
The Aecus Concord calendar, month by month

Before the Flux, every nation had its own languages, and own way of tracking time. When the Aecus Concord was founded, a common language was established, and a common calendar was founded which honored all the major religions.

The sun and moon move in tandem, somehow linked. But while the sun rises around different elemental poles over the course of the year, creating seasons that differ by region, the phase of the moon looks the same to everyone worldwide. And so the new moon was chosen as the hallmark of a new lunar year.

Months of the year

A year in Aecus consists of 368 days: 12 months of 30 days each, plus 8 dedicated days for each of the elemental apexes (i.e. summer solstices), when the sun sits highest in the sky centered at one of eight aligned elemental orientations.

# Month Deity Honored Domains Legend
01 Gyrus Io All In the beginning was Io, origin of all that is divine.
02 Fons Corellon Nature, Light Corellon sowed the seeds of nature, nourishing them with magic.
03 Solis Pelor Life, Light Pelor gave life to mortalkind, and reaped what Corellon sowed.
04 Cudo Moradin Light, War Moradin taught mortalkind to forge tools.
05 Rixa Gruumsh War, Tempest But with resources came conflict and destruction.
06 Vis Kord Tempest The strong survived, weathering the storms.
07 Avium Melora Tempest, Nature And the wilderness endured, defiant and untamed.
08 Luna Sehanine Nature, Trickery Mortalkind learned to thrive in harmony with the natural world.
09 Casus Avandra Trickery, Life As their luck changed, they began new journeys.
10 Fatum Nerull Trickery, Death But all journeys end with death’s embrace.
11 Mysteria Vecna Death, Knowledge Is there a secret way to cheat fate?
12 Idea Erathis Knowledge, War As secrets are revealed, can Aecans build a better world together?

Days of the week

The Aecus common calendar uses five-day weeks, with six weeks per month:

The solar and lunar cycle

A curious feature of Aecus’s solar/lunar annual cycle is that the sun does not move at a constant speed around the elemental poles, but rather spends more time each year near the Arenan quadrant. Some scholars believe this is due to Pelor’s affinity for the elements of Air and Fire. As a consequence, some nations have an imbalance of seasons, as noted in the following table.

Furthermore, the moon does not move through its phases evenly throughout the year, but rather spends substantially more time waxing than waning, reaching its fullest at the midpoint between the Arenan and Ignan solar apexes, and its newest at the midpoint between the Terran and Glacian solar apexes.

When Event Element(s) Summer
12-01 🌑 New Moon          
01-02 🧊 Glacian Apex Earth+Water Arallu^ Selva^ RUP^ Trell^
02-03 🌊 Aquan Apex Water Ocean Elyria Mountain Zephyr
03-04 🌀 Procellan Apex Water+Air Trell Arallu Selva RUP
04-05 🌓 Waxing Half-Moon          
05-06 🌪 Auran Apex Air Zephyr Ocean Elyria Mountain
06-07 ⏳ Arenan Apex Air+Fire RUP* Trell* Arallu* Selva*
07-08 🌕 Full Moon          
08-09 🔥 Ignan Apex Fire Mountain Zephyr Ocean Elyria
09-10 🌗 Waning Half-Moon          
10-11 🌋 Magman Apex Fire+Earth Selva RUP Trell Arallu
11-12 🌳 Terran Apex Earth Elyria Mountain Zephyr Ocean

^ Short season: 61 days rather than the usual 92 in other regions.
* Long season: 122 days rather than the usual 92 in other regions.

See the Equilibrium calendar spreadsheet for a full breakdown of the Aecus Concord calendar, and how it aligns with the various regional calendars discussed below.

Regional calendars

Even with a common calendar system, many regions also use their own calendars colloquially. The following calendars are still in use in certain regions.


The Aquan year is divided into 13 months of 28 days each, with an additional festival day for each of the four seasons.

## Month Season Symbol Notes
01 Zarantyr Mid winter Storm  
02 Olarune Late winter Sentinel  
- Springday     Festival day celebrating spring
03 Therendor Early spring Healing Spring equinox on Therendor 4
04 Eyre Mid spring Making New moon on Eyre 6
05 Dravago Late spring Handling  
- Summerday     Festival day celebrating summer
06 Nymm Early summer Hospitality Summer solstice on Nymm 11
07 Lharvion Early-mid summer Detection  
08 Barrakas Late-mid summer Finding Waxing half moon on Barrakas 16
09 Rhaan Late summer Scribing Autumn equinox on Rhaan 19
- Autumnday     Festival day celebrating autumn
10 Sypheros Early autumn Shadow  
11 Aryth Mid autumn Passage Full moon on Aryth 23
12 Vult Late autumn Warding Winter solstice on Vult 26
- Winterday     Festival day celebrating winter
13 Xendrik Early winter Death Waning half moon on Xendrik 27

The first of the month is always called Sul, and the rest follow as shown below:

Springday, Summerday, Autumnday, and Winterday are always referred to by name.

GM’s note: the Aquan calendar was adapted from the Eberron calendar.


Before the Flux, the Radiant Union of Pelor and the dwarves of the Mountain shared a calendar aligned to their weather.

The Ignan year is split into 12 months of 28 days each, and four eight-day festivals, each placed at three-month intervals. The months and festivals are commonly referred to as the Dozenmonth of Luna and the Four Festivals.

Month Common Elven Nomads Season
01 Fireseek Diamondice Tiger Winter
02 Readying Yellowillow Bear Spring
03 Coldeven Snowflowers Lion Spring
04 Planting Blossoms Frog Low Summer
05 Flocktime Violets Turtle Low Summer
06 Wealsun Berrytime Fox Low Summer
07 Reaping Goldfields Snake High Summer
08 Goodmonth Sunflowers Boar High Summer
09 Harvester Fruitfall Squirrel High Summer
10 Patchwall Brightleaf Hare Autumn
11 Ready’reat Tinklingice Hawk Autumn
12 Sunsebb Lacysnows Wolf Winter

The first of the month is always a Starday, and the rest follow as shown below:

The festivals use the same day names as regular months for the first 7 days, with the 8th and final day of each festival known as Festday, as well as given a season-specific name: Winterday, Greenday, Moonpeak, and Feastday for Needfest, Growfest, Richfest, and Brewfest respectively.

GM’s note: the Ignan calendar was adapted from the Greyhawk calendar.


Like the Aecan calendar, the fey calendar is divided into 12 months of 30 days each, plus 8 special days. But unlike others, the elves celebrate moderation rather than extremes. As such, rather than marking when solstices occur, they celebrate seasonal midpoints, illustrative of their philosophy of balance.

Years are counted since the last planting of the World Tree, with each planting referred to as a Cycle—e.g. Year 985, Cycle 37.

Months are divided into 10-day segments known as tendays, with no names per day. For example, 21 Hammer is the 1st day of the 3rd tenday of Hammer.

## Month Meaning Notes
01 Hammer Deepwinter  
- Midwinter   Festival day marking middle of winter
02 Alturiak Claws of the Cold Full moon on Alturiak 16
- Dokkalfar Day of Darkness Religious day of remembrance
03 Ches The Claw of Sunsets Spring Equinox on Ches 16
04 Tarsakh The Claw of Storms Waxing half-moon on Tarsakh 16
- Greengrass   Festival day marking middle of spring
05 Mirtul The Melting  
- Ljosalfar Day of Light Religious day of gratitude
06 Kythorn The Time of Flowers Summer Solstice on Kythorn 16
07 Flamerule Summertide New moon on Flamerule 16
- Midsummer   Festival day marking middle of summer
- Cinnaelos’Cor The Day of Corellon’s Peace Called Shieldmeet in the common tongue
08 Eleasis Highsun  
09 Eleint The Fading Autumn Equinox on Eleint 16
- Highharvestide   Early autumn festival day
10 Marpenoth Leaffall Midautumn on the night of Marpenoth 30
11 Uktar The Rotting Waning half-moon on the night of Uktar 16
- Feast of the Moon   Late autumn festival day
12 Nightal The Drawing Down Winter Solstice on Nightal 16

GM’s note: the Elyrian calendar was adapted from Faerun’s Calendar of Harptos.

The Selva

Selvan tribes count time in sixteen groups of 23 days each. There are no special festival days, nor breakdown into week days; every day is a good day to be alive.

## Name Notes
01 Birth Begins the day of the spring equinox.
02 Rain Full moon on 8th night.
03 Storm  
04 Flood Waning half moon on 23rd night.
05 Growth  
06 Bloom Summer solstice on 8th day.
07 Fruit  
08 Sweat New moon on 23rd night.
09 Bog  
10 Swarm Autumn equinox on 8th day.
11 Hunt  
12 Dark  
13 Black Begins the day of the winter solstice.
14 Cold Waxing half moon on 8th night.
15 Long  
16 Fated  

GM’s note: the Selva calendar was adapted from Golarion’s lunar calendar.


On the islands of Trell, the year is sorted into 12 months of varying length: 29 to 31 days, depending on the month. There are also two special days highlighting the days before the winter and summer solstices respectively.

The months are named according to infernal ideals, with each month having an associated Asmodeal lesson known as a slogan, which are taught to Trell children to foster self-improvement and success as they develop.

Month Days Season Objective Slogan Connotations
Ursa 1 Eve of winter     market and seasonal contraction and scarcity
Abadius 31 Early winter Plan Bargain shrewdly with others toward common goals preparation, civilization, law, transaction, patience, neutrality
Calistril 29 Mid winter Grasp Seize sudden opportunities at crucial moments desire, confidence, revenge, duplicity, emotion
Pharast 31 Late winter (gusty) Rely Build around the stable foundation of what is certain soul, birth, death, fate, prophecy, cycle
Gozran 30 Early spring (storms) Insure Manage areas of high risk during volatile periods wildness of nature, storm & sky, wave & surf, fury, wrath, fickleness
Desnus 31 Late spring (mild) Explore Seek new resources exposed by changing circumstances heavens, dreams, luck, stars, travel, exploration
Taurus 1 Eve of summer     market and seasonal growth and abundance
Sarenith 30 Early summer (warmer) Assess Reevaluate assets and take pride in accomplishments sun, redemption, honesty, healing, temperance, patience, compassion, peace
Erastus 31 Mid summer Exploit Leverage areas of strength for maximum impact family, farming, hunting, trading, good deeds, growth
Arodus 31 Late summer Study Observe others and learn from their successes innovation, history, culture, destiny, glory
Rova 30 Early autumn Suffer Listen to and thrive on pain imprisonment, wrath, disaster, destruction
Lamashan 31 Early-mid autumn Fail Indulge in loss and contemplate worst-case scenarios madness, monsters, nightmares
Neth 30 Mid-late autumn Subsume Incorporate fear and despair into holistic understanding magic, duality, madness, creation & destruction, omniscience, surrender
Kuthona 31 Late autumn Detach Make rational decisions by insulating from emotion darkness, envy, loss, pain, torture, murder

The seven days of the week are Moonday, Toilday, Wealday, Oathday, Fireday, Starday, and Sunday. But which week days fall on which days of the year varies year by year (sound familiar?).

GM’s note: the Trell calendar was adapted from Golarion’s Absalom Reckoning.