we have these new memories, but we don't know if they're real.   We feel it's happened, but it feels wierd...   We aren't sure in what continuity it happened.  Isaline quaked away to here. 

Isaline sees a 9 tailed fox in a sort of heat haze, and that he doesn't have an actual physical form (It's her true seeing seeing Kumo.) 

Isaline introduces herself to Kumo and Eraja, vice versa. 

Eraja asks why shes a withered.  We explain that Humans wither, and that joe can alter stuff.  (Boris is like Reaheahealllly...)

Joe exaplins he wants to talk to the raven queen, plot dumps a bit about the shadow plane.  It's also callexd the realm of death.  Isaline says that the raven queen is her goddess.  Isaline asks Bella her opinion.  Bella is uncertain.  There have been times she was afraid, that one time she was sure... now she's unsure.    Isaline says the demons are more of a danger than the shadow realm. 

Isaline says she can't run away at all (She's got that sword). 

Shadow plane is more of a path, its dark, shadowy, many paths, but they change and twist adn the geometry is strange. 

Joe and ann have been seperated.  Boris is thinking about our discussion on the shadow plane.  Says surely there are safer ways.  Boris says that if the raven queen doesn't want to see us. 

Ed gets a bunch of small engths of rope for hogtying people. 

I buff us all up, Belladonna opens up the portal. 

Joe's buff:  False life (1d10+10 temp HP),

Biger's buffs:  Shield other, Delay poison, Resist energy all 5 for 30 each, greater magic weapon )(+5).  Magic circle vs. evil, Owls wisdom, Sacred Haven (+2 sacred AC), Good hope (+2 moreale to saves, atks, dmg, skills, ability checks).

Boris says "You live up to your reputation." 

Belladonna opens up the gate.  We go through.   We get a sense of foreboding before going through.  Eraja is put on belladonna, Order:  Isaline+Eraja, Joe, Biger, Ed, Kumo.  

This is the shadow realm.    Joe feels home.  His withering stops.  Joe mentions this.  Our battery consumption  is checked...   it might take a while. 
We all feel like osmething is watching us.  Before us is a silvery path... apart from that, my shadow daylight (Its gray instead of white).  The last 5 feet fades unnaturally quickly, so it shines like 55 feet...   and there's just nothing beyond that.  The path floats.   After the edges there's just nothingWe feel gravity pulling us onto the path.  . 

Ed check with a 100 foot rope to see if anything's below.  Nothing we see.

"Korvadai" Calls out isaline.  The noise is quickly muted.  About 20 feet further, the path curves upward then splits in three.  We swear out of the corner of our eyes there's something there.... ey7es or something mroe abstract... a presence, but looking reveals nothing.

Isaline feels like more stuff is watching us after the call. 

Kumo whistles idly.  Joe calls out in his mind for ann.  He was heard but there's no reply.  The paths are all 10 feet wide.  Kumpo becomes a fox.  The one on the right curves level, the forward one does a loop, sorta thing, the left one bends downward. 
isaline feels a malevolent presence left and down... shouldnm't really go that way.  Belladone sniffs the ground and Eraja notices faint imprints... the clawed feet of a bird on the path that goes up.  So we'll take the high road.  We travel for a while...   Time is unsteady...   I've recast the shadow daylight but I don't think it did the full 8 hours.  We eat.  Every so often we come to a break where the path splits.   We continue to look for signs... and so we follow thenm... bird tracks... once its droppings.   It's clear that a path is being shown to us. 

Finally, we reach the end.  and the path just stops.  There's nothing but the path back.   When we look, we see clearly the tracks are here, and they reach the end and thats the end of the path. 

(The things here seem to be upset at the noises we make.)  Isaline sees not only that the tracks end, but the last set of them looks like the bird took flight. 
We take the time to do 2 phantom steeds.  They're false lifed.  Wrin has 19 hp of false life.  We leap from the end ofhte poath and go in the direction it was going... and we plunge into the darkness.  We have left the path, and we realize that the silvery paths shed a bit of light and now the darkness is absolute... and our lights fade even more (By 10 feet),. 

Eraja thinks she's imagining it at first...  but then she sees the faintest pinprick of light, like a star.   like maybe we were going that way but we're drifting now.   so we realign and go in that direction.  We ride towards it as quickly as seems reasonable.  The pinprick sloly grows.   The size of a large star or a small moon. 

We strive towards teh pinprick.   Then suddenly its blotted out as we see a blur of motion.  Whatever blocked it is flying by...  It has a biting mouth and corporeal claws...   Clearly a creature of this place.   A creature built to teaer and rend.  The creature is a bit more than 30 ft away.  (It's undead).  It's closing on us. 

This creature is a 'shadow demon'   A bit of a misnomer.  Little is known about them.  It's going for Joe.  Joe motions his horse to try to get away from it.  It has vesitial shadow wings but tis flying supernaturally. 

Joe Scorching rays.   The scream the creature emits is unlike anything we've heard...  it's like a shadow of a creature and we just see the spikes and shit from the silhouette.   Isaline Smites it and cuts through it really badly.   The dot is visible again.  We feel the darkness around us turn its gaze upon us more than beforeThe light is now 15 ft less....   And its visibly shrinking.. 

We start running with hasytesd..  We feel the light bending inward... we run for the shadowy light and see its an opening.  We plow through the portal.  We can feel reality crushing our souls a bit but we blast out on the other side and there's an explosion of light as we're back in the normal realm. 

It's way brighter than where we were.  Once we get our bearings we realize the sky is gray...   this sin't really...   the 'normal' realm... but its not the shadow realm we were just were.   Joe recognizes this place as his village.  There are people going about their business and they kinda look at us very suirprised. 

We're in a main thoroughfare of the village, Cottages on either side, people on the streets... street vendors, village like things going on.  We all slow down and stop.  A crowd gather saround us.

Joe recognizes most of the village.  (And the village life was strange).  One thing about the village is that there's no political structure.  Everyone is equal and just living their life.   They just farm their lands.  There's a peacekeeper.  There are elders of the village.  People are only very rarely banished from the village.  Joe Grew up in a household with a father and mother figure.  They're all humans and no one is withered...  THey're ageless adults and some children. 

Joe says this is his village.  The woman carrying the bucket seems to be looking at Joseph... "Joseph, is that you?"   'Ruth.... I never thought I'd see this place again...   What happened?   Did I jsut disappear form thsi place 4 years ago?'

"There was a disturbance and you were gone, as was Jennifer.   It's been 4 years since you two disappeared."

'I have seen much in those four years.   Thesea re my companions.  They helped me return.' 

"YTHis place is not normally for outsiders."

'I'm sorry if I broke some rules, but I must speak with teh raven queen...  Many innocent lives are at stake.' 

Joe doesn't remember anyone talking about a lady, but then he's not exactly an adult here. 

'I'll admit that I did not learn much about our ways before I left.  I could use a refresher... is there a place we could rest after our travels.'

Ruth offers her cottage.  "I suppose your guardians, Xander and Mira would like to see you again." 

Some of the crowd walks with him.  He remembers a few of the kids.  Kumo is a person again instead of a fox.  The little kid who was following joe is thrilled.
 he nips at the kid who tries tpo pick him up. 

This palce is slightly less colorful. 

When we come through the portal, my phantom steed is gone, Wrin is gone.  (Ed carried me to the temple.)  THe portal that we came through, Wrin is not on the other side.  While I'm here, my phylactery of faithfulness basically tells me that this isn't his realm... its the realm of a nother, so i can't know if my faith would be screwed. 

Here, we feel more complete somehow.  That fugue stay is likke kinda intensified... like we have memories of things that could been.  It's like the flow coalesced us into a quantitive whole.  we remembner mroe of the things we could have been. 

No ley lines, no nexuses. 

We go to Joes house.   "Joseph, you're all grown up...  Didn't expect you tpo be bnack... but we're glad you are"   (The parents didn't expect his disappearance, but weren't surprised.  They aren't being totally honest, but realize it was a possibility,

Joe shares a meal and remembers how boring this place is.  magic training is what he was most excited about... most people just have simple pleasures...  Every day is a day to day life. 

No threats...  nothing eats the crops...  Kinda a paradise. 

joe says he's returned to speak with the lady...  and he asks why they never told him.   They explain that its something that is shown at the rie of passage at the 18th.  They say that Ann (The ghost girl) was here, went to the temple, and did not return.  His parents are taking it all pretty well.  Joe asks that we go to the temple. 

Children were curoius about us...  There is interest in how wierd we are...  They assume that Eraja is a kid.  Thye seem baffled by me, think Ed is wearing some kinda suit.  THey're terrified of the horse. 

We go the temple after Joe thanks his parents for all they've done for him.  They say "Be respectful, and you will be fine"

We get the impression they don't worship this lady, but they talk with her.   They say we'll go through the field.  We do so...  Lots of basic crops... corn, wheat, grains, etc.   We see in the distance a structure.    It looks like another cottage structure which is slightly larger, buult the same way... could this be the temple?
Hanging over the door is the symbol of the raven.  There's a wooden door.   The whole thing is made of stone. 

We knock and hear a voice say "Enter".   We find outselves in a cottage but its a bit bare...    in one corner is a woman, in another playhing with her back to the door is a ghostly figure writing something on some paper.  And she leaps to her feet and Ann flies towards joe and 'hugs' him but is incorporeal.  Ann Looks older...  (More like 12 Human equivalent). 
She's grown a lot.  She reattaches to Joe.   The woman ont he chair gets on her feet... 

"Welcome to my house, all of you."  *Formally, but not happily or angrily.*

Her skin is pale and she has long bluish purple hair and has round ears like a human and has bruises on her skin.  She's wearing a gray robe that covers most of her bodyShe has a majestic air about her.  She's darkly beautiful...   she's as beat up as isaline but differently (Bruises and scars)....   There's a ferocity and patience in her eyes. 

"As you may guess, I am the Raven queen"

Raven queen notices and greets isaline.  RQ says "You are all welcome here." 

We ask about wrin... she says we will be reunited but he is not welcome here. 

Joe asks why he was sent to the other world.  RQ says "Youw ere sent because the joining was compelete." Joe asks about the joining.  RQ: "It was time for you to serve this purpose"   'I was craeted to serve this purpose?'  "No.... well, in a sense... your soul is your own but I have shaped it."   'Is this why I have the power over the withering?'  "To an extent, because it is your dual nature....  you will understand one day."  'But you can not tell me now.' "It would be dangerous"  (Ed:   Since when can we trust gods to speak)

Joe asks about jennifer, RQ says that shes with joe.  I suggest (And am confirmed by the RQ) that this is related tot he joining.

Despite my blessings, the shadar kai remain cursed byt he gods (Unable to refresh).   Do  you simply not wish to offer to isaline the same blessing that the followers fo the empire give.

'It is not my way.  You have my blessing... when you die, you will be returned here to me, to be spun again.'  

Ask about the tieflings:  "Those are not our people."

Joe:  Where are theyu from?
RQ: They chose a different path.  They did not remain loyal.  They have embraced a darkness... The lord of hell is not a kind master. 

Joe:  I don't suppsoe you can enlighten me as to what it is I'm suppsoed to be doing...   Every day in this other world I slowly die.

RQ:  It is one of the hardships of your life that that must be so.  I have been there to guide you and will continue to do so.

We ask why Vance loathes RQ?

RQ:  There are many who do not understand my nature.  I am not one to give direct commands most of the time.  (And remember, there's no depictions of her apart form like the shadow, or the bird or whatev). 

Joe asks how Ann was able to get here
RQ:  It is through her link to you.  This is your place, Joseph. 

Joe:  What does this mean for her.  This link to you... could this be a means to fix my mistake when I took her life from her
RQ:  her eyes widened and she looks surprised and concerned.    "Be ready, another comes".   The door bursts open, and there's a guy standing in it.

We see a guy... he looks human, and he very much looks...   well, he looks like vance, but He looks not undead... with two eyes, and he's wearing a gray cloak (darker than RQs). 

Clearly recognizeable... not vance, but possibly vecna, because they look so similar.  His face is iin shadow in all the depictions.  ...  this guy could actually be vecna... but he's not wearing his hood here Those of us who were at the temple of Sigil...   This guy is not missing an eye or a hand...   he's wearing a gray not a black cloak, his staff is similar to vecnaofthetemple.

The face is of a different god... namely, boccob.  And Boccob looks a lot like vance...   This guys kinda a cross between the two.  (In his depiction a man with a gray robe stroking).  He's a mix of boccob and Vance fully eyed between.

He burst the door open confidently but isn't fighting stance.  he strides in Arrogantly, sizesd us all up, RQ saatres coldly at him

Turns to RQ, does the boccob musing thought thing and says "What are you plotting?"  RQ:  I am under no obligation to answer any of your quesitons, you are not welcome here. 
Playing with other gods toys even, I see , gesturing at Myself, Kumo, and Ed.

Well, if Wee Jas isn't going to do anything about your antics, maybe I should.

Ed:  "Waht does Wee jas have to do with any of this."
RQ:  Your portfolio is death, not undeath, or at least it was until it was reclaimed (4 gods who are related to death/undeath.   Raven queen [Death and natural cycle of life and fairness of it] [Vecna:  Forbidden secrets and extension of life including both undeath sorts] [Nerull:  god of the withered...  wants ot see the world become withered] [Wee Jas:   Death and magic, a wizened old woman of short stature who is considered to be the final authority... had the balance scales to weigh your life, but thats how Raven queen does stuff now...   maybe RQ took her place, others say WJ is just above such matters]. 
Vacob: *snarl* "You have been bringing souls of the dead back into this world... perhaps I'll just ask one of them directly" 

Vacob casts grasping hand (I've never seen this spell, but I recognize it.... It grabs Joe.)  Now its the raven queens turn.   She was fidgiting with that bracelet.   It spins and quickly climsb her arm and in a blink she's sheathed in the chains and grows to be much larger, then the chains reach out from her body and shred the boccob figure tear it apart, the hand falls apart, then she reverts.

"The insolance of some people" RQ

the RQ looks very angry.  The RQ says its unlikely that he'll come back.  Even for him it must have been considerably painful to reach this place without my knjowledge.

We ask why he might have done this.  

RQ:  Boccob has always been a meddler... he's always sought to increase his own power at any expense.

Boccob and Vecna were like brothers until his betrayal. 

RQ:  He sought to know my affairs, which is somethign that I will not allow him to do. 

Ed asks who he's a toy of...   RQ:   You have an air of destiny about you. 

You've come to me to seek such knowledge, but are you pledging your service to me? (RQ)

ed:   That would be...  premature....

Excellent.   Those who serve the gods so blindly are fools. 

She looks at me and says "those who serve so blindly are foolish."    We ask if she means the ones at the temple.   "Thos emost of all... *smile*   Imposters, most..."   'Some of your allies were not blind to it...  but the gods they pretended to be are no more trustworthy.'

Joe reasks his questiona bout making up the mistake with Ann.
RQ:   Atonement is a lengthy process.
Joe:   Can I restore her back to her life...
RQ:  You have already begun to do so... you have given her half your soul. 
Joe:  I have been told to break the chains.   What does that mean if youc an tell me.
RQ:   It means that you must heal the nexuses.
Joe:  So instead of destroying klike beardthicket, we should restore them?
RQ:  It is a dilemma.   What beardthicket attempts to do is noble, yet his way will only serve to hasten the reign of asmodeous. 

If the nexuses are restored, all the people will become like us... or the village here?
RQ:   It comes to mya ttention that you have come across an intriguing idea...   something the gods did not know could be done.  I am intrigued by this.   It could perhaps be what I am looking for. (The combination of the nexuses).,

Joe asks if we can get insight from her.

She says it will take mroe than fusing one nexus to cure the plague.   Protections form the infection?  She says we have them already. 

We ask if RQ knows much mroe about nexuses.

RQ Looks at Eraja coldly.  "Unfortnately I do." 

Eraja:  Sorry if this upsets ypou but it seems we may try to have an inverted nexused and noninverted nexus next to eachother to close the world. 

RQ doesn't know how it can be done...  says that Eraja was the first to experience the idea that fusing htem could be done.

Eraja states;  "I'm hesitant...  Our plan is to unvert one nexus and make some force field between them..." 

Joe says he may be able to use the energy.

RQ:  I f prophecy has indicated this in a visiono to you, I have the utmost confidence that you will find a way to make ti happen.   Prophecy does not lie, you should trust in the source. 

Joe asks how he can see Jennifer again
RQ:  She.,.. if you... you... are her...   You carry two souls.  That is why he had half a sould to give to ann.   Joe and Jennifer fused, then that new double soul split and half of it is in Ann. 

This fused soul...   is it related to these powers of mine?
RQ: Yes, it makes you whole... it makes you a conduit, you will know soon enough.  I cannot tell you Joseph... for telling you would endagner the very purpose of the fusion. 
Boccob sought the knowledge of the fusion... so its best if even joe wouldn't know.

Ed asks why vacob would even try that (RQ calls him Boccob, BTW). 

"You have seen things that no mortals... nay, no gods have seen by being in this place.  So I ask that you make an oath to me to not tell of this place and I will aid you against grazzt."

The discussions of what we have seen here and my response to Boccob. 

Please understand that I am an enigma among the other gods and I like it that way, the more they know of the abilities. 

Ed asks that we be able to say that we recieved divine confirmation about Asmodeus' plans.

The nexuses represent the avarice of the gods... I would see them all destroyed, but such a thing owuld only play into asmodeus' hands... thus is not a solution.

Joe:  WOuld he make us become tieflings?
RQ:  Worse.... Devils.

We speak about the Asmodeus...  All of the ones there....

We ask why nerull is with the others.   RQ:  She's more enigmatic.

There would be a conflict to determine what would happen to the mortals. 

RQ says she's aware, but would appreciate seeing it directly (The nexus combining).  

eraja redisplays the thing.  (The two simultaneous possibilities...   one shows the hellrot spreading through the world.   And when two nexuses fuses it forms an explosion of pure energy neither negative nor positive that washes across teh world like a tidal wave to destroy withered and plague victims are cured. 

I ask RQ about bahamut.  

She says "Io, regardless of his current inklings is no better than the others." 

Eraja: "Do you like any of them?"   RQ:  none of them have done anything worthy of them being liked.  I think that the RQ is not giving a complete honest answer ...  She sounds wary. 
Are there any that RQ dislikes less:   RQ: "The Evil gods are beyond all hope of redemption, and the good ones play their games and pretend to be morally upright, justified in their actions with their phony artificial rules that they break when tis convenient..."

She asks about Obadhai:  RQ:  Obadhai was one of the builders of the temple of sigil.  Any who participated in that desecration deserve to be punished.   The nexuses would not exist if not for that temple.   The nexuses grant you life so the gods who are too lazy to do it themselves don't have to.  None of you would be alive if not for the essence.

RQ mentioned that the gods should all burn in hell.

RQ:   THe Flow and the nexuses are inextriably linked... the flow is caused by suffering and that is -all- I will tell you.  Now swear the oath as we agreed. 

Ed asks:  "Who's manipulating the flow...  ?"

RQ:  "now that you've sworn the oath, I am.  It will; not cause your ruin unless yuou are not strong enough to accept your destiny." (Topic was these party swiutching quakes)

RQ:  "I would give you each a word of parting advice... Isaline, I give you thanks, and want you to know that justice will prevail.   I have the utmost faith that you will succeed."

*To Ed, using his full name*  "There will come a day when you meet your maker, and you may feel that the fact that he is your maker should result in a kinship between you,.  That is an illusion."  He is no better than any of the others.  do not forget this. 

To Joe "I will continue to watch over you but you must continue to seek your own destiiny.   Do not forget the prophecy that was given to you byut the dark priestess.  You must break your chains to free your soul.  That is true."   Joe;  "Will I be able to get in contact through you through ann."  RQ;  "There will always be a means to contact me...  ask ann yoruself if you want to know what I taught her."  (Ann disappeared into her head.)

To eraja "Your pursiut of what is good and best for this world is noble but do not succumb to naivete.  You may trust in your nature god but rest assured that he has turne da blind eye to much suffering.  nonetheless   Of all the gods, Obadhai may be more willing to accpet change, especially if it was in the best interest in the natural world.  I am excited about the possibiliteis of the future."

To Kumo  "You seek great change in this world.  This mission will undoubtale be a direction of interest to you and others of your kind.   Like Obad-hai, Olidammara may participate in this, don't you think?"   Kumo;  'Sure...'  RQ:   "I suppose you woul dbe  a better judge of that than I. 

To biger:  "And biger... servent of another trickster god, Do it all in good fun, yet lives have been lost... and he did participate in the raising of the temple and creation of the nexuses... It is no matter if he has changed his mind.  (Biger:   Changing our minds is important, gives us a chance to change.   Without redemption there would be nothing, and no one could ever be allowed to make mistakes.)  You will change your mind once you see what the gods have done.  They knew the ramifications of the creation of nexuses.

We get ready to leave.   RQ walks over to belladone and pets the nitemare...  'That's a good girl'   Belladonna doesn't feel condescended at all. 

RQ: From teh village, you may travel where you wish.

We find the Corvidie's cottage.  (That the RQ suggested isaline go to)   Isaline says she'll make it short.  Ed can't access the map.  Isaline is there alone.   Ruth is there and was chatting with him.  Cor's eyes widen and he greets isaline.  Isaline hugs him.   (And Cor looks like she remembers him  He looks as ancient as he did. He's reflecting his inner soul to an extent.   He's got the silver and purple stripes of the deva.   Ruth and I were just finishing our conversation anyway.  Ruth leaves.   Cor:  "I see you are still among the living."

'No matter what they attempt, it seems I am long for that world.   I am surprised to see you here.' 

"I must thank you for bringing peace to my soul.   You avenged me, and for that, you have my gratitude.  As I told you in the letter, I was found out by [Waugrim?].   I have decided to stay here for a time before reincarnating.   My place is here for the time being.  Perhaps I will enter the realm of the living again, but not yet."   Isaline says what's going on.  They keep talking for some time.   He says he has become an advisor here and they look to him for guidance and wisdom.  He was guided by the RQ to find isaline. 

No matter what else happens in the world, I am at peace.  I fear there will be much fighting in your future, but hopefully it will be worth it in the end.  I know we will meet again. 

Joe is a shadar Kai, isaline is not, shadar kai are the people here.   Isaline comes out, opens the portal and we go to oraculum. 

We shoot for somewhere safe inside of oraculum.  We find ourselves in stables that are unoccupied except for animals... they start a bit but they don't try to bolt or crash through their pens or anything.  They're all able to exit the portal.   It was directly fromt eh villag eto the stables, no path or anything.  The stabhle has windows.  We can see in the streets, adn they're overrun with Demons.  They are swarming through the streets.  Thjey've already caused great chaos...   abnything that was outside has been knocked down... bodies are half eaten. 

When i go through the portal, I am riding Wrin again (He's still phantom steeded).  Ed asks what time/day it is..   'time discrepency... how unusual'.  Wrin sensed no time passage, but noted the discrepancy/.