[Case 01] Petrification and Putrifaction

Some weeks after SPI HQ burns to the ground, and all field agents have gone missing, four new recruits apply to join the SPI on the same day.

The head of the SPI, Mallory (dwarf, male), seems to accept them with hardly an interview, and assigns them to a case straight away, urging them to learn to work together as a team.

A human woman named Cassandra, who seems to be Mallory’s administrative assistant, gives each recruit a sparse initiation packet, as well as a briefing on the first case. Included in the packets is the sigil sequence to the mysterious new (and windowless) SPI HQ.


Dartan Winterfrost (half-elf, male)

Crime scene

Persons of interest

Donovan Morvain (red half-dragon? dragonborn, male)

Morvain’s unknown partner (human, male)

Dominic Tremere (human, male)

R. Martine Andrews (robot?, “female”)

Rowena Darkshield (dwarf, female)

Argus Saravor (green dragonborn, male) and Panoptes, his basilisk

Bellamy Crue (human, female) and Brutalis, her gorgon

Xaryu of the Perfect Order (beholder)