The elves are mighty! TODO
Further reading:
- https://dungeonsdragons.fandom.com/wiki/Elf
- https://dungeonsdragons.fandom.com/wiki/Eladrin
- https://dungeonsdragons.fandom.com/wiki/Drow
List of elves
- Aiselfar Starfrost
- Ambriel Estanesse, Queen of the Fae
- Anastasia Starflower
- Aveline Stormchaser
- Ayinalef
- OMG, a balor!
- Bec Galere
- Calderon the Cold
- Caraway Maplehorn
- Celes Skyfall
- Ceowyn Mandragoran
- Corellon, Deity of Magic and Artistry
- Dartan Winterfrost
- Ennileva "Eva" Whitewillow
- Felannia
- Isis Ra'ksh
- Janus Ilaris
- Juniper Tumbleclove
- Lawrence Feathersworth
- Letharil Galere
- Lolth, Queen of the Demonweb Pits
- Lorissa Stormseeker
- Malak the Mad
- Meerlinda Descant
- Priscilla Stormcloud
- Rafflesia Wildfall
- Sartus Morningdew
- Sehanine, Goddess of the Moon
- Sissae Moondrop
- Troile the Rebel
- Tybalt Nightbreeze