Dwarves are short, sturdy bipeds who typically live on the Veldt or under the Mountain. They possess long beards, and have a high skill at mining, metalworking, and farming.
Further reading: https://dungeonsdragons.fandom.com/wiki/Dwarf
List of dwarves
- Algernon Shimmerstone
- Amisa Swiftaxe
- Brie Fireforge, Queen Under the Mountain
- Bronce Aldrimor
- Caraway Maplehorn
- Cragger Wrathborn
- Durak Greyshore, King Under the Mountain
- Eeoram Sufur
- Frelda Aldrimor
- Goratrix Ceoris
- Gurin Aldrimor
- Gwamush the Thistlebeard
- Hollerd Aldrimor
- Kaladrin Fireforge
- Kiro Stonebelly
- Larsa Wrathborn
- Lorelei Nocturne
- Rufus Mallory
- Moradin, God of Creation
- Mungus Wrathborn
- Orik Dungart
- Rejal Bickerbeard
- Respa Wheatgrinder
- Rowena Darkshield
- Rubinia "Not a Necromancer" Elka
- Sil Aldrimor
- Sima Cordelia
- Tasper Ironroot
- Vondal of the South Fireforges
- Zanic Corbinic