[Case 03] Punctuality and Perpetuity


Clan Aldrimor


Gurin Aldrimor (dwarf, male, age 348)

Crime scene

Persons of interest

Hollerd Aldrimor (dwarf, male, age 150)

General Sil Aldrimor (dwarf, female, age 138)

Bronce Aldrimor (dwarf, male, age 105)

Bruck and Stave (orcs, male). Gurin’s bodyguard slaves.

Mungus Wrathborn (dwarf, male, age 297)

Larsa Wrathborn (dwarf, female, age 92)

Leopold Gardenblossom (gnome, male, age 444)

Zanic Corbinic (half-dwarf/half-githzerai, male, age 73)

Rubinia Elka (dwarf, female, age 186)

King Durak Greyshore (dwarf, male, age 288)

Queen Brie Greyshore (dwarf, female, age 289)

GM’s note: This case was inspired by the song Grandfather’s Clock.